
Miss Blue : A He or A She?

Early morning in Locsin Industries main building, people were very busy keeping everything in perfect place.

There will be a stakeholder's meeting today.

A man who was in his fifty's arrived at the building. On his side was a woman holding his arm tightly like a leech. The middle aged woman seemed trying to dress like a young lady but the protrude enhancements in her face were shouting.

"Honey, don't you think these preparations are a bit too much?"

The man did not answer her.

"I mean, this is just an ordinary meeting right so why bother?"

"This ordinary meeting might get us out from this company so act accordingly!" The man was trying to hold his temper.

"Is your position that bad? Who holds the largest share? Is it a man?" Stella Chu Locsin bluntly said. She new her husband will not despise her no matter what. She was confident that he was under her spell.

On the second thought, if a decent husband would hear such hilarious words from his wife, he would definitely think her wife was planning to go after the man with the biggest company share of stocks and maybe sleep with him just to keep her position. Luckily, Vick Locsin was not that kind of husband because he trusted her second wife that much and he already got used to his wife's obnoxious tongue.

"We shall see whoever this person is in few minutes from now."

Locsin Industries was already falling from the business industry spotlight. Mr. Locsin had to sell almost of his shares in the company to give way to the new investor. This way, he can able to save the company and save himself from humiliation.

The board of directors were on the meeting hall now. All of them went there early to meet their new partner or more likely to give a good impression.


On the ground floor.

A young lady wearing a sleeveless red dress paired with high heels arrived at the building. Her chicks were covered with heavy blush on while her lips were topped with a bloody red lipstick. She was beautiful at first glance but when you take a good look at her, her face was just like any other ordinary lady. She was like a lost strumpet in broad daylight at a wrong venue.

"Is mommy and daddy up there?" She sounded so bossy and acted like she owned the entire place and all that's in it including the employees.

The lady employee got nervous upon seeing Maria Chu Locsin. The stepdaughter of Mr. Locsin who was giving a headache to every employee in the company.

"Hey! Answer me now or you'll get fired!"

"I am so sorry Miss Locsin but they are in the conference room now because there will be a stakeholders' meeting few minutes from now." The lady employee answered while looking her face down.

"Yeah, I know! I just want to ask you. And you know what? I don't like you so you are fired!"

She was raising her hand to slap the lady employee but she was stopped by someone. Then, the person throw her hand harshly and slapped her instead.

"You don't own this company so stop harassing the employees! And the next time I see you around in here, I will make sure the security will drag you out!" The person ferociously whispered and left Maria dumbfounded.

The lady employee's eyes widened with what she had witnessed. It was the first time someone had put an act against Miss Maria. She was afraid but was also a bit happy that the spoiled lady got what she deserved.

"How dare you!" Maria shouted while trying to look for the person who fearlessly slapped her but she could not find him or her anymore. "Ahhhhh!!" She instantly screamed out from anger and humiliation!

Christina composed herself from fury and smirked while she was in the elevator.

'You asked for it my dear evil stepsister. That's my comeback present to you.'

Then, she had finally arrived at the top floor of the building.

"This is for you my little Rain." She said to herself before walking out from the elevator.

On the other side, the board of directors were getting impatient of waiting for the new comer.

"Is this how this person works? This is too unprofessional!" Stella was trying to put a fire. This way, she can instill to their minds a bad impression at the new investor.

"I am sorry but I think I still have a minute before the scheduled time." A woman sounded.

Stella's eyes opened wide and grasped herself upon seeing who was talking. 'What a handsome but pretty face! Is it a he or a she?' She was doubting of her judgement.

It was Christina. She was wearing a female fitted gray tuxedo attire and a typical but classy two-inch black heels. She was not wearing any make up and any accessories except for a golden wristwatch. But she was still damn prettily handsome!

At first glance, one may thought she was a handsome man, from her posture, face and hair. But when you looked at her way longer, her feminine features will buy anyone out.

"What are you doing here? You are no longer part of this company remember?" Mr. Locsin was controlling the anger in his voice.

Stella got confused at her husband. It took a while before she could finally processed his words and reactions! 'It's that bitch! How did she become this confident and brave? We'll you can not buy me with your acts!' Her little admiration to person turned to hate.

"Someone, call the security immediately!" Stella ordered.

"Thank you for doing that "Stella". And make sure that you are not here anymore when they come." Christina calmly said.

"How dare you…"

Before her father could continue what he wanted to say, she interrupted him.

"I thought this is an exclusive stakeholders' meeting yet you allow someone who is supposedly not part of this group to be here. Is this how incompetent the company's directors? I think I made a wrong decision." She disappointedly looked at the board of directors. Playing them in her plan.

"I am sorry …" Mr. Chan, one of the directors sounded but was paused upon thinking how to address her.

"I am Chris Dwight. But please call me Miss Blue! Mr. Locsin would love that, right sir?" She sounded, trying to provoke his father further. She knew her father would hate that name.

"I am sorry Miss Blue. Mr. Locsin kindly excuse your wife out here. We must keep this meeting exclusive." Mr. Chan continued.

"What? No! No!" Stella shouted.

"Please assist your wife on her way out Mr. Locsin." Chris flatly said.

Mr. Locsin did know what to do. He only owned 10% of the company's share. He felt anger, hate and hopelessness.

"Honey, do something!"

The security arrived and forcedly assisted Stella out from conference room.

"You'll gonna pay for this you freak! You'll gonna pay for this!" Stella yelled while she was dragged by the security out of the conference room.

"I am sorry for that trouble. Now, since I already owned 50% of the company's share, I presumed that I will be the chairman. Am I right?"

"Yes, you owned 50% of this company's share but it's still not justified. We still need to vote for the position."

The other directors nodded in agreement.

Chris knew about that. She just wanted to provoke her father , for him to bring the idea on his own.

"Then, let's do it through secret balloting."

Mr. Locsin's eyes glistened. He was confident he will have the position since Chris was just a new comer. And everyone in the room was on his side.

After fifteen minutes, the secret balloting was over. Mr. Locsin's secretary finally had the result.

Everybody was excited to hear the result.

"Mr. Chan got one vote."

Mr. Locsin was so proud to wait for his name to be hailed as the chairman.

"Ms. Blue got 14 votes. Congratulations Ms. Blue you are now the new chairman of Locsin Industries!"

Everybody breathed with a smile. They were clapping their hands with a little restriction.

"No! I cannot allow a lesbian to run this company!" Mr. Locsin shouted as he punched the wooden conference table. He was so disappointed. He felt tricked and betrayed! And he was putting all the blame to Chris.

"What I am capable of is not defined by any gender Mr. Locsin. The last time I checked, you are a fine man yet you failed to manage this company effeciently. I don't think you are in the position to take this matter too personal Mr. Locsin." Chris coldly responded.

Her father can not take the humiliation and defeat anymore so he tried to walk out.

"Wait Mr. Locsin, before you leave. I will have to announce my first order."

Her father stopped.

"I want the company's name to be changed to its original appellation! I want this company to be named as "Dwight Industries" again."

Her father's face went furious.

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