
The Devil Resides Among The Humans

The devil's finest trick is to persuade us that he doesn't exist. I find this fact very intriguing. There are no inherently devils reside among humans. Everyone believes that including my self, but is that true? A wise man once said, "The hell is empty and all the demons are out here on earth." In this novel I'm goin to introduce some devil's finest tricks and plays. This is a story about five high school friends, falling into devil's temptation and becoming the greater evil. The most important thing about this story is the devil is going to be different for everyone according to their very own perspective. So, I'm leaving this up to readers to find out the real devil. I hope you all are going to enjoy and love it.

Udi_kun_AMV · Horror
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6 Chs

Whom To Trust

"What is trust? Why we have to trust others? There's a famous quote that comes to my mind is ,"Never trust anyone, because the devil was an angel once." But at any rate despite this universal truth, we are all going to deny it.

"After Hinode's body indentified, his family brought his body back and start preparing for his funeral.

In all of this chaos Kazuto called everyone to talk about this, in the evening at the exact place where Hinode's body was found. They all reached at the spot at the exact time. But it's not same as always, they all have been terrified and there's a look of despair in everybody's face except for Kazuto. For some reason, he was calmed down, like he is relieved.

Uchiyama said, "Hey, Kazu! Hinode was your friend right?

Kazuto said "of course he is, why you are asking it anyway?"

Uchiyama said," Because, I can't see any kind of sadness or remorse on your face? Bro, you are not the one who killed Hinode like an animal right?"

With this question Kazuto finally lost his cool and slapped Uchiyama, then said " whom do you think you are talking to? Huh! Is crying and showing remorse going to bring back Hinode to life again?"

Tensi started crying, "why it happened with Hinode? He was such a nice guy. It isn't fair. Miyahara tried to console Tensi by hugging her.

Miyahara said," Guys, don't get distracted, it isn't the right time for that and Uchiyama don't forget Kazuto was the one, who always saved us, so stop suspecting him!"

Tensi said while crying, "I think Mochizuki was the one who killed Hinode like that, remember he also left school early without telling anyone, we should definitely inform the police about it.

Kazuto said angrily," Bitch, do you have any type of proof or where he exactly was at that day or time. No, you haven't, so shut that gutter mouth of yours!"

Kazuto said in deep anger," you know what? I'm leaving, I called you all here because I wanted to talk about Hinode's death, and how soon we all going to be the next victim?"

After hearing Kazuto three of them shunned to death. Miyahara asked, "what do you mean by next victim, do you know something about it? We are all harmless students, what could we ever have done to deserve all this?"

Kazuto said in his sarcastic manner," Dear Miyahara, don't try to act all innocent, and Tensi stop weeping those crocodile tears of yours. Don't you dare to forget what we all did that night? It's our punishment."

After this statement Kazuto finally left, leaving the rest of them in clouds of chaos and doubts.

Uchiyama said," Miyahara, Tensi take care of yourself and be careful from now on. I'm getting a very bad feeling about what he said."

All of a sudden a shadow crossed behind Tensi making a dash for the wall.

Tensi fell on her knees, because the shadow said to her in a threatening voice," I know what you all did that night and it's just the beginning!"

Uchiyama tried to stop that mysterious shadow. He even chased him, but couldn't get a hold of it.

Miyahara suggested," let's get the hell out of here. It's dangerous here, Uchiyama take Tensi and leave her at her house, I have some important matter to take care of."

Tensi begged Miyahara to come with them, but she refused, then Uchiyama somehow managed to take her and left her at her house. After Tensi and Uchiyama left, Miyahara screamed with confidence," come out, I already knew you are here, you have something to say, then say it already!"

A mysterious person comes out from the shadows mumbling," cross my heart and hope to die, welcome to my darkside, hahahahaha!" (laughing like a psychopath)