

Leo was a heir to a very rich family.One day, his life changed as he was given powers of devil by one and only Lucifer. He was sleeping in his bed at night and he saw a weird dream and thus, began his new life. He got quests from his new system may it be sexual intercourse, regular exercise or fighting.

Muhammad_Usman_2234 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Conflicts

" Good Morning, Master "

I opened my eyes as I heard the angelic voice of my lovely maid. I greeted her back, " Good morning, Angel. "

I looked around and thought, "It was all a dream. A pretty strange dream for sure."

Then, I heard a voice.

[ Welcome to The Devilish System. ]

"Huh?" I was shocked to hear the voice that came out of nowhere.

" What happened? " Angel had a worried expression on her face.

" No, it's nothing. " I sighed and spoke.

Then, again I heard the same voice, [ Do you want a tutorial? Yes or No ]

I then thought for a second and then my eyes opened wide with surprise. I got that it was a system like you read in any novel, where a human gets a system and become weird. But then I suddenly remembered that guy, what was his name? Yeah, Lucifer. So, he gave me this system? Whatever.

I spoke in my mind, ' Yes! '

Then, a group of letters appeared in front of me.

[ Devilish System will help you gain power that will allow you to fight properly with stronger weapons. When you will clear levels, you will get new rewards and blah blah. Just like in any game.

- Lucifer ]

' So its that guy. Can't you give me more good tutorial and what do you mean by ' blah blah ' and every game has different rules. ' Several veins popped in my head.

" Master. Master? "

Then, a voice broke my train of thoughts.

" What is it, Angel? " I asked din a neutral tone.

" You are acting weird today! " She spoke that clearly showed her worry.

" No, I am fine, but can you tell bring my food to my room. " I spoke.

" Yes! " She spoke with a gentle smile and left the room.

Then, suddenly a group of words appeared in front of me that showed.


[LEVEL : 1 ] [ EXPERIENCE POINTS : 0.00% ]


[ AGE : 18 ]

[ HEALTH POINTS : 250/250 ]

[ STRENGTH : 30 ]

[ AGILITY : 35 ]

[ LUCK : 32 ]


[ DEVILISH POINTS : 150/150 ]

[ PARTNERS : 0 ]

[ SERVANTS : 0 ]

[ SLAVES : 0 ]

[ SKILLS : 5 ]


[ CHARM LVL:1(DP:3) ]





I was shocked to see my name, ' Diablo Licius? '

[ It is your other name when you will use you devil form. ]

Devil form? Then, I glanced at my skills. Oh? Devil Form, now I see. So, to hide my identity I have to use this? Interesting.

Then, I looked at my other stats and thought that they are good even though this is just my beginning. I was even more shocked to see my stamina infinite. I wanted to shout in pleasure.

Knock, knock!

" Come in! "

Angel entered with a tray and went toward dining table in my room. Then, I just thought of making the words disappear and they disappeared.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom to be fresh. After a few minutes, I came out and sat on the chair.

I started eating while Angel stood beside me, so she could get what I want.

It had been one thousand years since the battle with the demons ended and they were locked in hell again. I think that scene from my dream was from hell. Now-a-days, there are a lot of races living together in peace. There is peace but peace cannot last forever, as it is a universal truth that where there is peace there will be conflict just like when there is right left also exist. Even though, currently conflicts are small but soon the fire will spread and become more hot and destructive.

I ate my breakfast and got ready for the university. I wore a white shirt and blue jeans and a red coat. I was standing in front of a mirror in my room and measuring my clothes. I had blonde hair and blue eyes and a six muscle pack and a bit lean muscles as I would exercise often. I wore an earring in my left earlobe that was a long chain and at the end was a long circle and it was made of gold. I also wore a gold ring on my index finger of right hand and a gold wrist watch on my left wrist.

Then, I left for the university and after a travel of about half an hour we reached our destination, Sea College. One of the most famous colleges in Mikal Continent.

A chauffeur opened the door. First, Angel got off the car, then I also got off the car. Yes, Angel always come with me where I go.

"Here you are! My buddy, my life, my oxygen!"