
The Town

There was a small town named Darlot living peacefully until The Dlex Knights arrived they started sending people to prison and they would not let them go until they say something about the demon that attacked the village Saint but they did not know enything, and the Dlex King Was so mad So He Ordered To Kill Them But, One of those prisoners was a Demon Slayer He Was Mad Too, So was yelling all Night his Name Was Tyler Known As The Demon Slayer So The King, Ordered To Take Him To His King Room And Then The King Started Asking Questions, Tyler was so mad he kept saying he did not know enything and to Free his while village, And the king kept saying no, Then A Big Explosion Was Heard Outside The Castle then fire started appearing in the middle of the town and then the big noice came back again exept this time they didn't bleed...

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