
The fight to survive [1]

"Alright! I hit the Jackpot!!!! Wahoo!!!" A man can be seen laughing and his expression filled with joy.

Ah yes, this is Richard our protagonist, as to why he is acting like a lunatic is because he had discovered two things.

A machete and medical supplies like masks and so on. Obviously, a machete and important medical supplies are highly important in the apocalypse, but that wasn't the main reason for his sudden..weirdness.

You see Richard originally had thought he had no weapons nor crucial supplies in his house and was worried as to how he would leave his house with no form of protection. We all know going out in the apocalypse with a kitchen knife is asking to be killed so Richard who had the same notion was concerned with good reason. So for him who found the machete it felt like a godsend.

Another issue was medical supplies. Obviously we all know medical supplies treat wounds however that isn't the main point here. Right now Richard doesn't fully understand the nature of the virus yet. He doesn't know if it is airborne or anything. If he walked out without knowing anything it would be game over for him if he so much as made a simple mistake.

Thus, when he found some masks and other materials like alcohol wipes, gauze pads, and so on, he could breathe a sigh of relief, knowing he isn't going out with absolutely nothing.

His food supplies were running low as well, so today he had decided to go out and start looting and gathering supplies. Is what he would have done if had lived in a landed property.

"But before that let's break-no I mean visit my neighbours' apartments and see if I can gather anything useful for myself. If possible, maybe gather vital information" Richard thinks to himself as he starts breaking his neighbours lock.

"There is no reaction..either they are gone,dead or infected." Richard prepares his machete as he enters the house.

So far there had been nothing yet no form reaction or whatsoever. Richard goes to check a room only to be greeted by a horrifying scene.

Blood was spilt everywhere.. it was as if the room was supposed to be velvet but that wasn't even the worst part. A man in his thirties could be seen munching on a body seemingly alive.

"Dang it! I arrived too late! But first I will kill this thing!" Richard prepares his machete as he prepares for the incoming fight.

"RAAARGH!!!!" The man no that zombie screamed as it leapt forward onto it new prey...

Authors note: Hello to you wonderful folks who read this book of mine. I am sorry for the delay as I had some scheduling issues but please be rest assured that I will try to prevent such errors. And also a shotout to the kind gentleman who advised me on the plot. His advice was a much-needed wakeup call for me. Thank you for your time.

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