3 Two-

¨What kind of idiot puts Al Capone's loot under a chair?¨ Alexandra mocked, ¨It's such an easy spot, why aren't you surprised that the loots gone?¨

¨It was meant to be hidden from you. Therefore, I succeeded since it was those bugs that found the money.¨ Sandy snapped, ¨Now stop complaining and watch this ridiculous film.¨

Sandy pushed away the sliding doors of the wall to reveal a square television box, he plugged the VCR into the television jack then put the tape in.

Alexandra moved herself to look past him and to the television, "What do you think is going to be on there?" She asked.

On the television was a long scratching sound and static on the screen until it went into focus of a black & white picture.

"Whatever this tape is, I know that it'll cost me more than I care for." Sandy mumbled.

A man appeared on the screen, "Heya, Sandy! remember me? your old pal. How long has it been.. 6 years? since you sold me out to the cop shop.."

Alexandra shivered, "Is that.."

"That voice.."

"We both know you're bluffing, you want it, too." The voice said.

The man on the screen smiled as the television crackled from the movement of another person entering onto the screen, "We got your little friend."

Caspian was in the mans grip, as were ropes tied up around him to keep his arms at his sides.

The man glared towards Sandy and Alexandra through the screen, "I know it's too early for a crime breach between the mobs, but I'm a little too cruel. Plus..things just got interesting."

Sandy stared back towards the screen feeling unsettled, his left hand tightened over his right as they overlapped.

He breathed in long until he forced himself to watch the rest.

"One day, sooner than you think, we'll meet again. And when we do, you have a decision to make, to either give up your friend to leave him dead here with me or to give me the loot to save his life, Capone." The man said, then tilted his head slightly, "Or will you forget it all to save your girl?"

Sandy quickly looked over his shoulder to Alexandra, who was staring back at him in horror.

The man on the screen took out his gun to tap the nose of it on Caspian's shoulder, "You got 60 days, Sandy, that's two months to play my game my way where it's live or let die. So..play nice." The man chuckled, he straightened his arm towards the screen where the camera was filming.

After the film ended the television shut off in a long bleep, seconds later the screen was dark.

"Sandy, the tape!" Alexandra screeched, pointing towards the VCR box that was spewing out the black rolls of film that was the rest of the film.

Sandy leaped towards the VCR box to unplug it from releasing anymore of the tape, his hands pulling out the very rest of it and trying to roll it back up.

"It's ruined.." Sandy sighed heavily as he dropped the tape to his feet, "Now I have no way of rescuing my friend.."

He then dropped to his knees in the ruined film tape with his hands over his eyes.

Alexandra sighed for her friend, she got up to sit beside him and to then hug him, "It's alright..everything will be okay.."

Sandy looked down, he hugged her back but barely as the thoughts of Caspian's kidnapping rolled around in his mind.

Alexandra kissed his head, but then her eyes widened with joy, "They don't have it!"

Sandy sighed, "Have what? They have my friend and they tarnished my family name, I think they've owned enough.."

Alexandra got up then sat in Al Capone's chair, "They don't have the treasure, they still think you have it!"

Sandy dropped his sadness quickly, he then hopped up to his feet, "We can still find the treasure-!"

"And rescue Caspian!"

"And redeem myself!"

They exclaimed revealing their own agendas.

Soon, they both stared towards each other in confusion.

Sandy folded his arms, "Redeem yourself how..?"

Alexandra folded her arms as well to show how serious she was, "I'm going to give it to the news station so they can pull back my failure of the century."

"You'd rather fix your fail than to help an innocent life from dying? I thought I knew you better, Alexandra." Sandy inhaled.

"Well apparently you don't, and I am going my way to redeem myself so I can still have a future." Alexandra spat at him.

Sandy glared at her sharply, "Help me help you, we help each other find the loot then whoever gets it first can make their dreams come true."

Alexandra smiled, "Then what?"

Sandy shrugged, "We part ways."

Alexandra became silent.

"For Good." Sandy said, holding out his hand.

Alexandra looked up at him, she shook his hand.
