

It's been so long...

I walked on the crisp, dewy grass as I closed my eyes. I took in a lungful of air, smelling the earth's natural scent. I listened to the birds chirping and the wind passing through the leaves. I opened my eyes to see the sun's rays peeking through the treetops and small animals squirming all around me.

It has been a long time since I have seen the earth's surface. Ever since I was cursed to the Underworld, my trips to earth have been cut considerably short. I'm only allowed to make an appearance on earth once or twice a century. So far, this has been my fourth trip to the surface. However, every time I see this planet's beauty and light, I grow more hatred. Every day and night I am surrounded by darkness and must live with the dead. Meanwhile, the gods and brothers are allowed to live in the light and interact with the humans.

I released a sigh as I walked forward.

No time for loathing. There isn't much time left...

After wandering aimlessly through the forest, I heard a faint whisper. My curiosity overcame me and I walked a bit faster to decipher the sound. The closer I came to the noise, I realized that it was someone singing. In particular a woman. It sounded like bells lightly swaying in the wind.

My heart began to pound in my chest as I noticed my feet moved faster. I had to see who the voice belonged to. Once I saw her face, I'd return home. After I was walking for who knows how long, I noticed a clearing and someone sitting very close to the edge. I made sure to keep myself hidden among the trees but I wanted...no...needed to see the owner of the voice.

Although I couldn't see her face, I couldn't take my eyes away from her long, wavy hair. She had tresses the color of dark chocolate and barely grazed the grass below her. She was doing something but her hair was so thick that it was covering her body from me. I wished I could run my fingers through those locks.

A new, feminine voice called to the girl and rose from her spot.

My heart must be deceiving me. Truly, Aphrodite herself must be playing a trick on me.

Her skin was white as milk but her lips were the color of cherries. So full and soft. Her eyes, although doe-like, shined brightly. Her eyes were the color of her hair but it only enhanced her beauty. Her breasts, albeit covered by a gown, were of a decent size. Not too large, but not too small either. I could feel the flames of lust grow within me the more I studied her features.

I must have her.

I was about to move from my place behind the trees until an older woman came to my beauty and wrapped her up in a hug.

I growled and sunk deeper into the forest's shadows as the woman's face registered in my mind.

Demeter...is this her daughter?

"Come, Persephone," Demeter said as she wrapped her arm around my beauty's shoulders as they walked away. Their bodies grew smaller as they moved away from my line of vision.

"Persephone...," I whispered to myself and smiled in her direction as she disappeared from my view, "...you will be mine."

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