1 I've seen this before!

On a typical school day with typical weather, a typical English class was ongoing and within sat one unassuming student by the name of Sorun. He was 17 years old and had a slim but slightly muscular build with short black hair he never bothers to style along with black eyes and a height of 5'11".

Sorun was an introverted kid who hardly ever talked to his classmates outside of group projects the reason for this is not that no one was willing to talk to him rather that he was unwilling to talk to them. Sorun did not enjoy school and school put him in a bad mood making him not feel like talking to anyone or doing anything besides waiting to go home this lead to him frequently skipping, he also didn't care nearly enough about talking to his classmates for him to track anyone down after school.

Sorun had his own ways to pass his time rather than hanging out with friends he played games, read light novels and manga, watched anime and so on. His parents said he was wasting his life away but Sorun disagreed. he thought that there was no point in a life without fun so he would rather do all of the above rather than studying and working just so he could get a good job to work some more.

On this day Sorun was as usual waiting for class to end so he could leave however in the middle of class on this seemingly ordinary day something extraordinary happened the entire class floor was covered by a magic circle and everyone was nearly blinded by the light said circle emitted. Everyone in the class was stunned and before they could fully process what was going on they were on a large circular pedestal in the center of a large hall of some sort.

Suddenly everyone heard a feminine voice presumably speaking to them it said "Welcome Heroes!"

When Sorun could see clearly a thought ran through his mind and he whispered it under his breath "I've seen this Before!"

Next chapter