
The boss

The night breeze combed through my hair as I left the law firm. By now the sky was a deep blue, the ivory moon emitting its soft light. I gripped my key between my fingers trying to rid myself of the slight paranoia within me. I walked quickly, I only lived 10 minutes away so I thought I would be fine. My heels clicked against the pigeon grey pavement. The sound seemed to fade into the nightlife of New Orleans. Taxies drove past and almost all shops had their lights on so I didn't understand why I had a dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach like a tightly woven knot. I continued walking keeping my gaze towards the floor feeling as though time was being stretched out. My feeling of unease began to subside when I noticed I was nearly home, that was of course until a rough voice pulled me out of my thoughts bringing back that same unnerving feeling.

"What's a girl like you doing out so late at night, ma chérie?" Someone called from the shadows of an alleyway as I walked past. I stopped in my tracks debating on what to do. Using my better judgement, or what I thought was, I began to walk as if nothing happened. However, the figure in the shadows reached out, grasping my arm he pulled me into the darkness. I froze on the inside, worse case scenarios running through my mind. Before I knew it I was pinned against the run down wall, the figure pushed up close to me his harsh grip never loosening. "Now, now, I'm not someone you want to ignore darling" he purred as I contemplated whether I would land myself in more trouble for fighting back. "Who are you and what do you want," I said icily standing complicit against the wall hoping his grip would loosen. The lack of lighting was hurting my eyes and keeping the anonymity of my captor. He stepped back into one of the few rays of light pulling me with him, his grip still tight. "Recognise me now?" He smirked. I looked at him for a moment or two before my heart began to knock against my ribs more than it already had been.

The light hit one side of his face highlighting his soft cheekbones and dark chocolate eyes. His hair was a slicked-back ebony colour and he wore the most immaculate suit I had seen. He seemed extremely out of place in an old run-down alleyway. I knew him from somewhere but I couldn't place my finger on it. Then he smirked at me once more and it hit me. Victor Laurent. My stomach felt knotted as fear washed over me, which I dare let him see. "Yes," I answered his question putting on a confident façade. If I want my way out of this situation I need to be smart about it. "My, my, you do seem so utterly calm," he said once more before brushing a strand of my chestnut hair behind my ear. "I'll repeat myself. What do you want." I said standing completely still, not daring to move. "What do I want?" He said stressing the 'i' before repeating himself but stressing the 'do.' "What do I want? Well, the answer to that, my dear, is quite simple" he said in honeyed words. My gaze searched his face for answers but I received none. He was like no criminal I had seen before, it was truly fascinating watching him. But now was not the time, "stick to analysing criminals when they are behind bars not pressed against you" I thought to myself with a mental sigh as Victor continued to mull over my question. "Are you sure you wish to know the answer?" He said with another sickening smile. I doubt he would be so careless but maybe I could at least get any scrap of information that will help Theo and Vincent. "Yes, tell me. Now." I said trying to shake off his grip slightly to fold my arms but he wasn't cooperating. "Then I shall tell you" he paused before speaking once more, "what I want" he paused again moving closer to me as the wall dug into my back. "Is you." His breath was hot against my ear and I found myself utterly dumbstruck. "Me?" I questioned, against my better judgement. I needed answers. His lips seemed to drag themselves lightly down my neck as I stood awed, unable to move under his grip.

I cleared my throat. I tried convincing myself it was to get his attention but I knew deep down it was to try and rid myself of the shake in my voice. "Yes you, ma chérie. I want you. Is it that big of a surprise?" He spoke with a sort of guttural growl. "Why me? What do you want with me?" I continued to press him with my questions. "For my own reasons, Maria. I'm rather surprised no one has tried to make you theirs already. As for your other question, I've already said. I want you to be mine and only mine. I want you to belong to me and only me. I want to keep you pinned here till I leave my mark on you so everyone can see that you are mine." He said softly against my ear again.

Too many thoughts were running through my mind right now. How does he know my name? Why does he want me? How can I get out of this? What's a most likely rich criminal doing chasing after a lawyer like me? Is he aiming to use me? How do I react? Can I even say no to him? I snapped out of it. Of course, I could. "And do I even get a say in any of this? What if I don't want to be yours?" I said with an air of defiance, grasping at any remaining confidence I had. "Such a bold statement from someone who's aware of who I am," he said with a grin, still extremely close to me. "Don't worry, you'll soon be begging me to make you mine" he spoke with utter confidence I couldn't help but laugh. I quickly stopped myself, that was going to cost me. "I have places to be, but don't think this will be the last time we meet ma chérie." His grin remained unfaded as I looked at him confused. He was letting me go? "Wait-" I began to ask before he cut me off harshly with his lips against mine. His grip left my arms and instead snaked their way across my waist. At first, I was too shocked to react. I soon melted into it. His tongue traced my lips before parting quickly with a smirk as he took in my expression, my eyes still closed. "You won't be able to defy me for much longer, my dear," he said before leaving me alone in the shadows. I quickly gathered my things and ran the remaining minutes back to my house. I shut the door behind me, my heart racing. For once in my life, I couldn't see a solution. No answer, no loophole, no clue what to do. Quickly I grabbed my phone and texted Theo, asking him to come round right away. "Maybe the man who seems to hold all answers can help?" I think to myself before putting the kettle on.

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