
The Demon King Saves His Wife

Yu's scream shook Dai to his core and he got angry because she had screamed in fear. Dai transformed into his half dragon form and he rushed forward to intercept the hand that was coming towards Yu. "Get away from her!" He growled, blowing green fire at the hand. The hand quickly revealed itself to be a man with a sword. He glowered at Dai and he rushed at Dai. Dai rushed at him and he used his head to try and headbutt the man, but the man had dodged his attack. Dai put himself in front of his wife and he growled threateningly at the man who threatened his wife with harm.

"For a demon, you sure are protective of that woman." The man noted. Dai snarled and he didn't calm himself until Yu's whimpers reached his ears. Guilt filled him and he inched back closer to Yu, who hugged him.

"Of course, I am. She's mine." Dai tells the man.

"She's a human being! She can't live with your kind!" The man tried to stab Dai, but Dai was too quick for the man.

"Well, she was given to me by another human being, so I wonder who's the worse race?" Dai asked the man. The man was shocked. Another human being gave a demon a human being? He thought in shock. That is something that shouldn't happen and yet, it is happening because people believe in saving their own skin than the entire race.

"There's no way. You must have kidnapped her!" The man shouted, about to stab Dai again when a body protected Dai. Dai was shocked to see Yu and he was mostly shocked to see the sword pierced her side, giving her a non-fatal wound. However, the blood that came from Yu made him extremely angry as he promised himself to protect Yu. He failed at protecting his wife. Dai roared and he transformed into his full dragon form.

Rage powered his attacks as he mauled the man that had tried to kill him, but injured his wife instead. He mauled the man to death and he burned him into nothingness. He transformed into his human form and he ran to check up on Yu. Yu was still conscious, yet she was whimpering. Dai hated to cause Yu more pain, but burning the wound closed is better than having it infected. Dai burned Yu's wound, making her cry out in pain. As he burned the wound, a scar started to form a 'x' shape on Yu's side. After the process was done and over, Yu fainted on Dai.

Dai was waiting for Yu to wake up after she had fainted on him. He didn't really mind that she took a nap on him. He was just hoping that she was comfortable while laying on him. When she had finally woke up her nap, she blushed at seeing Dai smile at her. "Are you well rested?" He asked. She nodded her head and he grinned at her.

"I'm sorry for napping on you like that. That was like the second time today." Yu tells Dai, who brushed off her apology.

"Don't worry about it. It actually feels kind of nice to have my wife nap on me." Dai teased Yu, who blushed at his teasing remarks.

"D-don't tease me like that!" Yu tells Dai, her voice a little higher than normal. Dai smiled at Yu, making her smile back. He's so comfortable with me, but is he falling for me? Yu wondered about the Demon King. She then felt her wound ache a little and she checked on it. It was fully closed, but a 'x' shaped scar remained and she could felt the very powerful heat from the wound. He closed up my wound with his powers. Yu thought, glad and happy that she's not bleeding out. "Um, thank you, Dai, for saving me." Yu tells Dai.

"It's my job as the husband to protect my wife, is it not?" Dai asked Yu, who only giggled at him. "I'm serious, Yu. It is my duty because you are my wife and as my wife, you are to be furiously protected from enemies that seek to harm me." Dai tells Yu, who smiles at her husband.

When Eli returned, he was briefed on what happened and he was pissed, but glad that Yu was alright in the end. "Next time, my Queen will not be hurt." Eli swore to Dai, who nodded his head at him.

"I know you are serious, Eli, but please refrain from calling Yu queen. She isn't comfortable with the title just yet." Dai tells Eli. Eli promised to dropped the title the next time he refers to Yu.

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