
The devils red pawn

-13:I grabbed the box uncle Vern was handing me with great caution not even being able to imagine what the gold and ruby embroidered box with roses would contain.

-uncle Vern: " you've been more than a great deal of excitement and headaches in these recent months, so I want to give you something that will help you and remind you of me when your thinking of releasing your powers"

-13: "your just exaggerating, and you know I wouldn't use my powers for no reason" although In truth is I would kill some one even on a whim.

-uncle Vern: "well lets just say that this is so I don't have to kick your ass every time you release your power. And because your not allowed to release your full power around all those lancers because your liable to kill them if you do"

-13: upon hearing the last part I began to feel more anxiety and concern about what was in the box if uncle was being this serious about it. So I slid my fingers across the metal latches and released them from where they seemed to have been stuck for quite the the. Time because when I opened the box dust arose from just about every part of the box to fill my nostrils and make me sneeze several times before actually being able to tell what laid in wait inside the box...

-Uncle Vern: I've been keeping that for you just in case there was a time that your power needed to kept in check and when I thought you were ready for it... And I think now is the time for it"

-13: within the silk lined box was a red and black ring which looked much to large for my finger. The ring appeared to be glass and had black band in the middle with 2 red lines on the outer side of the black. I figured that uncle Vern had a reason for it being so big and just tossed it around in my palm before he interjected with-

-uncle Vern: "put it on your hand and pour some of your power in it"

-13: in response to uncle Vern I put it on my right middle finger and concentrated on my power making it creep up my arm and into the ring. As such, the ring responded and slimmed down to the size of my finger. And amazed by the fact that it did so I looked at uncle Vern with excitement.

-uncle Vern: " that's not all, pour a larger amount of power into it and see what it does then"

-13: so I concentrated again and poured more power into it until I begun to feel the ring change shape. It molded first into a rose that upon landing in my hand turned into a bright light that drew me in and intrigued me to grab it. And after doing so it turned into a red hilt and then a red blade with a rose upon the hilt and gold pieces as a guard. The swords actual blade was slightly jagged at the part closest to the hilt and looked like glass from hilt to tip with a red like essence underneath.

-uncle Vern:"that's what they call the "king of kings" that sword is supposed to be sharper and stronger the stronger the wielded and has been passed down from my sister to you. She wanted you to have it"

-13:feeling the sword was amazing the more I held it the more balanced and well fit it seemed to get. Almost like it understood me on a personal level.

"Why would you give me something that sounds so valuable? You could've just given me a power inhibitor".

-uncle Vern:"actually your the only one able to wield it, every other person to try and use it would just be stabbed by the swords thorns."

-13: uncle then opened his hand to reveal about 30 scars that appeared to be holes. Feeling like I really deserved the sword I gripped it harder in my hand than normal and felt a shock. I guess the sword has feeling and a personality. But knowing that it was something only I could control still gave the first sense of meaning I'd had in a while.

-uncle Vern:"now go up and get some rest, you've got a big day tomorrow since it'll be your first day at the academy"

-13:"okay, since tomorrow is my first day at the academy" I wonder how to return the sword to the ring, but almost as if the sword was answering it turned into a red mist and returned to its ring form.

-13: feeling tired all of the sudden I agreed and climbed the stairs to my room hearing Vern answer the phone as I jumped into bed and drifted to sleep.

-Uncle Vern:"hello, Kushihira how are you feeling about tomorrow?"

-Kushihira over the phone:"I'm not very nervous but I'm ready to deal with anything that prevents me from becoming a lancer"

-Uncle Vern:"that's the Kushihira I know, but on another note. There's a kid I'm going to introduce you to tomorrow and I want you to be nice with him even if he acts hardheaded. He's been through alote. Even more than you have, I also need you to keep him in check just in case as well. It might be fun for you, he will be a challenge even for you."

-Kushihira:"I doubt he'll be a challenge but I'll make sure to watch over him and keep him in check."

-uncle Vern:"thank you Kushi, well goodnight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

-Kushihira:"I told you to stop calling me that, but goodnight to you too uncle."But after I hung up the phone a feeling of uneasiness came over me. Uncle has never said anyone would be a "challenge for me". Well I guess it was just a slip of the tongue, there's no one who can stand up to me. And after a few more minutes of thought I drifted off to sleep eager for tomorrow.

(A/N, a backstory of 13 and Kushihira will be in hand at some point in the near future.)

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