
Hi my name is, what my name is, who my name is

After a bit of time Momako and the servants had gathered around the Demon King (baby) crib along with the Mana's (the chefs) twins Erina and Alice.

DK: ...and I have memories of my past life.

Momako: so what your saying is...

DK: yes I have to rescue someone? (not sure who.) gain my powers back and

Momako with tears in her eyes: I'm not your only mother!

DK; umm...eh!? not that... I mean. Your my only parent who raised me. All I remember so far is I was abandoned by my father and my brother killed me...I don't think I have a mother?

Momako: "YAY" She jumps in the air shouting" I'm his only mother..."

Someone coughed loudly to get back to the moment at hand

the servants look at him in question him on several things but the one thing that stood out is

"so the worlds ending"

The Demon King nods his head. "yeah..but not in the way you are thinking...its more of reset. All humans will be purged from the multiverse. oh by humans I mean all intelligent lacking divinity...Demonic beings, and beast people. oh beings that are descendants of gods are depending on their quality. Also some beings may become servants/slaves of gods (angels)

Momako: So Sesshomaru what do you need to do?

Sesshomaru? smiles: huh?Sesshomaru?

Momako: yes I thought of it while you were telling your story. For your enemies you will bring destruction. They will fear you and they will see you as a destroyer, but your allies will see you as hope and savior. So Sesshomaru (destruction of life) Samuel (profect) Morningstar (bringer of light). So in full your full name means 'Demon king who saves lives.'

Sesshomaru mumbles: Demon king who saves lives...

Momako: You like it right? hehe I'm glad...

Sesshomaru: (but...Samuel was my previous name...and morningstar was a nickname people called me before I'd fallen...is this fate father is playing or...but that's her last name...I'll ask about it another time.)


The birth of the Miko shook up the world. No the universe. it was like a calling. The strange thing is the gods...for some reason had not notice his birth...it was like they had no knowledge of him...

Many wanted to meet this Miko. A few high ranking princesses, nobles and special people were somehow wanted to be his fiances before they even met him...

then about a year and a half has past by.

Not much had changed other than Sesshomaru has gotten taller. He was having dinner with his family (His mother the maid, doctor, chef and her two kids) when suddenly loud knocks were heard at the door. At the door was the head butler of the Duke household Frankinstein


kneeling in front of Sesshomaru and the others Frankinstein explains why he rushed to their manor in the rain.

Frankinstein: My apologize for the intrusion but this is an emergency. " without giving them a chance to talk he continues" I've notices signs that his grace is becoming more and more agatated. The Family head spoke mentioning that a Miko would be a good successor for him...

Sesshomaru with a confused face look to his mother.

Momako: While your father is a duke his family is not from this planet... I'm not really sure who they are through teehee

Sesshomaru eye twitches and Frankinstein coughs to gain the attention: Your family are the shields you the universe. They operate the galaxy police. Your Grandfather is the current head of the Juraian's meaning he has the largest army known.

Sesshomaru: (Juraian...where have I heard that...wait this is this Tenchi-shin's univese...but he was killed by...So this is universe 1 but..why does it feel like multiple universes...but the biggest question first is) "why does my father want to kill me"

Frankinstein blinks a few times out of shock but shakes it off: Well...he wants to be the head of the clan...basically only men can become the clan head, due to the fact its rare for men to be born. So they go to different worlds and they have lots of wives to have a new son. By the way. He was competing with his brother but you were born as a miko. he planing to planing on having you killed by the dragon god...

Sesshomaru:.(what a pain...)" I guess I'm going hunting...

Frankinstein: w-what do you mean hunting? you have to get huh:" Suddenly he felt a chill. as he looked at the looked at Sesshomaru

Sesshomaru: "My fangs have just came in..." He smiled showing his fangs" I hope I can test them out."

Frankinstein: (so...he is the same)


Sesshomaru start to get ready with the help of his mother

he was wearing a white shirt with a special brooch and light brown shorts. Mana gave him one of her knives, the doctor gave him a cure all serum, and Winona gave him a Kaginawa (grappling hook)

Sesshomaru tells his mother hes on his way

Mamako: ok good luck son. call me if you need me

Sesshomaru walks to the mansion and overlooks the place. Marking all his enemies. He then howls and breaks the door down.

*a few hours ago*

Frankinstein: so what are you going to do? Are you going to sneak in or

Sesshomaru: I'm going through the front door.

Frankinstein: Huh? aren't you going to hide and sneak around all the guards

Sesshomaru: Why hide? I'm not a weakling. I will go through the front door and take down all the enemies.

Frankinstein: wait how do you know who the enemies are? plus what about their families?

Sesshomaru: I know who they are and who are trustworthy. I also know who is a threat. I will wipe out all unnecessary threats. I don't need any future problems. I also know who I need to keep. So don't worry...

Frankinstein: but there are innocents isn't that evil...

Sesshomaru: I know more about life and death than anyone else. If it makes you feel better I will make it so in their next life they have a positive life...

Frankinstein had realize...this boy didn't see things as a normal person. He views doesn't believe killing someone is the end of their life...its almost as if he can control where the souls will end up...like if he wanted to he can force them to end up in heaven, hell or be reincarnated...

I actually was going to have a timeskip and have flashbacks now and then but I didn't want to have characters appear out of nowhere...

Frankinstein is from Noblesse

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts