
Fated Return (Part 4)

Dai was amazed by Trelawney's increased strength, however, he knew that she was holding back her true power. Dai wanted to know her true power. "Trelawney, go all out!" Dai commanded. Trelawney's eyes changed into slits, turning into Super Stormy Wind Maxina form. When that happen, even more wind had picked up. Eli noticed the change and he panicked.

"Trelawney, no! You can't control it yet!" Eli shouted in worry. Trelawney growled and her eyes changed to green again. Eli grew worried Trelawney started to grow feral. Her growls didn't shock Yu as she learned about the Super Devil Mage form. She is possessed by her own weakness. Yu thought sadly. She didn't want to do it, but it was the only way to save Trelawney. Yu ran to grab her sword and she made the sword glow white. She rushed at Trelawney and with teary eyes, she swung it at Trelawney.

"I'm sorry, Trelawney. Just know I love you, regardless of your power." Yu tells Trelawney, catching her in her heart, but the stab didn't kill her. Yu Sealed all of Trelawney's powers, including her Maxina form. This left Trelawney as a regular human being. In shock, Trelawney vomited while Yu took out her sword. A symbol of Sealing appeared on Trelawney's bare right shoulder, showing that she couldn't use her Maxina at all. Trelawney gave Yu a look that was both mixed with hurt and guilt.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to lose control." Trelawney started to cry because she thought that Yu wouldn't love her anymore. "Please, don't hate me." She begged of Yu. Yu was shocked at Trelawney's words. She really thinks that I'm going to hate her?!

"No, sweetie, I won't hate you. I can't hate you. It's not your fault." Yu was honest to Trelawney and Trelawney stared at Yu in shock. She doesn't hate me. Trelawney was very shocked at Yu's words. Dai came up to his family and he hugged Trelawney close to him. Trelawney felt comfort from Dai's heat and she stopped crying. Dai smiled softly at Trelawney, making the girl smile back. Yu smiled at the scene. She hated to Seal Trelawney's Maxina powers, but it was for her safety. She reasoned against herself. She almost hated herself, but Dai comforted her after he was done comforting Trelawney. Yu cried against Dai's chest and she started to wail.

She really didn't want to Seal Trelawney's Maxina powers, she really didn't. Elder Aku had watched the entire exchange and he was frowning. She didn't lose control of her powers, but their daughter did. He had thought. He thought that was very peculiar. He stopped thinking as he stared at Yu, who was still crying against her husband's chest. He knew that Yu was even too hurt to even think about being angry about sparring against her family.

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