
Skills Test

After listening to the announcement, Drake rushed to find where the sign-up area for the combat division was. After searching for five minutes, he finally found the sign-up booth. But he was late for the sign-ups because of his encounter with Derick so there weren't many people in line.

Drake lined up and waited for his turn to sign-up. After a few minutes of waiting, a mysterious boy lined up behind him. He carried a short sword on his waist and he wore a grey cloak that covered most of his face so you could not really make out his appearance. This person was Ken, the person Derick assigned to spy on Drake.

After a few long minutes of waiting, it was finally Drake's turn.

"Student ID please," said a female voice from behind the desk.

Drake took out his student ID and handed it to the girl behind the desk. She then took the card and scanned it on her computer ID scanner.

"Thank you, sir, now pick a card from this box to see what group you will be part of for the skill evaluation test. As you can tell, we have many students applying so we had to separate each test into 40 groups with at least 10 people in each group. Don't worry, it doesn't matter what group you end up in. Every group will take the same test."

Drake nodded and stuck his hand into a huge box full of papers. After ruffling it up for a few seconds he finally picked one.



After seeing Drake ruffle up the papers inside the box, he began to prepare to take a peek at what group he will get, in order to get in the same group as him. Finally, he pulled out a paper. As soon as he was about to move Ken took the chance to make a quick dash and peeked at the paper.

Ken saw that Drake got group 37," as he had dashed forward to peek his number he bumbed into Drake and he was told to watch where he was going then Drake left in an annoyed mood.

After Ken got his ID scanned, it was now his turn to pick a card. After ruffling it up for a bit he pulled out a paper. It was number 37. The same one as Drake. Ken had an ability that gave him advanced sensory perception which allowed him to choose the same number. This was the reason that he was the one chosen to spy on Drake.



After 6 minutes of waiting alone on a bench a bit excited for the test, he heard an announcement.

"Sign-ups are now over. Everyone, please head to the exam area that corresponds to your group number and wait for further instructions."

After looking around for a bit, Drake spotted exam area 37. There, he found 9 other students standing there waiting. As soon as Drake showed up, the instructor looked at everyone and nodded.

"It looks like everyone is now present. I will be your examiner, Scott Oliver. Before we start, let me explain how the test is. This is a test that will determine your power ranking. The ranks go from F to SS. SS being the best and F being the worst of worst. These rankings will be very important so I advise you to try your best."

The instructor Scott Oliver was a large muscular middle-aged guy with Grey spikey brown hair, a little beard and brown eyes. He had big broad shoulders and stood tall at an impressive 6'5. He was wearing a T-shirt that exposed his bulging muscular arms and emphasized his lean bruce lee physic.

The instructor walked over to a weird-looking machine.

"Your first test will be this power machine. Just attack the green point on the machine with whatever attack or weapon you want and it will give back a number. Like this!"

Scott stepped back and took a fighting stance in front of the machine. Then, he punched the machine at lightning fast speeds with such immense strength that it caused a shock wave.

The number on the machine started to rapidly grow.

1000 points

2000 points

4000 points

6007 points

33300 points

70567 points

My number finally stopped at 70567 points. The students were all speechless as they stared at their examiner in awe and admiration.

"Well , I thought it was going to be higher but I guess my hand slipped a bit, sorry guys," Scott said with a smile while rubbing the back of his head.

At that point, the student's mouths dropped even further than before as they had a hard time believing what they just heard.

"Well anyway, this is the second and final test. The speed and reflex test. Just stand here for a few moments and then holographic balls will shoot at you with increasing speed. Your goal is to last as long as possible without being touched by the ball. I won't be showing a demonstration for this test because we are already low on time. Are there any questions before we start?"

The group just stared back in silence…

"By your silence, I assume you're all ready to go. When I call your name please come up and take your exam."

After that, the exam went by really quickly, some of the applicants had some really interesting abilities that Drake had never seen before. So far, 8 students have taken their exams. 1 got F rank, 2 got E rank, 3 got D rank, and 1 got C rank.

Jessica Igna, the C rank student was especially strong. She had long reddish orange hair tied up into braids that went down to her waist. She wore an expensive-looking reddish and orange dress. From her actions, she seemed like a confident rich royal that thinks she is better than everyone. She was pretty compared to most other girls which even further boosted her ego. You could tell just by her appearance that she was a fire ability user.

Out of all the elemental abilities, Fire is one of the strongest and least common due to it being almost unavailable. In fact, only the Igna family has that power. Each fire ability is slightly different from one another having their unique styles and properties. Each family Of the Originals holds a big influence and power in society. The Igna is one of the better-known families that is known for their fire ability.

Jessica being C rank from her starting examination is no small thing. She got 6760 points on the power machine. And lasted 6 minutes on the speed and reflex test. This gave her a power level of 7760 . To put this into perspective, on the power test the usual scores are as follows

Power Ranks

F rank: 0 to 1100

E rank: 1200 to 2500

D rank: 2502 to 6000

C rank: 6002 to 12000

B rank: 12002 to 25000

A rank: 25002 to 41000

S rank: 41000 to 65000

SSrank: 65001+

And for the speed and reflex test the usual scores are:

F rank: 0 to 2 minute

E rank: 2 minute to 3 minutes 35 seconds

D rank: 3 minutes 35 seconds to 4 minutes

C rank: 4 minutes to 6 minutes

B rank: 6 minutes to 8 minutes

A rank: 8 minutes to 9 minutes

S rank: 9 minutes to 12 minutes

SS rank: 12 minutes+

These scores are then averaged and combined to create an accurate power level. Here is the power level scale:

Power Level Ranks

F rank: 0 to 1000

E rank: 1002 to 2500

D rank: 2502 to 6000

C rank: 6002 to 12000

B rank: 12002 to 25000

A rank: 25002 to 41000

S rank: 41000 to 65000

SSrank: 65001+

The last 2 people to take the exam we're Ken and Drake. First, it was Ken's turn. Although Ken had no strength-enhancing ability he was still able to score 1000 on the strength test. Due to the extra strength, the person with the mutation of mana cells gets when they get an ability.

However, his true talent would only be shown during the speed and reflex test. Due to Ken having a sensory and perception type ability, he was able to fairly easily dodge the incoming projectiles.

Ken's ability enhances his five senses to the extreme which gives him superhuman vision, hearing, smell, and reaction time. This gave him a good 3 minutes for the speed and reaction test which easily gave him D class speed and reaction.

In total Ken ended up with a power level of 1600 which is around the parts of E rank.

Lastly, it was Ken's turn. When he started to walk up, you can hear a few girls begin to gossip with one another.

"Hey who's that guy? He's pretty cute, totally my type."

"Ya, I agree that guy is pretty handsome."

"Hey girls don't fall for him, look at his clothes he's a poor guy."

"I guess that's true but maybe he's super strong! He looks like he trains all the time."

"Well you will find out soon enough how strong he is"

At this point, Drake was too far to hear anything they are saying. Although Drake is considered handsome, he never got any female attention. He has white hair with a blue tint , Sky blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. He was also a fairly respectable height standing at 5'9 feet tall. Drake never even once considered that he was handsome because females always try to stay away from him. Without fail, every female that found out that Drake was poor with no abilities would avoid him like a person infected from a pandemic. Their perception of him instantly takes a complete 180 as their interest for him turns into disgust and bullying. Drake never thought this was the problem and just chalked it up to him just being ugly and didn't think too much of it.

As Drake was walking up to take his test, examiner Scott approached him and said.

"Hello there Drake Ryu, from your records it says that you have no ability, is that correct?"

"Sadly Yes, that is correct"

As soon as he said that, the girls that were previously interested in Drake had a complete change of heart.

"See! I told you he was a bum!"

"Ewww, what did I ever see in a guy like that!"

"Ya, now that I look at him again he's not even handsome. If anything he's super ugly."

The examiner reached into his bag and pulled out 3 different elemental ability orbs.

"As per our policy, we will give any student with no ability the option to choose between the 3 basic elemental abilities. Of course, the ability orb will only be level 1 but it's better than nothing. You may choose either wind, earth, or water," Said Scott as he showed Drake all 3 ability orb.

After thinking for a few seconds Drake shook his head denying the orb.

"I am thankful for your generosity, but I must decline your offer. I don't have any intentions to be indebted or to be pitied by the military. Plus, It's not like I'm completely defenseless. I have my family's ancient martial arts," Drake said with a firm resolve.

After hearing that, everyone, including Scott became very confused. In all his years of teaching, Scott never had a student who had rejected the ability orbs. Scott seemed a bit annoyed at Drake's answer.

"Ok fine then, let's see how well you do during the exam," said Drake with a hint of skepticism.

Drake lined up in front of the power machine. He unsheathed his rusty old daggers from his waist and took a stance. It was the stance for the devil claw. Drake focused his devil energy into his daggers and sliced down with all his might. Visually the attack looked really impressive and he got....

880 points.

Everyone started laughing at him from the back. After that talk about how he's not completely defenceless and he ended up with only 880 points in the power test.

Drake didn't think much about his score and immediately went on to the next test.

He stood in the designated area and waited for the holographic balls to come out. For the first 30 seconds, they were easy enough to dodge but after that, they became a big challenge. At 1 minute, it was pretty much impossible for Drake to dodge the balls. Drake now had to rely on his other secret move, the phantom step.

He focused his devil energy into his legs and performed 1 phantom step dodging a few balls in the process. For the next minute, Drake seemed like a blur to the audience but they didn't think too much of it. Even Ken with his enhanced vision could not clearly see what happened.

The only person that clearly saw what happened to Drake was Scott. Drake's 2 secret techniques greatly impressed Scott so he decided that he would keep a closer eye on Drake. It seems like Scott has taken a liking to this abilityless kid.

Drake ended up with 1 minute on the speed and reflex test which is just enough to barely get E rank.

"Drake Ryu, E rank power level: 1002," said Scott with a smile on his face.

Next chapter