
The Darkest Wakening

Underground a bustling loud city full of cultivators, civilians & people of all kinds, lays dark quiet caves full of chained bodies, blood all over the floor. The caves lays over 200 feet underground below a large castle that belongs to a king who captures criminals and makes them suffer eternity, unbeknownst to the people of above.

The cave lays chained iron doors leading to stairs going deeper and jail cells with nothing but bodies and iron cages with no lighting, no signs of life, no movement. Even sound was not heard. All of a sudden a sound! *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* The sound is even lounder and faster * BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!...* It stops and there is a loud gasp for air, like someone coming up from the water after holding their breath. A pale weak looking man's head is lifted, eyes devoid of life. He gasps for air after waking up due to being drowned in blood, he flips his body over due to no strength in his body and pain on his leg and sides. He immediately notices he is not in his world, he's migrated to a new one, a body with no skill, no memories, no wealth..absolutely nothing. He would look around but gave up due to this pain so he passes out.

He wakes up in shrieking pain and hunger. He jaggdly moves his body up despite the immense pain to look at his surroundings. He sees white walls with humans dead & chained, more bodies and blood lay on the floor where he remains.. He looks at the shape of his body due to the pain, he sees a wound on his leg, scars all over his body, and dark bruises on his torso. He without thinking rips a piece of clothing from a dead body to help the wound on his leg. After tending to his wound he looks for any source of food to consume, He sees a rat feasting on a dead body, he looks at it with weak killing intent hoping to takes its life. So with all the will and power in him he forces himself to crawl to go near the rat. It lays 2ft from him, he crawls over a dead body full of holes, his leg hits a skull and he reaches the rat. He grabs it as hard as he can and while it's alive he bites into the body as it squeals hoping to escape. *Crunch* *Blood gushes out from its intestines landing on his face* He continues to eat it and eventually passes out due to poison.


More soon to come.

If you have tips as to what I could improve upon or advice please leave a comment.


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