
about the main character

name: Mikael

dead name: Maranda

gender: not known yet

physical gender: female

hair color: light red sun burst

and natural dark Coco brown

race: German and Irish

birthday: October/21/2026

pronouns: he,him,they,them

sexuality at the moment: lesbian

soon to be sexuality: straight male

high:5'2 /175 cm

eye color: left dark green right light blue

hobbies: roller skating,singing, drawing and fashion designing

fears: heights, homophobic's, the dark and being abandoned

likes: sunflowers, fall, pumpkins, the color orange, the smell of mint banana and her black cat Mimi who can is blind with one ear

extra into sorta....

has lots of light brown freckles

has white lashes and white thick brows

skin tone is a light caramel brown


loves caramel on almost all her fruits

has 3 pets

doven cat: Mimi

3 eclectic parrot: ying and yang