
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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Calling Joker

Three Days Later

Sengoku: Have they done anything to the people of Finch.

Brannew: No. Aside from getting supplies, clothes and telling everyone the name of the river. Nothing else has been done

Sengoku: Good try to find out the direction they're going. If it's a Kingdom then call them to escape for now. I'll have Garp and Aokiji on standby to help the Kingdom Army.

Brannew: Right away Sir.

Finch Island Shore

Ryan: I wonder what the next island is.

Carina: I hope it's another Kingdom. You guys eat to much and party to much. Sister Carmen they should only have two meals and one drink a day from now on.

All: Ahh

Ryan: Ok little rich ancestor. We'll cut the banquets down by a quarter.

Carina: Half

Ryan: 2/5

Carina: 3/4

Ryan: 3/7

Carina: No banquets for the next month

Ryan: 4/9 final offer

Carina:... 5/11

Ryan: Deal

The two shook hands and made it final.

Ryan: Alright guys it looks like the banquets will be shut down by 45%. So Let's P


Ryan: Play cards. I've got first.

Everyone sweated coldly looking at the knife at Ryan's neck.

Carina: Humph I thought you would say party

Carina slowly removed the sword and gave it back to Franklin who stood shocked.

Ryan: Hahahaha of course not.

Franklin: I can't even pull my own sword out that fast.

Van Augur: You're very quiet Bartolomeo. You usually don't allow her to do things like that.

Bartolomeo: Humph. She cut my allowance for the next month by 70%. I don't dare to scold anymore.

Vlad: Because I smelled like blood she cut mines by half. Everytime I come near her and she smells blood it's another 10%. I'm at 90%.

Kuro: It's best not to offend that demon child.

Carina: What did you say Kuro

Kuro sweated coldly as he fixed his glasses and smiled calmly and said.

Kuro: I said don't offend that fairy child

Carina: Humph. That's an extra five percent. Write it down for me.

Pirate woman: Yes Miss Carina.

Kuro: Wait

Carina: Wanna make it ten

Kuro: Ugh

Kuro looked at Ryan who looked the other way as if admiring the sky

Ryan: Ah what good clouds today

Gin: Yes there are.

Everyone scolded the two in their hearts. Obviously it's a clear sunny day without a cloud in sight. But no one dared to say anything who knew how much money she'd take from you next.

If people don't wash themselves regularly she'll directly take 20% off of your spending money. No one dares to offend the people in her squad let alone herself. You see the captain with a knife to the neck and the Vice Captain getting his money cut.

Don't offend. Don't offend. Don't offend. Say important things three times. Kuro accepted his fate and directly shut up. For a while no one dared to speak until the goddess arrived

Carmen: Here's a snack for everyone.

With the arrival of the Chef's led by Carmen the atmosphere immediately returned. After a while when everything was stored and ready for departure. Ryan said

Ryan: Alright Carina it's up to you

Carina: Humph leave it to me

With that the 35 Ships set sail to the next island. With the addition of several new members the Disaster Pirates became a mighty behemoth that everyone had to look out for.

Two Days Later

At this time the sea is frozen around the 35 Ships. On the Ice several people fought against Ryan. Vlad, Franklin, Bear King and Fisk. This wasn't mutiny but simple training that Ryan does with everyone.

This is to let them see the power of those strong people early and not be surprised. He also release's his Conquerors Haki on the crew to get them used to the feeling it brings.

After the four of them collapsed Ryan used wind to carry them to the ship. After landing he looked at the bandaged crew and said

Ryan: On the next island we need to find a good and experienced doctor. Anything in the newspaper on such a person.

Carina: No. But let's hurry up to next island. From what Vlad said the next island should be Vanling Island's. An Island made up of ten different islands connected together by bridges.

Ryan: Oh I thought it was a kingdom with how happy you are.

Carina: No it's the Island after that that makes me happy. It's the Kingdom of Xander. Not only is it a rich kingdom it has it's own gold mine. And it's a route on the sea train that connects to Water Seven. Which means it's time to see the city of Gold.

Ryan: You do remember that most of that money will be used for ships. The main ship itself won't be cheap. Adam wood is expensive and so is seastone.

Carina: What do we need seastone for?

Ryan: Put it on the bottom of the ship so we can cross the calm belt like the marines. Have you forgotten I plan to hit Impel Down. That place is in the calm belt.

Carina: You're just a money pit. Are you trying to make a world destroying ship.

Ryan: No but it'll be a big ship. Huge even. At least three times the size of Whitebeards Moby Dick. I want a club room. Where Fisk can sing and the dancers can dance. A huge bathroom with multiple showers and separate bath. A large kitchen plus dinning area. A navigation room. Storage. Toilet Room. A hospital room, training room and pool on the top deck. It should also work as a paddle ship for when we travel the Calm Belt and individual rooms for certain people and shared rooms for other's

Carina looked at Ryan and the more she looked the more she wanted to chop his head off.

Carina: All that on one ship. What about the other's.

Ryan: I don't know. But For each captain it's different. Mine as the main ship needs to accommodate everyone on board in the future. That's why it must be big. As for the others you can talk to them to. Huh

Kuro: She's already on Vlad's ship.

Ryan: Ah she's going to beat them to make less ships isn't she.

Kuro: Yes. Yes she is

Ryan: Poor guy's.

Kuro: Have you thought of a base for the new world?

Ryan: Hatchinos. It's run by former Rock's pirate Wang Zhi. Although he runs it countless pirates stay there that don't belong to his crew. Paradise for pirates.

Kuro: So take down Wang Zhi and absorb all those guys or kill them directly.

Ryan: Exactly. I don't plan to be like those other guys protecting useless Island's. Our goals are those islands rich in resources. Hatchinos is where the scientist we have continue to make the weapons I designed.

Van Augur: Speaking of those weapons. This AS50 is really good.

Bartolomeo: Show off.

Gin: I'm glad we'll get a new ship soon. This one is about ready to collapse.

Ryan: Yeah this ship took me around the entire East Blue during my escape and now it's come to the Grandline. We'll give it a lavish Funeral for taking us this far.

Kuro: Who will go to which island?

Ryan: I'll go to Mihawks Island myself. That guy is a bit of a crazy and cranky person. Incase you anger him or he's bored he may toy with you. For Simon Kuro you take Jango, Bear King, Franklin and our new partners we pick up on Water Seven. Gin, Bartolomeo you two take those scientist and a few of the other captains to Vegapunks island. Once it's all done all of us will go to sky Island. Train and wait until the ships are ready and go straight to the new world.

Gin: Too bad we didn't find the Golden Lion Shiki.

Ryan: Yeah it's a real shame. That fruit can make it easier to leave the future encirclement the marines will give us.

Desire: Captain I finally managed to get in touch with the people of Joker.

Desire came over and spoke.

Ryan: Carina should be happy about this. Call Joker and see if he has the funds to buy this gold.

Desire sat the Phone snail and anti surveillance snail down after a moment it began to ring.





Trepol: Na Na who is this and what's the order

Ryan: This is Pendagran D Ryan. Put Doflamingo on I have something to discuss with him.

Trepol: WHAT.

Dressrosa, Royal Castle

Trepol had a shocked face as he looked at the snail phone. The knowledge of Joker being Doflamingo is extremely hidden. Of course most people know it but won't say it.

Even the government acts to keep the knowledge from the navy because it's beneficial for them. Now someone who hasn't even arrived in the New World actually knows this.

And it's actually such a dangerous guy who makes the Admiral Kizaru helpless to attack. A person who directly split an island with one attack and the enemy that all DF users should fear. It's scary.