
And now their was One

On her own Crystal sat in a dark and long alleyway at midnight waiting for her "package" to arrive. 20 minutes past, she was fidgeting with her lighter and dug into her pockets of her leather jacket that was tainted and used. She found her cigarettes and grabbed one out of the brand new pack and placed it in her mouth and put the pack away and in exchanged for the lighter. The light flickered on and moved swiftly with the wind, she brought it to her mouth and lit the cigarette. She looked at her watch '12:10', "Damnit!" Now 30 minutes. She heard muffled voices and walked closer and saw it was her dealer. Drugs were Crystals save haven, she didn't take cocaine, weed, pot, no it was all of them together just to heal her pain that she felt everyday. 'Torture' is what she named her life. She hears footsteps behind her, but her dealers were in front of her so who was behind? "Mhmh AHH mhm!" She blacked out.

Sorry if there are mistakes

Skylerpotatocreators' thoughts