
Chapter 2

Well tomorrow is my first day of sophomore year .

Am I excited?

Nope , not a tinge .

Because I know just how it will be , so there's nothing interesting.

Well yesterday my parents and I just went to the book fare and my dad bought me "Romeo and Juliet" even though I am not into romance .

I am just more of a fantasy , sci-fi lover . "Percy Jackson "and "Harry Potter", "Maze runner", I know all of them .

My dad says that sophomore year might be a chance to win over someone's heart . I don't think so . So he said that "Romeo And Juliet" would be a good book to start with but I eventually fell asleep while reading the book and when I woke up I decided to write to you .

It's kind of amazing to think that I am writing to someone who doesn't know me . I really love writing to you and I hope you love knowing my life too , though it's not too good but hey! I am just trying to make my life work .

Worthless to say , I don't know why but I am counting on this year . You know there's this type of feeling when you give up your hopes but you still feel like something's going to happen, something interesting. Well , that's kind of a feeling I am having now.


So let's see what happens tomorrow. I promise I will write you after I come back from school .

With Love ,
