
The diary of an emotinal wife

Their lived a beautiful young lady off the cost of italy. She love to sing and dance. She has a passion like no other for arts, a drive to succed i never seen someone devoted to their work. On the 20 of june 1986 she met Mister Alexander Ruit a musician. He has been travelling from town to town trying to find a gig but no luck. Our painter Estefania Golden presents herself and ask that he should follow her down to this restaurant by the bay ; they have been looking for someone to play music but their missing a guitarist hope you know how to play the guitar. i'm multy talented says Alexander i have been playing from age 5 so i know my way around the music world just get me there you will see. Ok; we are almost there let's here a song you wrote if you have something with a melody but tranquil at the same point. Alexander starts to sing then Estefania paused and looked at him in shock. You have a profound and unique voice i think they will like you very much. Just around the corner here we are it's called the Alvacar bar and bistro they sell food, drinks all the your mourt may desire. Hey i brought you a telented artist he knows how to play the guitar; he sings as well. I think he would be a great asset to your Bistro here. Would you mind giving him a trial ? Ues anything for you my darling Estefania says the owner. Alexander this is Leonardo Pinte owner and also my brother. What but how ? I was married to Mister Emilion Golden for 14 years he died in a ship sink 2 years ago ever since i have been profounding in my research to become the Painter/ Artist i know i am. Well nice to know thank you for this opportunity now i will prove to you that i have a love for this carrer that i have choosing. Leonardo : Alexander come here have a seat tell me more about your journey; what are your expectations from here on now ? Where do you live ? Did you eat already or you have been wondering looking for gig that food isn't an option right now. Well says Alexander i'm in between shelter; i haven't eating in 2 weeks now and i really need this job. I came here from russia before i was in france the i decided to come to italy to try my luck. My journey has been long but i know you will give a chance Mister Leonardo if i may call you so. Yes you may; i have an empty room upstairs from my sister Gwen but you can stay for as long as you wish. Gorge; gorge come come says Leonardo; bring some food for my new guitarist here. Oh oh i got the job says Alexander ! Yes you did. Where is your sister i must thank her; she left says gorge she'll be back later. Let me show where you'll be staying. Follow me up the stairs this way please here we are this your room get comfortable then meet me downstairs to setup for tonight. So fast yes we have 200 hundred people coming tonight i hope your ready.

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