
3. Social Media.

~~~~Expectation is the root of all heartache.~~~~


My parents stayed in hotels around New York quite frequently. They're looking for a new house for me as they said it's better for me to take my own responsibilities now. I really don't mind that, they're always traveling so they're never home either ways.

After about almost 4 hours of practicing the cello I get bit bored of playing the same piece again and again so I decide to take a little break. I go onto Instagram and start scrolling and I already see Mia's posts

"We're coming, Hawaii!!!!" Says the caption under the picture of her and Milo.

She's so cringeworthy sometimes but it's alright cause I love her the way she is and she accepts however I am. She never get irritated of my cold unamused behaviour. I'm not the person to talk much so I don't with her either. So I listen to her talk and she can go on and on for hours.

I scroll further to see my moms post, she's uploaded an art piece of the artist she's visiting and to be frank it's not bad. I see that she's tagged the artist in the picture. Lucas Hells. Who's name is hells. What kinda surname is that. Evil. I pity his soulmate to have that surname later in life.

His username is lu.hells which is weird cause mine is lu.heavens. Well at least my surname isn't hell, pfft.

I click on the tag which takes me to his profile. It's mostly all of his art work with just one or two pictures of a person which I'm guessing is him.

Lucas is fairly attractive. He's tall at least about 6ft, skinny but also muscular, good looking hair, smooth skin, sharp jawline, greyish golden eyes, good defined eyebrows because eyebrows are important. He has good style too, looks really expensive tho, the bomber jacket looks casual but I bet it's like Louis Vuitton or Gucci.

The pictures of him and his art are really aesthetically pleasing as everything goes together in the feed when looked at together which is nice, I do that with my feed too.

After I'm done somewhat stalking him, I follow him because why not.

After scrolling through the explore page for hours I decide to work out for a bit, so I go for a run around my neighbourhood and I suddenly get a call from mum so I pick up and walk while I talk to her.

"Hey kid whatcha upto" mum asks excitedly.

"Just running around the neighbourhood" I reply calmly.

"How about you visit the exhibition tomorrow with us and pick out some pieces for your new home?"

"Uhm but can't I do that on the last day?" I ask.

"Well, you can but the pieces will probably be sold out because the tickets are already sold out" she explains.

"Oh, well alright then, wait what about my ticket?"

"Don't worry about that, I know the artist personally so I'll ask him if he has an extra"

"Uhm alright but don't make it awkward please"

"Sure honey, when am I ever!" She chuckles

"Okay I'm gonna go to bed now, text me the address and the time for tomorrow"

"Okay kid, good night!"

"Good night mum"

I've already walked my way home as the call ended so I just take a shower and I feel a bit sick and weak so I take some medicine and hop into bed to be done for the day and I get a text message from mum,

"The address is Lyra gallery, Manhattan.

See ya there at 9am, honey!"

I google the place and it's huge, it's specially for contemporary art, which is impressive that Lucas hells got such a reputable gallery for his exhibition.

I set an alarm for 8am, put down my phone and finally fall asleep.


Today is the first exhibition of the month. I've done this a million times already but I feel nervous. All I have to do is say hello to visitors which they mostly start with, they ask me questions and talk to me about the piece they're interested in, etc and of course, the press who take pictures and quick interviews.

I have a couple of old friends visiting the exhibition today which is nice as I can just excuse myself and run to them if I feel a bit awkward. The tickets were sold out but I had a few extra passes which I gave them. Yesterday a lady asked me for a ticket for her daughter but sadly I didn't have an extra anymore so I decided to just let the ticket be and let her daughter in anyways so I let management know that a girl named Lucy Heavens can have free entry. She's the only one who'll have free entry and first ever too as I've never done that before. I did it because I know her parents, they visit every single one of my exhibitions so I didn't really mind, they're really supportive and appreciative of my art.

I wake up at about 8am and scroll through Instagram for a while and I see I've been tagged in a picture and it's from the lady who asked for a ticket for her daughter. I like it and comment:

"thank you for your appreciation! Hope to see you today! :)"

I see who's liked the picture and see a username lu.heavens. Well that's weird, my username is lu.hells.

Heavens is a cool surname, sounds pure and delicate. Unlike mine which just sounds pure evil. I feel sorry for my soulmate who'll probably have my surname.

Lu.heavens' is probably the lady's daughter who I gave free entry to. I click on her profile and notice a lot of cello pictures/videos, group photos, selfies, etc. I guess she's a cellist. A pretty good one at that. I click on one picture which has 2 girls in it, one tagged miamia and the other untagged one must be her.

She's very pretty, I must say. She's taller than her friend, big bright golden-ish grey eyes which compliments her silver ombré hair. A cute tall nose. A beautiful smile. Has pretty good style which I appreciate. Her pictures of the cello pictures/videos, group photos, selfies go as an aesthetic which looks good all together. I like that, I do my feed that way.

I go back on the activity page and see that she's followed me, I get kinda nervous and go onto my feed to see how it looks at the moment, to see what she probably saw. It looks good so I'm satisfied and I follow her back.

I quickly shower, style my hair down sideways and put on a black suit which is embroidered a bit at the sleeves. I take my car and leave for Lyra gallery in Manhattan.

As I reach there at about 9:30am, I see the press all around the entrance over the barriers. Few men line up my car, open the door and make way for me to go into the gallery, I walk in quickly. I look around and feel pretty satisfied with the art on each wall. People quickly gather me. I start to walk around socialising with as many people as I can. After a while I get kind of tired socialising, I'm not much of a people's person. Luckily I see my friends together admiring and laughing together with some wine in hand and I excuse my self and walk up to them and catchup. Soon after a lady approached me, it's Mrs.Heavens. I say hello and thank her for coming and ask her about her daughter. She's left quite a great impression on me by her talent in the cello.

Mrs.Heavens said Lucy couldn't make it as she's a bit sick which makes me kind of sad as I was really looking forward to meeting her and tell her how much I liked her music but why am I so hung onto her. Why am I thinking about her so much? I haven't thought about my soulmate since I went through Lucy's Instagram profile. Why has she left such an impression on me? Why do I feel attached to her when I don't even know her? She couldn't possibly be my soulmate, can she?

I look over at my dial discreetly which says:

17 days 3 hours 53 minutes 4 seconds.

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