
The Devil’s Fallen Angel

*This is an R-18 story. It involves foul language, sexual content, and violence.* Lucifer the Second, also known as Louie, is the only child of the Devil. His father is the notorious archangel who betrayed God, and his mother was a ruthless and powerful demon. Louie is a unique half-breed who's eager to step up and take over as the ruler of Hell. However, there is a catch. He must marry. But his future queen is not just one of the half-demons that populate Hell, but an angel. Unbeknownst to him, his father and grandfather made a deal when he was a child, and now he has to honor that deal if he wants to take the throne. Louie believes that his bride-to-be will be nothing more than a nuisance, but when she arrives in a fiery explosion reserved for those angels that have been cast out, his world is turned upside down. It doesn't take long for Louie to realize that his fallen angel is not what he was expecting. Fiesty, outspoken, and cute, he finds himself very intrigued by her and the secrets she holds. Follow Louie and his angelic bride as they navigate their unconventional relationship and embark on adventures in this slow-burn, spicy romance. Excerpt: "What do you propose then?" She asked, lifting her head off his leg and taking a drink from her glass. "You're letting me decide?" He smirked, putting his drink on the side table and leaning forward. "I didn't say I'd agree." She rolled her eyes before turning and leaning her back against his legs, placing her own glass on the ground next to her. Lucifer leaned back against the couch and stretched his arms across the back of it, "I was just going to suggest you make right on our deal from earlier." He proposed. "Ahh." She answered, tilting her head back so she could see Lucifer's face, which held an amused look and a genuine smile, "You really think you held up your end, huh?" She asked with her own smirk, once again letting her head rest on his legs as she looked straight up at the star-speckled sky. She was a wee bit tipsy, and maybe that had something to do with how she was feeling, but it really was a beautiful night. With the warmth of the little balcony playing alongside the moment of sharing their deepest pains with one another, She found herself not only feeling closer but also quite comfortable with her Devil. "Undoubtedly." He replied to her question, and she raised a brow, "Admittedly, there was a hiccup or two, but nothing that ruined the evening." He defended, "Plus, I resolved them, did I not?" "A hiccup?" She scoffed, looking as far up as her eyes would allow so she could see him, "Someone tried to kill me, Luce." Lucifer placed a hand on each cheek and leaned over her so that he stared directly into her eyes. Pools of blue looking down and sparkling emeralds looking up, "Tried." He said in almost a whisper. She felt his warm breath on her forehead while his hair tickled her face, "Didn't I protect you? Kept you safe?" "I suppose," She agreed, blushing as he shifted forward a bit more so that his lips were now just an inch or so above hers. "Then may I please have what you promised me?" Lucifer asked again. She swallowed and gave a slight nod.

TheYoungLadyL · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Lucifer "I Also Have a Promise to Keep."

Lucifer lay in bed, leaned back against the headboard, his left leg pulled up while the right stretched out. His left hand rested behind his head while the right arm wrapped around his Baby Girl's shoulders as he twirled her red-tinted hair in his fingers. She was lying on her side, head on his shoulder, and her right hand gently placed on his chest, lightly clutching his shirt. She, of course, was sound asleep and unknowing of the position she had taken. The movie they had been watching ended a while ago; the credits over, and the title screen flashed again, but Lucifer's eyes remained on his slumbering doll. She shifted now and again, and each time he wondered if she would wake. He wanted and didn't want that to happen all at the same time. Despite the lovely evening and the kiss, he still knew if she woke now, her face would light up pink, her words stutter, and she would try to hide from him—all of which he found adorably cute. Then again, he enjoyed the way they were at the moment. Having her in his arms, feeling her warmth and the content essence she gave off, calmed him. He thought back to their tent, when he had first held her and how shocked he had been with himself. Lucifer had never held another woman so intimately as he was holding Kathrine Ann, and somehow he knew he would never hold another this way. Things had changed in the short time since their camping trip. He knew she was different and special when he first held her on that small cot. He knew then that he was beginning to care but now? This feeling was, she was, addictive,

"Luce?" She mumbled, clutching his shirt a bit tighter, and he was sure she was barely conscious.

"Hum?" He replied.

"Good," She mumbled, eyes closed and hardly coherent, snuggling her head into his shoulder, "I thought you left me."

"Why would I leave?" He asked with a little chuckle.

"Angelique," She answered as his chest tightened, "She got a puppy, and I thought you left to see it." He bit his lip, trying to stifle the laugh,

"Don't worry, Baby Girl. I don't like puppies." He whispered, kissing her temple.

The reflex action shocked him but seemed to comfort her as she yawned and settled back into the crevice of his shoulder.

'Adorable, really it is, but we had a deal, Luce.' His demon reminded, putting an annoying emphasis on the pet name his Baby Girl gave him.

"Tomorrow," Lucifer mumbled, pulling his sleeping doll closer and closing his eyes.

'Sure, sure, tomorrow. Go ahead and fall asleep.' He urged, 'We had a deal, you break your end, and I can break mine,' He growled excitedly, 'You weren't the only one who enjoyed that kiss,'

"Fine!" Lucifer hissed, "Leave her alone, and we'll go."

'Sure, I'll leave her alone, Louie, for now.'

Lucifer reluctantly pulled his arm out from under his Baby Girl and carefully slipped out of her hold. He gently laid her down on a pillow and covered her up.

He dressed and pulled his hair back into a bun so it wouldn't get too messy, "You suck!" Lucifer hissed once he was a few feet out the door.

"Me?" He replied with a chuckle, Lucifer allowing him to speak freely, "I gave you all night with her, Louie, and didn't 'misbehave' once. All night gagging at your mushy behavior. 'Will Breaker' my ass, she's made you soft." He accused

"Only for her." He snapped back. As they got closer to his father's room, a sinister smirk crossed his face. He hadn't wanted to leave, but he couldn't deny the adrenaline rising in him as he allowed his demon to surface. He was a Devil and loved to punish those deserving, "Agreed?"

"Whatever, can we just please get started?" He growled as they pulled the massive, intricately carved wooden door open.

Inside the lavish door wasn't just a room like his but a whole apartment complete with a large sunken living room, master bedroom and bath, a guest room that hadn't been used since he was a child, a kitchen, and of course, the small intimate torture chamber. His father sat at the kitchen island, tapping his fingers on the stone top.

"About time," He mumbled, a half-full glass of whisky in his hand, "I was starting to assume you weren't coming tonight."

"Didn't particularly want to," He mumbled, "But I'm here, aren't I?"

"Where are your priorities, son?" He complained into his glass as he took a long sip.

"My question exactly," Hissed Lucifer's demon half, "But you have no right to moan, old man. You forced that damned angel on us, and your son is quite smitten with her."

"Oh, wonderful, you're here." His father sighed, shooting the rest of his glass.

"Believe me; I'm just as thrilled,"

"Stop it!" Lucifer ordered, cutting himself off, "This is supposed to be a joyish occasion of father-son bonding." He added with a smirk.

"Shut up." Both snapped at him.

Without another word, they moved across the kitchen to a metal door. Inside the door was a dismal room with minimal lighting. On one side, a tool wall filled with nightmarish gadgets, and on the other, a single chair occupied by a whimpering young man who had sealed his fate earlier this evening. The fear permeated the room, and the smell excited Lucifer as he let his other half take control.


A crazed grin occupied Lucifer's blood-splattered face, and not a hint of blue could be found in his eyes as he stared at the man named Damien, still strapped to the chair. He struggled for his breaths, and each one he managed was full of pain,

"I...I told y...you everything I sw...swear." He choked.

Lucifer let out a wicked chuckle as he stepped back and looked at his work. Taking a large sniff of the air, he sighed satisfactorily. Damien's blood dripped from open wounds,

"Oh, I know. Now I'm just having fun." Lucifer's cold voice explained.

"P...please, my Prince."

"Your Prince is not here, boy." The demon revealed, "Oh no, no, no, he left you to me."

"I'm sorry." He apologized again, "I...I had to, my sis...sister."

"Oh, shut up about your sister." Lucifer groaned, throwing his hands up, "You didn't have to do it. If you had half a brain, you would have gone to your precious Prince and told him everything. In fact, you could have helped him catch that mischievous scoundrel, but instead, you tried to take away something that belongs to us. Something very precious." He tsked, slinking closer to Damien, "A gift from God is what you tried to destroy." Lucifer sighed, grabbing him by the shoulders and leaning very close so that his lips were right next to Damien's ear, "You tried to kill my wife."

Before the poor man could reply, Lucifer sank his teeth deep into the man's neck, and a blood-chilling scream filled the room, followed by dead silence. Lucifer released Damien's neck, and his lifeless body slumped forward in the chair, only being held in place by his bound wrists.

"Finally done?" His father asked.

Lord Lucifer leaned against the back wall, a book open in his hand, but his eyes were now on his son, who turned to face him. Lucifer wore a demonic grin, and his eyes glowed red as he strolled toward his father. His clothes were splattered and stained with blood, and pieces of his hair fell loose around his face. As Lucifer got closer to his father, blue seeped into his eyes till only a small ring of red was left around the pupils, and his grin had transformed into a frown.

"Useless." He grumbled, "Not a damn thing he knew got me any closer to that cloaked bastard."

"Well, at least you gave your best effort." His father reassured, looking over Lucifer's shoulder and making a disgusted face.

"What are you cringing at, huh?" His demon snapped, "I think this is some of my finest work." He pouted, "I thought you would be proud of me, papa."

"Enough." Lucifer snapped, "You had your fun. Now go on."

"Whatever; you two are just going to blab about boring stuff now anyway." He grumbled, and his presence faded into the back of Lucifer's mind.

The two men left the chamber and returned to the kitchen, "Pour us a drink. I'll get you a shirt." His father ordered as he continued out of the kitchen and around the corner.

Lucifer first walked over to the sink and scrubbed his hands and arms with soap till the water ran clear, 'He didn't taste very good.' The sudden statement startled him, and he jumped a bit,

"I thought you were sleeping." He replied, splashing water on his face.

'Not yet. Why didn't he taste good, Louie?'

Lucifer grabbed the hand towel, "It's because of her. Nothing's enough for me anymore unless it's from her, and I think you feel that too."

'Then, why not simply take,' His demon began as Lucifer dried off his face.

"Because!" He snapped and then sighed, drying his arms before tossing the towel onto the counter, "Because if we hurt her, we lose her, and if we lose her...well, the rest of eternity will fucking suck if we can never find satisfaction again."

'I still don't understand. She's weak. We can take whatever we want from her, whenever we want. It's not like she can stop us.'

"You liked that kiss," Lucifer stated as he opened a cabinet and grabbed two whiskey glasses, "I know you did. I felt you there."

'I did.' He agreed.

"We can't take that type of kiss from her. That type of kiss has to be given." He explained, setting down the glasses and grabbing the decanter in the middle of the island.


"Yes, given. If I make her kiss me, it'll be cold and forced, it won't feel the same, and that goes for everything else as well. It's only good if she wants it also. If she willingly gives it." Lucifer filled the two glasses as his demon mauled over his words.

'So I have to wait till she wants us if I want it to be like that kiss?'

"Yes, that is what I've been trying to tell you." He snaps, exasperated.

"You know it's creepy when you can't hear the other side of the conversation." His father interrupted, reentering the kitchen, a white button-down shirt over his arm.

"Is it any less creepy when I do answer myself aloud?" Lucifer replied, handing his father a glass while putting down his own to grab the shirt.

"Eh, a bit," His father shrugged, sipping his drink as Lucifer pulled the tainted shirt off and slipped his arms into the clean one, "When I can hear both of you talking, it sounds a bit crazy, but when I only hear you, you sound like a full-blown psycho."

Lucifer chuckled as he buttoned up the shirt, "It is partially your fault I'm this way, father, and since dear mama is no longer here to take her share of the responsibility,"

"Yea, yea." He rolled his eyes as Lucifer fastened the last button and retrieved his drink off the counter, "Now, what is your next move?"

Lucifer sighed and dropped himself into a chair.

"I don't have one," He admitted sipping his drink, "Besides putting out some feelers, setting a few traps,"

"You have to find and deal with him, Louie." His father interrupted, "It's not just about keeping Kathrine Ann safe. It's about showing your people you won't tolerate,"

"I know!" Lucifer groaned, "I'm quite aware of my situation, father, but all I can do is keep Kathrine Ann safe and wait for his next move. I imagine he's getting frustrated, and if I can manage to keep him that way, eventually, he'll make a mistake."

"So be it." Replied his father, "Let's just hope it doesn't cost you your queen."