

Date:4th June,2014

Time:9.00 pm

Today was a new day,a new start for me. The new school is pretty good but I miss my old school and my old friends a lot. I don't like the students in this school. Today a boy tricked me into girl's washroom when I asked him for my classroom . And it turns out,he was the topper of my class. His name was Aksh. He was charming young boy. His attitude was as if he was adorned as the prince charming of the class. And this also turns out to be true. He would enter the class in slow motion and I guess he had this song playing in his mind, Badshah hoo badshah. He was weird yet way annoying. I don't like him and for what he did to me I can't forgive him ever. Not only did he tricked me but then he went on and complained about that. How childish of him! I don't want to be friends with that guy. I thought that I was done for the day. As the lectures went on, new teachers came by, they were good creatures . I liked Miss Roshni, she is our Maths teacher and she is definitely not partial. She welcomed me and explained me the rules and about how things work around there. She also allowed me to sit on the first bench so I could cope and understand easily . She is understanding. I was enjoying my day at school but then nightmare that just started at morning ,got worse. Bell was ringed,it was lunch break. My mother had packed a stomachful lunch for me. It was my favourite food aloo ke parathe with dal makhani. I was so excited about that. But when I looked in my bag for the lunchbox,my heart skipped a beat. There was no lunch box there. I was shattered. I am a foodie and I don't like my food be taken away. My whole lunch time was wasted in search of my lunch box. And finally I found it ,it was lying alone and weared down on the floor near girl's washroom. Who would have put it there? I rescused the lunch box and went back to the class. And I couldn't figure out who could have done that?

Hey ,don't worry. This is not me. Let me explain. You all remember that battle between my thoughts. It occured that reading the diary triumphed over throwing it away. So when the rain was little calmed, I protected the diary from the rain and then sprinted towards my house. And after getting dry, making a cup of tea for myself I started reading the diary. The diary is of Rihaan Srivastava, who had recently shifted to Ahmedabad with his family. His father was appointed as District Judge in the city. They used to live in Baroda prior to that. And this boy had a habit of writing the diary and somehow he lost the diary. And so I started reading it. Lets check it out what's actually in the diary.

So the day ended. But when I was leaving the class, a girl approached me. She was tall and had above hip length black hairs. She was fair and had dimples on her both cheeks and she would have looked fairer whenever she would smiled,I told myself.

She came to me and asked me to why was I distressed during the lunch time. I found it amusing and caring too and it felt nice after all the experience I had in the school. It was like finally I found the America (I being the Columbus!). In this thoughts, I realised that I had paused longer than the usual acceptable pause. So I smiled back and told her the situation and started blabbering. After a minute I realised that I was boring her. So I told her ,"Rihaan Srivastava reporting !". She smiled under the lips and I guess she was impressed by this, she replied,"Tanishka Mehra ,aye captain." Then we both bursted into laughter. We talked for a while about our lives. Where I come from and what our fathers work and all the usual indian societal talks. Her mother used to pick her everyday after school. She introduced me to her mother. Her mom seemed a nice woman. And a strange thing happened . I from nowhere spoke that,"I can see where you got that beauty and dimples", I had no idea why I spoke that but it seemed her mom was happy with the compliment. She went home. I took route towards my home and told my mother how was the day and how I met Tanishka and all the stuff while she served me the rotis. Papa has returned from his court and joined us and then we had usual family evening ,talking about each other's work and how the city is different from Baroda and how the laws work around here. And right now my mind is lingering around the girl I met at school.

This was all about my 1st day of high school(Std.11). Still the lingering thoughts of that girl is distracting me. Hope I get a good sleep today.

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