
Chapter 78: Justice for the Weak - 2

Author's Note:

This is the promise chapter!!!!! Next update will be on Thursday 🙂. Ow I told you I was so stressed out because of the lost chapter 77 that I decided to unwind the whole weekend. I just watched old Filipino comedy movies and I just simply can't help but laughed - for me the classics are still the best compare to our Filipino movies now. I also watch Sin Island by Coleen Garcia and Xian Lim and damn I was blown away by the twist of that movie. It was by far one of the best love affair Filipino movie I watched. I didn't even noticed that two hours already passed. Coleen, Xian and the other girl (I don't know what her name is.) acting are so good. The story is like a one night love affair gone crazy wrong hahaha but it was really a good watched.

Anyways I got so excited so Enjoy the update guys, Happy reading 😀!


"Rion Dunst." The jail guard called to the prisoner named Rion. Rion was kind of surprise to hear that someone will talk to him with regards to his case though he was already sentenced guilty of charge. It has been days since his transfered to jail where he will serve his sentence and in those days he experience different kind of abuse. Be it physical, verbal and most of all sexual. Even in prison he has to experience that but what can a mere Omega like him do when he can't even afford to help himself might as well shut his mouth and swallowed his little pride that he has just to follow what he is being told so. The jail guard lead him to a room that has no window just one door and table and chairs in the middle. In the table there's a man sitting and waiting for him, he can't tell who is it as he face the man's back. The Jail guard lead him to the chair across the table. The man in front of him is indeed handsome probably the most handsome guy he had ever seen and from the way he carries himself he can tell that the man is a dominant Alpha.

"I'm Terrence Harris, Mr. Dunst." Terrence offered him a handshake that he think twice before accepting.

"Yes I'm Rion and what do I owe you this visit?" Rion asked, he's afraid that the man before him will cause him another trouble. All alphas cause him nothing but trouble so despite his handsome face Rion is more afraid for another kind of torment and suffering the man will offer him.

"I'll be your lawyer from now on. I will take your case, we will appeal to your sentence." Rion could not believe what he was hearing, he knows he should be happy but the sudden fear whelm inside of him. There are so many what ifs running inside his mind but the biggest what if is the payment that the lawyer will be asking.

"I don't have any means of paying a lawyer." Rion said.

"You don't have to, you're already paid."

"What paid? H-how?" Rion could not believe what he heard.

"You offered friendship to my wife and in return my wife promised you didn't he? We never break promises Mr. Dunst. I'll make sure to get you out of here. I will personally handle your case." Rion didn't noticed the tears that suddenly fell from his eyes.

"Ow this, I'm sorry I was just so happy. Thank you, thank you. I think it was Chester that send you here. Please tell him I said thank you." Rion said as he wipe his tears that keeps on falling from his eyes.

"Are those bruises and cuts?" Terrence asked with a smile on his face.

Rion just nod. "Who did that?" Terrence asked but Rion remained silent.

"I see." Terrence answered. By the way the Omega is acting it seems the person who did that to him is someone with authority. "I'll be requesting a full body examination on you." Terrence got up from his seat. "Mr. Dunst, don't worry I will take care of everything. Ready yourself in a minute." Rion could not understand what Terrence means but in a minute he was given a permission to have a full body examination. They examine him thoroughly even in that place. Rion could not understand why but the lawyer said it is important so he must do it. In less than a week his case has been re-opened. The man who he had offended visit him and threatened him. He was told that he will make sure to buy his lawyer again to make sure that he will rot in jail.


"I wonder how's Chester is doing?" Nash sigh 3 weeks and still there's no sign of Thirdy waking up and he knows how sad his friend might have been. Whenever Nash finds time he makes sure to visit him giving him comfort.

"Hey, you're new here right?" One of the staff asked him which brought his attention back to reality.

"I'm sorry Sir, yes I'm the new hired assistant." Nash's position is more like formalization but in reality they are just making him do bunches of things and making him run some errands that sometimes no longer his job. It doesn't even showcase his real potential to the best of his capabilities unlike when he was working at his own boyfriend's company but what can he do Omegas are being looked down even those who have managed to get themselves a degree still having a hard time in getting acknowledge and getting fair treatment. Most of the time those Omega's who have obtained their degrees and have good face and body are mostly get tangled in selling their own body in the expense they will get a promotion or at least get respected to and most of the times they are the Omegas who discriminates Omega that are lower to them. Nash saw it a couple of times maybe one of the only exception are the wives of his boyfriend's friend but most cases of Omegas went from nothing to having something also looks down on other Omegas who are far below them as well. Well Nash couldn't blame them since they simply just going along with the Alphas and betas they are with.

",I'm Nash ..."

"No need to tell me your whole name, can you do this report for me? I heard you're good at things like this." Nash just sighed it's not the first time the man asked his name and asked for a favor in passing his work to him.

"Yes of course." Nash said. It was a very rushed report that needs to be submitted tomorrow and Nash have no choice but to stay and do it.

"Hey Nash, aren't you going home?" One of the employees asked him and probably the only employee who is kind enough to make friends with him.

"Yes, I'll probably need to finish this first before going. You can go ahead without me." Nash said to his friend. "I'll be fine here Tin." The woman think first before sitting down beside him.

"Here let me work on some of these." Tin is also an Omega just like him but Tin is just as beautiful as other Omegas the only difference is that she's kind and won't resort in selling her body just she could promote to higher position, though she is being favored more than the other Omega all because of her beauty.

Thanks to the woman Nash manage to finish everything sooner. He immidiately pack up and went to his appointment. Nash is running out of breath but he needs to finish one more round before he could get a rest. Adrian was not kidding when he said he needs to change his life style so after working hours he clocks out right away and goes to the gym where his boyfriend enrolled him except for times as this where he needs to work extra hours and even though he's tired if he still can make it he still goes to the gym. He doesn't want Adrian to be sad if he's not taking seriously everything that his boyfriend doing for him.

"Look at that fatty over there? Does he think that he will be able to fish some hot Alpha here?" Nash just ignored all the whispering that he has been hearing from people who's also members of that gym. He has gotten used to the indifferent treatment he gets from other people that it no longer affects him, though he still gets hurt from time to time but how can he confront people as beautiful as them when obviously people's empathy will be towards them not him. Nash just sigh and focus all his attention in finishing the set of cardio for that session that Adrian paid for him.

After the tiring day Nash just want to head home and get some rest. Adrian has been very busy lately that they haven't seen each other for a week now. Whenever he has the time he goes to the hospital to look after Thirdy and also visit Chester. It seems that Terrence hasn't visited Chester since that time he went there, he ever hardly see the man's face in the hospital, most of the time it's just his mother and father and some times Terrence brother or wife. He wonders maybe Terrence is busy in lowering down the charges just as what Adrian told him. He said that Terrence plans to lower down that charges so he can bail Chester out of the prison.

"Ouch! Why don't you look where you're going?!" Nash bumped into her half sister. She's the daughter of the legal wife of his father.


"I'm sorry." Nash humbly apologize.

"I thought you were gone for good but why do you have to comeback? There's nothing right that's going on in this house whenever you are here. I can't believe I have such an ugly half brother and on top of that an Omega!"

"I'm sorry," Nash whispered.

"Hey Jenny don't scold him too much for the least he still have some use to us." Nash looked at the man who just answered, the man is the brother of his father's legal wife. The first time he met him is when he came back, The brother run into some trouble and now is living with his sister.

"Whatever if it weren't for that little money that he gives to father to pay for that stupid loan.I wouldn't even want to let that stupid whore inside this house." The woman walked pass by the two.

Only the two of them was left at the living room so Nash decided to just go straight to his little room. "And you remember that you are not part of this family but just because you are not part of this family doesn't mean you have to dragged this family's name to dirt." Nash didn't answer instead he choose to ignore and go on with his plan.

"Hey how do you usually deal with your heat? I heard from my sister that you have not been held even once? When is your heat? Weird I don't even smell your scent." For some reason Nash felt bad about it.

"My heat just came and I have really faint scent." Nash lied, of course there wouldn't be any scent that other Alphas should sense cause his scent is now solely for his mate and Alpha—Adrian.

"I'll tell you something." Nash heard a flicker of a lighter which was followed by the thick smell of cigarette. "It doesn't matter what kind of face an Omega has in the end it's still feels good once you're inside and Omegas gets addicted to sex once they had a taste of it. Well that's what the Omegas I slept with told me. After their cherry's has been popped up they seek for it like addiction. They said popping cherry's feels good, I don't know since I never embrace a virgin before."

"I'm sorry I don't know and I have a boyfriend. W-we already slept together." Nash said in a stuttering voice. He really got scared for a reason.

"Really a boyfriend? With that face?" Nash doesn't want to stay longer in that place brisk walk.

Morning came and like the usual Nash prepared to go to work without showing himself to his father's family but for an unknown reason the wife of his father called him to join them for breakfast. Nash declined first but they insisted so in the end he joined them. At first the conversation was light and smooth untill the topic jumped off to him.

"So Nash I heard from my brother that you now have a boyfriend?" There's a hint of mockery to her voice. Nash inwardly slapped his self inside his mind. He regretted ever telling that he has a boyfriend. He doesn't want to introduce Adrian to them cause he's afraid that Adrian's attention and affection might shift to either one of his sisters. They are both pretty and beautiful compared to them he's just their feet.

"Y-yeah." Nash whispered.

"Now really? That's a big news, though I highly doubt that. If it's true can you bring him over so we can talk to him." His mother asked him, though Nash new the only reason why they are asking him is to know if such person really exist. Two is to prevent the relationship from going further. Nash felt so sad about it.

"He's a very busy guy so I'll ask him first about it." Nash lied.

"Why? What's his occupation, if you don't mind me telling?" Nash has to think fast or else they will catch him lying.

"He's a, he's a, a, a, a security guard. Right a body guard." Nash keeps on apologizing inside his head to Adrian for lying about him.

"Just a guard? What a cheap." One of his sister who's name is Jenny commented. "You should have choose someone more decent than a guard." She added.

"What do you expect he's just a lowlife Omega." His other sister commented.

"I don't see anything wrong about me dating whoever I want. He loves me and he's willing to give up everything that he has just so he can be with me. You can look down on me but please not him." Nash wonders why did he ever agreed to comeback to this family who doesn't even treat him like one. If it's not for his father who was beaten black and blue to death by the loan sharks he owes to he wouldn't have comeback in the first place but his father is the only family that he has left so he tried to help. The reason why he didn't wait for Adrian to give his job back is not to get out of the way of Adrian's parents issues about him but to find a job that can give him money. He doesn't want to tell Adrian about this. He didn't want him to see him as someone who would pass the problem of his family to his boyfriend.

"The pushover knows how to fight back now." Jenny said.

"Just because you are bringing money to this house doesn't mean you have the right to talk back to us." Cassey said.

Nash got up, he doesn't want to stay any longer. It suffocates him to smell those raging pheromones but what suffocates him more is the unwelcoming remarks of his own half sisters. The financial change suddenly came to the family that once have a say in life. They didn't know that their father had a huge loan all because of their mother who got addicted to gambling and used her husband as guarantor to her liabilities. So his father has no choice but to work harder and asked for Nash's help when he found out that the Omega is back in town without his wife and children knowledge.

"Nash, if it's just one security guard then I suggest for you to break up with him. We wouldn't want an additional mouth to feed in this family would you?" Nash looked back to his father's wife who is calmly sipping coffee.

"He's a good guy and I love him. Don't worry if I ever marry him we won't live in this house so you don't have to worry in finding where to get the money to feed him." Nash just realized that he has a short temper when it comes to things that involves Adrian. He storm out without saying anything after that.

"Mom can't we just let him go? I mean if he wants to be fucked up by that security guard then let that ugly go to that security guard." Jenny hysterically said while point to the direction where Nash went to.

"Jenny sit down, you know I can't do that now. You're father has lots of loan that he still needs to pay and that good for nothing Omega wants to be recognized by his father so he's giving his best and all his money to us don't you still get it? If you don't then are you two so willing to find work and work yourselves in place for that ugly creature?"

"No Mom! Don't make me work that is so cheap! What would my friends say if the found out that I started working. They will say that we are already poor. No I can't do that Mom no." Jenny said begging her mother.

"Then don't chase that Omega out of this house cause he's still has a use to us."


Chester holds Thirdy's little hand while he hums him a song, he does this everyday after his training with Axel. He talks to Thirdy every single time he visits him and quietly tells him to wake up soon.

"Can we come in?" Chester looked behind him and saw to of his friends. "We brought fruits and sweets." Aiden raise the box of sweet tart and Theo on his hand is a basket of fruits.

Chester gave the two a warm welcome. "Of course come on in." Chester invited the two to sit on the couch. They talk a lot of random things leaving behind the thing about Thirdy.

"That looks like you're about to give birth any time soon." Chester noticed.

"This? Ah no I'm still in my 7th month still far from giving birth." Theo said while rubbing his belly. It really does look big for 7 months.

"Yeah it really does look big for 7 months. When I was pregnant with my baby it wasn't that big. Chest you gave birth to twins did yours look that big at that time?" Aiden asked.

Chester became a little sad cause he can't recall anything from his first pregnancy."No I can't really remember I'm sorry." Aiden felt sorry for not thinking about Chester's situation.

"No I should be the one apologizing. I have been a little insensitive about that." Aiden apologize.

"Didn't you asked your doctor if you are carrying twins?" Chester change the topic diverting it towards Theo.

"No we didn't, me and Tea decided not to know all we wanted to know is if the baby is fine. We were not actually thinking the possibilities of having a twin cause none of each side has a history of having one so."

"Hey what are we waiting for! We need to know now!" Aiden took both him and Chester to have Theo check about the babies and since Theo's doctor is in that hospital it really didn't take for them long to know the answer to their questions.

"So my dear sister in law what's the news?" Aiden excitedly asked.

George just laugh at Aiden's excited face as if he's the one who's pregnant and not his friend. "A I was really surprised when you came running to my office barging in like that. I thought you were the one who's pregnant." George tease.

"If I'm the one who's pregnant Lance would be dead by now. Your husband and my father will literally will kill him if ever he breaks his promise." Aiden snorted at his sister in law.

"But all jokes aside, did the two of you do the deed? I'll just keep this between you and me." George looked at the two Omega beside Aiden. "And of course you two what you hear and the you see when you leave you will all leave it here ok?" Theo and Chester just nod in response. " So back to the topic, remember your secret is safe here. So did you and Lance already had sex?" Aiden hit his sister in law to the head.

"Of course not! Lance is trying to be the man of his words and I have no intension of breaking it so I already made a plan in speeding up our marriage. It's still a secret though but I already preparing for everything. I already talked to his friends I'll just need to talk to Dad and my brother so until I said so don't spill anything to that husband of yours." Aiden threatened.

"My lips are zip." George said motioning of zipping her lips. "How about them do they know?" George point at the two beside him.

"Yes of course they do they are part of the plan. The date is also set, I'm doing this bold decision cause I love that man and I want Lander to have a complete family. Hays" Aiden sighed at the thought of Lander. He still yet to tell the the kid that he's his real mother not that bitch who ruin their family.

"Well anyways with regards to your question. Since both you and your husband insisted not to tell anything about the baby except of course about it's health I didn't told you but you are right it's a twin." Theo faint after hearing the news.


"Hey!" Axel answered without looking at his phone screen. If it's not Jules then he doesn't bother.

(How's my prey?) Axel smile he knew sooner or later the man will call him.

"Well he's on the move. He's starting to dismantling the remaining drug business that he has in the area and advise the big bosses to go into hiding for now about the drugs they will try to move it to their different partners so they could still sell it." Axel pick up his apple and bite to it.

(Did you find where and when?) Terrence asked.

"Yes I did. I'll send it to you later. Ow you wouldn't believe what I found aside from that. Those man are trafficking Omegas overseas to sell as sex slave." Axel said, it surprised him too he knows that those people are involved with drugs and prostitution but human Omega trafficking to be sex slave is another thing.

(You really are something.) Axel can hear Terrence laughter at the other side.

"I know right but you know it wouldn't be enough evidence to tie it to them unless we get to have witness and that can testify to this also some concrete evidences." Axel reminded him, they can't use the information they gathered through hacking the system so they need to gather as much as they can.

(Don't worry about that, I don't know if it's luck that my wife got to be locked in the dirty prison cell but it was really a pure luck to meet someone who's actually a victim of that human Omega trafficking.) Terrence said. "He's not from here, but when I checked his papers they are all legal it's like he's a real citizen of this country that was born and raised here. Everything is off. Aside from that it seems that the moment he got caught in a crime like this they made sure that he will be imprisoned here for a very long time. I got him a full body check and I got a very interesting result. That Omega has been transferred here for a week and according to his results he's positive in drug test probably the last intake was just a few days which means he got drugged when he got transferred. They found traces of seminal fluid which means he just recently engaged in a sexual activity. When I asked him he was a little hesitant at first but then he whispered that some guards are taking him to some high ranking prisoner to have sex, when he didn't agree they drugged and hurted him so in the end since he didn't want to he just let's them. He said one of the those high ranked prisoner told him that he paid a handsome price to his owner so he can fucked him.) Terrence said.

"Now that's interesting, you need to get that cat out there immidiately Terrence if you don't want our one and only witness to be dead once they found out that you will take on his case. They are obviously still using him to make money even he's inside that shit hole."

(I'm working on it. I already call the HQ for support we need people inside to protect that Omega. Axel find everything you can about Rion Dunst. We need to get information about the man who owns him cause it seems that's the man who has the connection to the one who's managing the large scale Omega trafficking in this country. Let my rat snipped and gather the remains of his drug business while we busy ourselves in tying him and his father to their downfall.) Terrence said.

"Well this surely will get the eyes of those higher syndicate who's supporting them." Axel commented.

(Well isn't that the goal? To bring my enemy down and also bring your enemy down in the process as well?)

"Fair point. For now focus in getting that Omega out of there, my husband will take custody of him once he's out. That Omega needs protection and Axel can definitely give that." Axel explained.

(Aren't you going to be jealous? That Omega looks hella of a girl if I didn't know better I would have mistaken him as one.)

"Nope I always have eyes for my husband he knows better not to betray me and beside you said Chester made friends with him I'm pretty sure he won't bite the hands that feeds him right? Or else I'll kill him myself."

(Woah scary, anyways thanks for the help. Did Jules got home already?) Terrence asked.

"Nope he still hasn't."

(Still guarding that diplomat? I just couldn't understand why's he guarding that man when that man's skill is at par as Jules.) Terrence commented.

"What?!" Axel almost shouted. "I'm going to give Jules a call, I'm gonna hung up now." Axel didn't wait for Terrence response and just simply hang up.

(Ow Hello sweety!) Jules greeted happily.

"JJJJJUUUUUULLLLLLEEEEESSSSS." Axel said. It was a very long explanation before Jules was able to calm Axel down. He also introduce his friend to his wife to prove that the man is an Alpha and doesn't want an Alpha man to be his partner.

(Do you believe me now sweety?) Jules asked they are now both in face time.

(Don't worry I won't steal your husband from you it's just that we really need a tight security. Though I can fight I won't be able to take care of myself 24/7 I will still be needing eyes everywhere.) Clarence said.

"Ok, ok....." Axel said now that he's finally convinced but a sudden idea popped up to his mind " Hhhhmmmmm Clarence can I ask a favor to you?"

(Sure anything, anything.) Clarence happily said.

"I'll tell you what the favor is when the time is right. I just hope when you receive that favor you will take good care of it with your life." Axel said with a playful smile on his face.

"Jules your wife is not as scary as you told me." Clarence said after the call has ended. Jules who's sulking on the side didn't respond.

"Why is he asking you for a favor? He just met you through face time?" Jules said sulking.

"Maybe because he thinks I'm more handsome and reliable than you?" Clarence answered back with confidence.

"Fuck you! If you're that reliable then you wouldn't be needing my help in the first place." Jules glared at his friend.

"Or maybe he fell in love with me at first sight.... Fuck Jules!" Jules didn't wait and just fired a gun shot at his friend direction.

"Ops I missed, I think the next time I hear something like that I make sure not to miss." Jules threatened.

"I was just joking and besides you know I'm not into men even if they're Omegas. I'm more into beautiful women." Clarence said. "Don't worry base from that eerie smile from your wife I think the favor he's going to asked is something I'll regret terribly. Now thinking about it I got so excited and agreed immidiately without thinking. Anyways since he's not telling just yet it means the favor is still in process and needs to get ready." Clarence explained.

Next chapter