
The devil blue eyes, his favorite addiction

• In the tiger realms, there leave majesty, a tall handsome dominant man, who got attached to a lady he saw on the club house, and he slept with her …. The lady majesty slept with, was betrothed to the president, and she was preparing for her wedding. Unknown to her, that she was pregnant, and when the president found out, he attacked her, and Bella has no choice than to save her life and that of the baby , by stabbing the president to death …… When she was escaping from the building, the president guards , chase after her…….. When she was running, she meant a tall huge Man, standing on the bridge, so she has no choice, than to beg him for a help ….. Who is this man?? Will he help her ?? Let find out in this Intriguing story!!!

DaoistMd3lic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

MAJESTY!....The Weretigers.

They had Fallen into the Sea.

Cold water was splashed onto Bella's face and She opened her Eyes.

Panting heavily,she wiped the water off her face and took in her new environment, She was at a strange Place and turns out even after falling the Sea she was somehow still alive.

Or Was it all a dream?

"Where am I?"She mouthed and in the next moment,she was dragged by the collar and flung roughly against the door.

"Open your Eyes you little slut"

Bella fell with a loud thud with a sharp cry, her face down to the ground with bleeding arms.

Desperate, she lifted up her eyes and the first thing she saw were strong and fierce tigers, Many of them glaring viciously at her like they could tear her apart.

She Clung onto her knees,Scared and weak.

"Who are you and how dare you hurt my Son?"

It was the voice of a lady, Walking with pride and Majesty into the luxurious hall where Bella was kept.

Bella heard her voice and looked up. Indeed she saw a woman, dressed expensively, just one look and Bella knew she was not one to be trifled with.

Her Son??.... Who was her son?

Bella struggled to remember, then his face flashed across her mind.The handsome man at the bridge.

Before Bella could open her mouth to reply, the Woman had reached out to her neck and raised her up effortlessly.she was like a tiny ant in her arms.

Then she saw the glow in her eyes.She was wrong. They weren't just tigers, they were half humans, half tigers.

And this woman was their Queen.

"My son almost died because of you human bitch, I told you to stay away from people like you,Look now he brought you home"

Bella choked " please let me go"

" Tell me What happened to My son? "

" He was shot but it wasn't my fault"

" Lies...MAJ would never get involved with just anybody"She gnawed back harshly.

" I don't know what you are talking about"

She scoffed, flinging Bella away like a piece of rag, She raised her chin proudly before turning away.

"Kill her and dump her silently..."

" Yes Queen"One of the tiger bowed, made a sign to the others and approached Bella.

Bella dragged her butt to move in fear.

"No please don't kill me-"

They ignored,held her between Arms length the leader raised a claw to stab her and in that moment Bella closed her eyes.

"Let go of her"

A voice roared, stepping into the fold in fury and rage,He stomped and immediately all tigers were blown roughly away against each doors in a crash.

Queen Aurora wasn't expecting a different action so in haste she stood up from her throne.

"Son!...." She yelled "what are you doing?"

The Man fell on his knees in front of Bella and she recognized him. The Man from the bridge.

This time he was shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his shoulders.His face was pale too and it tugged at Bella's heart.

He was hurt but he came for her.

"Mother She is a Friend..I'm begging you do not hurt her"

Aurora scoffed " A friend?... She is human"

"I know but she is helpless she needs our help"

"Helpless My foot!! "She yelled " She had a gun and lots of Money in her backpack"

Bella heard it and hung her head low.

" Mother She is in a bad state Why don't you let me talk to her in private just one hour"

Aurora frowned " But..."

" Please-"

Queen Aurora scowled, turned her back to them proudly,she didn't like this girl,she smelled like trouble.

The man heaved a sign of relief,then turned around to pick up Bella.

Their eyes met and she noticed the colour


Straddling her up,He looked away from her and took her into a closed room.

He dropped her on the big head and let out a low painful growl.

Bella was alarmed "Are you okay?"

He smiled partly, revealing two striking dimples "Yes...it hurts a little tho"

Bella swallowed "Ain't you meant to heal faster since you are..." She shut her mouth.

He gave a Subtle laugh then shook his head

" I don't heal like the others"


He turned away and reached out for a box, it was first Aid.

"I'm Half weretiger...You saw what I did at the bridge right?"

Bella blinked and nodded.

He smiled again " My mother is a Witch"

Bella's eyes widened "The Queen?"

He avoided the next topic like he didn't feel like talking about it.He observed her hands before standing up.

"You need a bath before I get this treated"

Bella was silent.

He tugged at her shirt then pulled it off.

Bella was confused,she watched him pull everything off not until he got to her bra.

She wore matching Tom and Jerry bra and panties and she felt quite embarrassed about it.

She shoved off his hands "I can do it"

He didn't budge, He yanked off the bra.

Bella yelped "You!!..."

He tilted his head and pouted playfully

"Yes What happened to Me?"

Bella's cheeks grew hot as he acted like he couldn't see she was naked, she had faster growth in her boobs ever since she was a child making them big and heavy.

And now they were bigger because she was pregnant.

He didn't say anything about her body and it made her comfortable, even though it made her strangely feel like he didn't like it

He carried her into the bathroom, sat her into the luxurious tub and turned on warm water.

Bella took note of everything in the room and found out they were of high quality even better than the ones the president had.

He shampooed her hair and washed it with his hands, giving her a soft massage like he was doing it on purpose.

He scrubbed her body softly while she shut her eyes vehemently.

Not until he cupped her boobs.

Her eyes flew open and it rested on him.

He laughed,moved in between and scrubbed

Bella felt comfortable and relaxed, it was just boobs not like she was a virgin.

Then suddenly she remembered something then decided to ask.

"Hey I'm Fritabella...Your name is Maj?"

He nodded " Hmm....Majesty in full"

She found herself smiling

" It's such a nice name-Why shorten it?"

He drawled "Because I didn't like it, it made my brother hate me, said the name made me sound like King while he was Older"

Bella blinked " You have a brother?"

" Yes"He dried her hair then straddled her a new bra.

"A dangerous one I want you to stay away from him" He paused and ordered.

Bella nodded,she wasn't gonna be here for a long time anyway.

There was silence.


"Yes Fruit"

She rolled her eyes "My name is not fruit"

He buttoned up the shirt and carried her out. Bella loved how she smelled after the bath.

"You said Fruitabella"

"I said Fritabella" 🙄

He laughed " I know Sorry"

There was silence again.

" Majesty I killed a man you shouldn't help me"

He shrugged then fed her a grape. He bent low and Bella had his face in her mind he looked So good.

"It wasn't your fault Look at the marks all over your Skin was he strangling you?"

" Yes"Bella swallowed hard.

" Self defense is not a crime"

"But...." She trailed off but she paused,his finger pressed against her lips and his eyes met hers.

They were so beautiful.

Slowly He inched closer towards her and it was then she knew he had an erection all along.

Bella closed her eyes in reflex but before the kiss could reach her,the door was Flung open and she was dragged forcefully out by a big Man.

"Bella!!..." Majesty ran out in pursuit only to be met with bloody eyes.

"Hello brother I heard you brought a prey"

The big man roared and Majesty flinched, he was back

Karl .....