
the demon system

A story of a boy who was left by the gods only to be saved by demons now with a vengeful heart he seeks strength to get revenge

Nocorah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

The beginning

"Today is the day!" A young boy jumps out of bed and dashes through his house. He ran through his house as if it was on fire as he quickly got ready not wasting any time. He then ran into another room where his mother slept calmly as he brashly woke her up from her rest. He ecstatically jumped up and down waiting for his mother to get up from her bed. She slowly got ready still drowsy from waking up much to the boy's disappointment. She gave the boy a smile as she ruffled his ink-black hair.

"I know Leo today is your thirteenth birthday and your father told you he would take you to the dungeons today but no matter how fast I get ready your father still has to come back from the guild hall."

Hearing his mother talk about him going into the dungeon only energized Leo again. He ran into their kitchen searching for food as his mother slowly followed behind. As she grabbed some eggs and some meat from an animal his father killed in the dungeon she walked over to a pan and grabbed it while taking her other hand and opening its palm. 

When she opened her palm fully a small burst of fire flew out attacking the bottom of the pan as the food slowly cooked. Leo watched while waiting for the food to be one amazed by the magic his mother could do. 

As he watched he heard the door to his house opening and he quickly turned seeing his father walking in with a long wooden box in his hands. Leo charged at the man. once finally reaching him wrapping his arms around his waist and squeezing as tightly as possible.

His mother then called out from the kitchen shouting that the food was done and to come and eat it before it got cold. Leo quickly ran into the kitchen grabbed a plate and ate the food as fast as possible. His father let out a chuckle as he warned him that if he kept eating so fast he might get sick and throw up the food his mother worked hard on cooking.

Hearing this Leo slowed his pace slightly but was still eating quickly to be able to ask his dad to go into the dungeon. Once finished he ran back over to his father and bugged to go to the dungeon as soon as possible. His father let out a sigh as he shook his head and said "And here I was thinking you would want your gift I spent so much on. I guess I'll just have to return it."

Quickly Leo grabbed the box his father had been holding and pried at the wood as it slowly bent open. Seeing Leo struggle his dad took a hand and opened the box with ease showing Leo what was inside.

Inside was a katana with a purple and black hand with a gem at the bottom of the hilt that was clear. Staring at the blade Leo's sky-blue eyes reflected back at him. Leo then looked at the bottom of the hilt where the gem was. Not knowing what it was Leo looked at his father for answers.

Seeing this He gave a smile and pointed at it saying it was a soul-bonding stone. connecting the weapon to the user to make the weapon grow stronger as the user does. Leo then picked up the sword out of the box. His father then took his hand and brought it to the blade of the sword where he forced the sword to cut Leo's hand. Blood trickled down the blade and the gem slowly turned blue.

Once the gem was fully blue a blue screen appeared in front of Leo's face with a tab saying equipment at the top. In the middle of the screen, it had an image of a katana with a description of it.

[Unnamed Katana]

Owner: Leo Lancaster [Human]

Durability: 10/10

Status: summoned

options: de summon, break soul-bond

Leo focused on de summon and as he did the katana burst into blue orbs that floated into his chest. Seeing Leo de summon he stood up and started walking to the door. while opening it he spoke "Now that you have a weapon are you ready to go to the dungeo-" A loud siren cut his father's sentence off. The smile on his face faded as he quickly looked outside towards a wooden wall that blocked off the small town they lived into the outside world.

Leo also glanced outside watching as people scrambled to get back inside while others summoned weapons and ran towards the wall. he then turned his head to his father to watch as he summoned leather armor and a long sword. His father looked at Leo and said "Sorry but I have to help reinforce the walls I will be back and we can go to the dungeon or if not we can go tomorrow ok bud?"

After saying this before Leo could respond he was already running towards the wall. Leo followed his father outside his house but lost him when he ran into the chaotic mess. His mother shouted out for him but before Leo could go back inside the swarm of people already pushed him into the moving crowd before Leo knew it he was swept up running towards some random direction so he wouldn't get trampled.

Leo started to panic as he realized he was in danger being outside as the sirens were going off but it was too late as one woman in the crowd screeched at a big centipede-like monster that had broken through the wall and now was crawling towards the crowd. 

Leo would have panicked at screamed as well but he was in shock not believing his current situation standing there as the centipede approached. though before it could reach the crowd a spear of light shot through and pierced the skull of the beast. A man in metal armor then walked towards the dead beast and shouted for people to continue evacuating to their homes because it was not safe outside. 

Leo snapped out of his daze and squeezed out of the crowd seeing his house through all the chaos he started running in the direction of his house but before he could reach it a six-foot-tall wolf got in his way the wolf got into a low position as it started to approach. Leo panicked and turned around to run but as he did the wolf pounced and prepared to attack Leo.

As the wolf almost reached him a searing heat blasted through as fire erupted pushing the wolf away. looking in the direction it came from Leo saw his mother and started running toward her. His mother quickly picked up Leo and ran back to the house. They had reached the door but as they were about to enter Leo was thrown on the floor confused Leo looked up at his mom to see that she had been attacked by two other wolves and was being eaten.

Tears rolled down his eyes as he screamed for them to get off her. Leo then summoned his sword and started swinging it brashly at the wolves getting them to get off of her. now about ten feet away from him started to circle around him. One was in front of him while the other was behind him. Leo didn't know which one to look at and started to panic. 

The wolf from behind him leaped towards him about to bite him. Leo quickly turned holding his sword with shakey hands. The wolf was about to bite him when from below him fire shot out attacking the wolf. His mother looked at him with a shakey breath and said "Leo I need you to run the house isn't safe anymore and the village won't be for a while run and hide in the woods until it is safe."

Leo looked at his mom tears running down his face as he looked at her not wanting to leave her. though as he stood there his mother shouted at him "I SAID RUN LEO!" snapping Leo out of it he turned from his mom and ran in the other direction. As he ran he could hear the wolves following but then being attacked with fire. 

Leo had run away from the central part of town but hadn't stopped until he reached the wall. When he reached the wall he found a small spot where a beast had dug underneath to enter using the same hole Leo crawled under the wall running out of the town and not looking back only hearing the pained screaming behind him. he had entered the woods outside the town be scratched by branches every so often but hadn't stopped just remembering what his mother told him.

Leo kept dashing through the woods until he found a cave he had run into. He slowed down coming to a walk as he continued down the cave it looked like a mine the town used because it had torches all over the walls illuminating the cave.

Leo stopped to catch his breath and sat down on the floor letting everything sink in as he sat there he started to cry as he realized he had left his mom to die, but before Leo could grieve for too long a message window appeared in front of Leo.

[Congrats you have entered your first dungeon]

[you have entered The Goblin Burrow Dungeon]