

Azrael's eyes widened.

The golden colour in her irises faded,

"I forgot people can hear me in the shadows" she muttered.

The last of the beautiful black flames that she produced dissipated into the night sky.

"Well?" Juro asked.

The girl looked to the side, "wellllll, I found out why his heart beat sounded very fast, and honestly you guys could probably guess why"

"An Affair?" Jun suggested.

"An Affair" she confirmed.

Juro snickered and tugged on the strings of his hoodie, "with who?"

Azrael's lips twitched, "..The bartender" she snorted.

"Of course" her best friend sarcastically remarked.

"Anyways" Jun cleared his throat, "when can phase B begin?"

His brother looked towards the indigo haired girl, "Azzie?"

She put her hands on her hips, "levels 1 to 12 are empty, apart from the ground floor and level 12 where our cheating son-of-a-bitch and his whore are. The ground floor has three security guards, two placed at the elevator, one placed at the front desk watching the security feed.

Level 12 has four guards, two placed outside his office, one inside his office, and one outside the door to the bar."


"The cops are still on patrol for us," he stated with his shoulders back, "they're circling the blocks near the building, but I made the temperature on the ground drop to the negatives, they won't be getting far since I targeted the vehicles, the engines shouldn't be starting up any time soon"

Juro half-smiled and cracked his knuckles, "well, then phase B can start right about now"

"I'll be watching the security feeds, I've made the computer on the ground floor stream a different security feed from a few days ago while I have the current one, I gained remote access to the desktop" said the demon, "you guys know what to do, if anything comes up, I'll tell you, but be discreet"

"Alrighty" Azrael sighed as she licked her lips, "Jun, you want ground floor or 12th level?"

"I can take care of the ground floor pretty quickly, I'll meet you at the top floor in five" he responded confidently.

Jun closed his eyes and opened them, his irises turned into to a bright violet, and purple flames emitted from him.

He snapped his fingers and a ring of flames formed, inside was a glimpse of the ground floor and a view right behind the security guard seated at the front desk.

Without hesitation the boy went inside, and the ring closed right after, leaving behind a small purple ember.

Azrael stretched her neck from side to side as her irises flooded with their signature golden color, "well, I wanna beat Jun"

Black flames bursted from her body as the darkness from the roof's ground engulfed her and pulled her down.

In her minds eye she saw a shadow created by one of the guards standing in front of the door to the CEO's office—of course, she came out from behind his own shadow.

She smirked as she immediately kicked the security guard to the ground, alerting the other one of her presence.

"HEY!" the other yelled rushing at her.

She turned to the side just as he was about to reach her and yanked him towards the other one that just got back up, knocking them into each other.

"Man, you two are lousy guards" she tilted her head back, "I don't even need to use a weapon."

The guards quickly regained their composure and started coming at her again, but Azrael simply smiled and stepped into her own shadow, being taken into the darkness and coming out from a corner in the room.

They turned around shocked, the waves of fear she sensed from them made her giggle a bit.

"Well, I don't blame you two, you should be scared"

One of them suddenly pulled out a gun, but before he could even shoot, Azrael ended up right behind him once again, placing him in a choke hold.

She hummed as she took his gun and shot the other one while he attempted to pull out his weapon.

'Damn now more of them are gonna be alarmed, I have to hurry,' she thought to herself.

The girl thought of the quickest way to get rid of the guard and pressed her lips together, 'Juro's gonna kill me for this.'

She looked towards the large window on her right and threw the guard towards it.

He crashed through it in a second, shattering the glass and falling twelve stories to the ground.

She carefully walked towards the broken window and peered down, "yep, definitely a goner"

"really, Az?"

She gasped and sighed in relief as she saw Jun.

"You scared the shit out of me" she put a hand on her chest.

"This isn't exactly discreet"

"neither of you are being discreet" Juro's voice interrupted their thoughts.

"What do you mean, I took care of the guys on the ground floor" Jun hissed, "Azrael's the one who shoved someone through a window"

"You killed the guard behind the desk, but you killed him on the silent alarm"

The girl snickered and held her stomach, "how the fuck are you that stupid?"

"What- how-" Jun creased a brow, "I didn't even know there was one!"

"I didn't know there was one either, it wasn't on the blueprints or layout of the building, and the security cameras don't have a view of it, but I saw a notification that said it was triggered"

"How many minutes do we have?" Azrael asked.

"I'm gonna say five to ten, this doesn't make that big of a difference, just remember that the cops are on the way"

"Guess we're going to push?" The girl guessed as they opened the door to the office.

"I guess so"

"Shouldn't be that hard, it's one guy so I'll let you take this one" she said walking in.

The guard immediately pointed his gun at the two, "stop right there"

Jun smirked, "you're just saying that because you're lazy Az"

The guard fired a shot at him, but Jun moved his head to the side and let it hit the door.

"Maybe" Azrael shrugged.

The temperature in the room dropped significantly.

Jun's purple flames lit up, and with the swift flick of his wrist, a purple ice shard formed and hit the guard right between the eyes.

His body collapsed and slid against the wall.

"Wait," Jun looked around, "you said there was four guards.. If that is the door to the bar.. where is the other guard?"

They stared at the door on the left side of the room.

Azrael shook her head with a smile dangling on the corner of her lips, "I don't need to look into the shadows to know the CEO is a pussy that needs a guard in there with him"

She then sunk into her own shadow and exited out from behind the bar.

"Boo" said the demon, causing the bartender to scream.

She and the CEO were sitting at the counter while the guard, who was near the door, now pointed the gun at Azrael.

"P-please" the CEO stuttered. He was good-looking for a man in his middle age, and wore a classic office suit and tie.

His mistress, wore a black blazer and pencil skirt.

"Do you know why—"

"—DON'T MOVE!" The guard yelled, "I WILL SHOOT YOU"

The girl noticed this guard was clearly a newly hired one. He was visibly sweating and his hands were shaking so much she thought he would drop the gun if he did shoot.

The fear that seeped from him almost made her feel nauseous.

Azrael leaned back against the shelves of alcohol, "I doubt you will, and I really wouldn't do that." She crossed her arms and smiled, "Jun!" she called.

On queue, a loud crack was heard.

A large dark violet blade, with purple frost steaming off it, had rammed right through the door and through the guards chest.

It was pulled back with a smooth shift and not a second later, the door was kicked down to reveal Jun.

The body of the poor guard was lying on the ground.

Her best friend gave a nod, and he patiently stood.

"Anyways" Azrael said, turning back to the two scared mortals. "Before I was interrupted, do you, Mr. Maximillion, know why I'm here?"

Next chapter