
Chapter 003

He lay there and let the water wash over him it wasn't warm or cold, it felt natural almost like he'd been there forever, he couldn't hear or see anything he felt as if he was in a dimension completely devoid of distractions, it was a tranquil ocean with nothing preventing him from relaxing this was the death he'd dreamt about.


As he began to come to terms with his fate the tranquillity was disrupted by a distant grumbling he opened his eyes slowly to see the sun beaming down on him the water began to feel hot however he could bear it he thought nothing of it he believed he was dead there was nothing more two it, however, the rumbling grew louder and louder until he opened his eyes.

Kokeru Ken a boy devoid of love for many years had finally managed to escape, or so he thought. As he opened his eyes he saw a shockwave rushing towards him he didn't think he just moved, well that was until he realised he was in the middle of an ocean "oh f*cking hell" he exclaimed as he fell into the water "hey god I don't think you've sent me to the right place" he said half sarcastic half worried as he surfaced he noticed the shockwave had passed he started to look around to notice there was nothing until he saw it another shockwave heading towards him he once again plunged underwater but this time he began swimming in the direction of the shockwave nothing told him to do it he just felt it was right.

As time passed shockwave after shockwave went by Ken found it strange he wasn't getting tired he'd be counting a total of 6 million shockwaves had passed him while he was swimming one every couple of minutes as he began to think his efforts were pointless he saw something different a small island he welled up with joy and felt the burden of stress lift off his shoulders he approached the island and lifted his foot out of the water and onto the island "heya what you doing".