
Mara's Information

Name: Mara Anne Williams

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Hair Length: Long

Hair Color: Teal Blue

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5'4

Weight: 135lbs

Race: Demi God

Nationality: Grecian American

Powers: Fire manipulation- Can produce teal blue flames from her body and control it

Healing Factor- Heals almost instantly from any wound

Death manipulation- Can speak to the dead and use them to her advantage

Skills: Gymnastic Champion, Artistic, Intelligent

Father: Hades

Mother: Scarlett Williams

Place of Birth: Gotham City

Intro: Origins

Hades was off on a vacation on Earth when he noticed a beautiful woman working at the café he was currently in. They spent time together after that day. Hades would occasionally visit this woman who he found out was named Scarlett Williams and he would take her on tours around the world. At one point the other gods caught wind of this and confronted Hades forbidding him from seeing this woman ever again. What they didn't know was that Hades had gotten Scarlett pregnant during one of their many adventures.

Hades told Scarlett that he would have to leave her and that they would most likely not see each other again. Scarlett understood and told him about their daughter which she wanted to name Mara to which Hades agreed. Hades decided that he would watch his daughter grow in power from afar. Before they separated for good Hades gave Scarlett a kiss and a ring which would bring her soul to him when she passed. Scarlett smiled and nodded before Hades disappeared his body igniting in flames leaving nothing where he was standing.

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