
A New beginning

Madison wasn't happy that her family was moving to Las Vegas. It meant that she had to change school to a more magnificent elite private school for rich kids. She was upset only because she was leaving her friends behind and she terrible at making new friends. For this sole reason, she whined all through the flight. When they finally arrived at Las Vegas, their Lamborghini took them straight to their penthouse. With a frown, Madison went upstairs to her new bedroom and began to unpack. Like her old room, she hung posters of her favourite boy band - BTS. Almost all her belongings had their faces on it . From her clothes to her branded bags and even her room's wallpaper. She adored them but her favourite was Park Jimin. She even had a dream of marrying him one day. Her younger sister, Britney was delighted that they moved. She didn't really like her previous school so this was gonna be a new beginning for her. As Madison reflected on this, she heard a knock on her door. "Who is it?" she asked. Britney walked in holding a package. She flipped her straight medium length auburn red hair as she smirked down at Madison. Britney's hazel eyes pierced into hers, giving off that aura of confidence. "I don't remember asking you to come in" Madison said. "That's because I didn't ask for permission" Britney replied with a smug smile, revealing her spotless white teeth. Madison rolled her eyes and asked "What's in the package?" "Oh this? Check it out yourself" . She handed the package to Madison who quickly opened it. She gasped looking at it's contents. In the package was her school uniform - a red blazer, a blue mini skirt, a blue tie, a white collared long sleeve shirt, a pair of blue stockings and a pair of red sneakers. Madison nodded in approval. "This is nice" "Tomorrow is gonna be so much fun" Britney said with excitement. Her fair skin glistened as she spoke. "Yeah, fun. For you that is". It was then she noticed Madison's bummed expression. "No, it's gonna be fun for both of us" she gently squeezed her older sister's hand. "I hope so" Madison replied. "Anyway, I've gotta go run some errands. Dinner's 7pm in the dining room" Britney said and went out the door.

Later in the dining room, Madison was humming dynamite by BTS when she saw her Dad glaring at her. She quickly stopped and straightened up." Any problem, Father? "she asked. "Stop singing, it's annoying" He said with an irritated look. "That doesn't sound annoying to me. It's pretty sweet if you ask me" Britney complimented her sister's voice with the aim of pissing off her father. "And what is that supposed to mean, Britney? You girls both know the rules about music in this house" "Music is strictly forbidden at all times in the Dalton family and the only topics allowed to be discussed are education and business" The ladies chanted and Mr Dalton was satisfied. "Why do you hate music so much?" Madison was forced to ask. "That's a question for another day" Mrs Dalton answered. "Ugh!" Madison screamed clearly irritated. She hit her plate of pasta, therefore spilling it on the table and stormed off to her room.

This is one of my favorite novels so I hope you enjoy it.

Love, Alexa Anderson

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