
Chapter 1

Echo's that is all am hearing right now. The Cluttering of metals is getting louder ,Oh God where am I?.

Why is it getting cold in here huh? Oh Gosh don't tell me I fell off the bed today am sure I got a bump on my head .My eyes!!! I cannot open them they are heavy my body too!! .My body is getting cold by each second .I feel like am resurrecting my body is getting light and heavy at the same time. Something is holding my toe I moved all of my toes but this one isn't something is holding it back.

Killay eventually manages to open her eyes and scans her surroundings (vision is still blurry ) she breathe like she hasn't breathe for a long time.

Phew why am I not seeing my surroundings ....Oh Lord don't tell me am now blind. I try to lift my hand and my arm I hear bhaaa, .Immediately I scan my surroundings fast I manage to look on my right side only to find some human who is asleep and naked!! I check myself I am too naked Oh God am going to be killed in cold blood today I start panicking feeling colder I look on the other side only to find bodies next to me...I start breathing heavily ,this cold is not doing any justice wasn't it Autumn this month. My mind is flooding with thoughts what happening to me ?AM IN A MORTUARY.

I hold my mouth restraining scream I whimper ...am in tears Oh God am I dead? How come I don't remember anything .What happened to me .Where am I ? That's all am thinking right now trying to figure how can I get out of here.

I hear voices they sound deeply.

"I have too many things to do today ,(paused) like cleaning these bodies... can you believe today in the morning we received 5 dead bodies and am supposed to do all the s**t !" the voice explains loudly

This is my chance to get out of here, I hit the top drawer harder. The people stop talking for a minute and the other one who sounds girly immediately talks.

"Shhhhh did you hear that OH God don't tell me that the ghosts of this mortuary want to haunt me " he said loudly and panicking.

"I did (paused)"the other one replies.

I hit harder this time.

"Oh Dear Lord why is my day getting worse every hour ?" he sounds like he's praying.

"Stop it Miller go and find out what's happening behind those trays before power gets cut off" said the other man.

"Who...me...there's no way am going to check on those trays alone hell no dude you go " says Miller .I hit the try harder.

"Stop being childish man be a man for once" says the other one.

"Hold up you say am not a man enough huh...Lucifer is really on a mission with my life today (I hear a clap) don't piss me off....stop arguing with me Theo" says Miller.

" Okay let's check it out "Theo.

I hear trays getting unlocked ( Why are they locking dead bodies do they disappear? I thought to myself) the first tray is pulled out.

" There's nothing here Miller let's leave it "Theo says.

"Nope let's check them out" says Miller.

The trays are being pulled out until I hear locks of the next tray pulled out I hide my private's as am feeling cold right now really cold and from what they are going to see...it gets quiet....my tray is pulled out by force am sure if I was light weight I would be on the floor right now.l sit upright fast covering my body.

Both Miller and Theo look at each other and me and they scream me too, our voices competing with each other .What I assume is Theo, he pushes my tray back with so much force I clash my back and fall down screaming loudly all of us are still screaming rooted on same spot

"Oh God don't tell me that's a dead body screaming! "exclaims Theo fainting and falling down hitting his head by the tray.

Miller is still screaming looking at me a naked me in front of him. He stops and looks at his colleague.

"No no no Theo (slaps his cheeks) com'on man you can't leave me like this am afraid of ghosts " he says looking at me and his friends his eyes wandering everywhere his hands still slapping the friend. I keep quiet and look for something to cover my body I spot a lab cot on the hanger behind Miller, I stand up going directly to him. Miller rushes towards the door running away from me .

I quickly put it on.

I wonder what happened to me how did I end up here.

I look at Theo on the floor I cant estimate his age he got a small belly pot with a single long braided beard in a fishtail . I get to the door try opening it its locked how come? Isn't Miller left by this door ?How come it can't open?

I go and sit by the corner wait for this Miller guy. The unconscious Theo wakes up and his eyes try locating me I look at him and he starts crawling to the door.

"Ghosts are not real they only exists in stories not real life" he keeps repeating fast. I want to laugh my throat feels dry.

He bangs the door "Open up guys you can't leave me alone please I cannot die haven't built my mama a farm yet please" he begs I watch him and keeps doing the same thing. I stand up to go and close the tray.

He should do acting he's got talent.

"Please don't kill me yet I don't want to die " he panics I stop and the door opens a lady and Miller rush into the room. The lady looks at me with fear...I think she's lost of words. Theo rushes to them and bear hugs both of them catching them off guard.

"Oh I thought I was dying today but you came to the rescue you're a true friend buddy...she's not real look at her she's not speaking too".

"Hie" (my voice was i singing at opera house? I lost it) I greet them the lady screams running out Miller runs after her leaving Theo falling down on the floor ( am getting cold I need to get out of here)

I approach Theo and try to talk to him but he closes his eyes moving backwards to the wall I follow him too till he's cornered.

"Where am I ?" I ask him

"You're in mortuuuuary" he replies

"Which one "

" The the the Psalms Mortuary " he says.

Huh where the hell is that.

"What day is it today", ask him he seems to be warming up to me am moving around this room

" Its Friday 15 April" he says he's holding his knee cap.

"No no no it can't be. I panic

And how did I end up here please tell me I don't remember Anything"

"You you (coughs)....

"There she is !"I turn around and scan the were the voice came from I look at the door my throat becomes dryer...