
who lit the match?

The house was quiet. The soft ticking of the clock was the only sound in the silent, dusty library. I sat thoughtfully, in with the scrolls and ancient looking books that surrounded me, stacked next to my leather chair and antique side table. I continued to flip through the old yellow pages of one of the many books that I have been reading. I stopped and looked up at the clock while taking a sip of cabernet.

I sighed, setting down the glass and closing the book with a muted clap of the pages. Placing the book on top of the others, I made my way through the library, meandering down the dark hallway of the estate with only the light of the moon glowing gently through the windows. I walked toward my room, hoping to get my mission over with so I could continue reading through my scrolls and books.

Finally finding my door, I pushed open the old oak wood door with a creak and stepped in, closing it gently behind me. My tactical gear as well as my suit, was laid out on the foot of the bed, suiting up and making sure I have all of my gear on me as well as medical equipment as I walk quietly out the door and into the cold crisp air. The air had a cold bite as my nose started to turn numb, I start to let out a breath of air as I watch it swirl in front of me in a see through cloud of white.

I started to sprint to my destination so I can get over having to kill another person this week. I hate my job, but it does have its perks somedays. as I continue my sprint through the dark cold night I start to smell the distinct smell of smoke. I stop and smell the air more "it smells like its coming from the west" I mutter to myself as I start to head in that direction. I ran through the end of the forest and break through to a clearing.

I see a small village on fire, women, children, and men screaming and crying as they are fighting agents bandits that are raiding the place, my eyes widen as this is my first experience with bandits of this level. as I look further I see more fire that stretches' more then the eye could see, my heart beat quickens as I realize that the fire was headed straight towards my estate.

I could hear my heart thump in my ears as panic began to settle in. "my scrolls, my books on medicine and my family heritage, the estate, EVERYTHING. will be gone. the only thing left will be death, and decay." My thoughts start to run in a downwards spiral as I started to sprint off in the direction of which I came from.

I could still hear the screams from people as their lives as they knew it were being ripped from them, I could smell the smoke as it drifted into the dark sky, burning everyone's eyes and nose for those who got to close to it. I ran faster, the crackling of little houses and cottages that start to break under there own weight. the beastly grunts and huffs of the bandits as they steal, chop, and heave also fills my ears, I run faster. faster then I have ever ran, the smoke and cold air sting my eyes and nose as I run in the forest, the occasional tree limb smacking my arms or sides.

I finally reach the end of the forest and sprint into my estate seeing the fire slowly creep up the hill to it, running through the huge oak door and not bothering to close it behind me I grab one of many bags and run to the library tossing the scrolls, books, paintings, and anything that I deemed worthy of not burning.

after grabbing what I wanted and needed I ran back to the front of the estate only to find the angry glowing fire swallowing's the front of my estate. sweat started to glisten my temples and back as I ran the other way, going through the back door into the garden I look back at my estate for the last time, seeing the front glow in a orange and yellow dance of flames as smoke billowed out of the broken windows.

letting out puffs of warm air as I take a moment to catch my breath, I grunt as I turn my self from the manor and start running again "well looks like I'm not working tonight" I think sarcastically as I continue to run. in what direction I don't know. but I'll find out soon.

5 hours later I see giant red gates and houses and buildings that pear over the top of them, looking left and right I see four people guarding the entrance of the city. I need a way in but first I need to conceal any weapons that I have on my person "being a ninja has its perks" I think as I pull out a shinobi scroll and seal the weapons away as well as hide some of my bigger weapons in cloth or making it look like something else, all while getting dressed into a kimono and brushing out my hair and putting gold head pieces.

walking up to the gate with baggage in hand I see some of the men perk up at me as I walk closer, once one of them got close enough to see his features clearly, he had fluffy brown hair and gray creased eyes that looked warm but also slightly threating. he looked to be about late forties early fifties "what can we do for you miss?" he asked me. he had a slight rasp as he spoke, he must smoke often, "I would like entry please" I say in a posh tone.

the man scratched the back of his head "easier said then done little miss, follow me" He said as we walked over to the watch station were they looked through my belongings, finding nothing, they granted me entry.

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