
Chapter One - Part One

Children's laughter and footsteps were heard in the backroom, and two young children were running into the living room. The eldest child - eleven-year-old - had beautiful honey blonde curly hair, which went down to her shoulders, with gorgeous bright blue eyes. She was thin and slender, having the doctors say that she was tall for her age. She had a delightful smile on her lips, chasing her eight-year-old sister, who was the opposite. The young child had glamorous pitch-black hair, which was short. And she had bewitching brown eyes. She was average for her weight and height.

The two young girls ran through their home, a trailer. The trailer had two bedrooms and one small bathroom, along with a living room area connected to a small kitchen like other trailers in the trailer parks.

The sisters ran around their father, who was raising his two little girls alone.

"Hailie and Lucy. Please don't run in the trailer. Go outside to play," the father told his daughters.

Hailie, the eleven-year-old, and Lucy, the eight-year-old, Peake looked straight at their father, smiling with Hailie saying, "Sorry, papa. We will go out and hang out with our friends."

Their father smiled softly at his favorite girls, "Just be back before sunset, baby girls."

"We will, papa," the girls said in unison, running outside to find their friends.

Mr. Peake sighed sadly, watching his daughters outside the window, thinking about his wife, who had disappeared. Every time he looked at his eldest daughter, all he could see was his wife. Hailie could be his wife's twin. However Hailie's doesn't have his wife's personality. That's the only thing that made the two different.

Hailie was holding her sister's hand while the two ran to find their friends, Isaac Charles and his fraternal twin brother, Edward "Eddie" Charles. Isaac had short auburn hair with brown eyes. Unlike his brother, Eddie had short dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were twelve-years-old with average weight and height.

The brothers were murmuring, not noticing the girls running up to them, having Hailie scaring the life out of Isaac, "Hailie! That's not nice!"

"What are you two talking about?" smiled Hailie, pulling her black-haired sister into her arms.

"The well over the hill. Grandpa told us to not go near it. You cannot tell me to not go near something," smirked Isaac, "We're going to the well today. Do you want to come with us, Hailie and Lucy?"

Lucy looked up at her sister, who she has been looking up to, not sure what answer would be. Hailie kept her mouth shut, thinking about the well. Everyone has heard of the well that was on the other side of hill.

"I don't know, Isaac. Papa always told us to never the well," saying Hailie, glancing at her baby sister, who was staring up at her.

The brothers looked at each other, shrugging, with Eddie saying, "Your loss." The twins went towards the well after speaking with the Peake sisters. The Charles brothers were the Peake Sisters' only friends in the trailer park since the accident.


The older sister looked at the young girl, who was staring up at her with sad eyes, "Don't worry, Lucy. They will get in trouble for going to the well. Everyone knows that no one should go near it. Let's go home."

Lucy smiled brightly, holding Hailie's hand, walking to their trailer.

// ***** \\

The Charles twins ran down the side of the hill to the well that they shouldn't be nearby. The boys were always coming down to the well when no one was looking. They've been trying to get their friends, the Peake sisters, to go with them, but they're always listening to their father, who everyone in the trailer park thinks is weird since his wife's disappearance. Mr. Peake was still trying to keep the girls away from everyone, making the parents in the trailer park feel bad for the two girls.

Isaac and Eddie peeped down the well.

If you look down the well, you will not see the bottom. The only thing that you'll see will be darkness. And if you listen close enough, you can still hear the screams of fallen people. And rumor has it that someone guards the well, making sure no one cares near it or they, too, will be thrown it. The elders in the trailer park would say that you will never make it to the bottom of the well once you've thrown in.

"Um . . . Isaac, should we go back to the trailer park?" Eddie asked, stepping away from the well, hearing the loud, but also soft screams coming from the well.

Isaac didn't answer his brother. That's because he kept on staring down into the darkness of the well, having Isaac not hearing his brother's question.

"Isaac!" the boy heard his brother's yell in fear.

Isaac, hearing the fear in his brother's voice, turned around to see someone holding his brother in their hands, with the stranger saying, "You two want to know more about the well, boys. Then you will know the truth."

The stranger threw Eddie into the well, with him screaming, Isaac - not caring that his brother just got thrown into the well - ran yelling for someone to hear him. He didn't get very far when he got pulled back, having the stranger pull Isaac back to the well to throw the poor twelve-year-old boy down the well.

Screaming his lungs out, Isaac was thrown down the well, staring at the stranger, who had looked down the well before they stalked away, hearing the young boys' screams of fear.

// ***** \\

Hailie sat on the couch with Lucy, in their trailer, reading to the young girl while their father walked into the container. Mr. Peake was keeping his eyes on the ground while he walked passed the two girls, not glancing at them. The daughters of the man were used to not having their father there for them since their mother disappeared seven years ago. Since that terrible day, Mr. Peake had changed, for the worse. Sometimes, he would not talk to his young girls for days on end. However, he does show his daughters that he does love and care for them.

"Hailie," Lucy said softly when her father was out of sight, "Will papa spend time with us?"

Hailie shrugged, looking at her sister, "I don't know, Lucy."

Lucy glanced at her hands sadly, "I want papa to spend time with us like most papas in the trailer park."

Hailie pulled her sister into her arms, "Don't worry. I'm here, and i will never leave you."

The same words her mother told her before vanished. Mr. Peake heard the words that his eldest child spoke to his youngest child, remembering what his wife told Hailie. He sighed sadly, walking towards his bedroom.

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