
And so it begins

The lights suddenly comes on but Orion and Yoru don't get up not even an attempt to protect there eyes." So you boys still alive!" Udon ask find the threshold of his door expecting an answer."Well looks like they didn't make it through the night you still got that chainsaw Master Udon?"Ong ask cracking his knuckles.Udon pauses for a minute yes is in the back closet."Okay this won't take long to clean up." pulling  on the card with two fingers starting the chain saw. Orion sits up breathing heavily like he got done running  a marathon barely having enough time to notice Ong bringing a chainsaw down upon him he instantly slaps the guide bar's broadside causing the motor to sputter."what the hell is the big idea trying to kill me in my sleep!"Oh your wake" Ong turns away from Orion with no answer and revs up the chainsaw over Yoru."Did you hear me!?...We Die in our sleep and what you chop us up like firewood and take us out with the morning trash!?"Orion roars hopping to his feet.Ong lifts the chainsaw with one hand above his head."Wait I know how to wake him with out the death threat you monster!"Ong  cuts his eye twords Orion. One chance that's all you get then it's my way."Orion walks over an stands over Yoru nervously looking for the best way to wake I'm up out this coma-like sleep."hurry up boy this chainsaw isn't going to hold itself up when my arm comes down."Orion finally seeing his answer when the glint of good catches his eye."you better wake upwon't be my fault if you actually get yourself killed on your first day." he whispers bending down reaching for the metal bracelet around Yoru's ankle. As as if on cue Yoru springs up and grabs Orion wrist."Don't go!"Yoru slowly looks over to Orion then up to Ong still holding the chainsaw."wh..wh..what the hell is going on!!?" He says scuttling clear of them both."What are we doing?..what are you doing over sleeping like you don't have a care in the world!!"Udon clears his throat."ahem.... No matter the case you're both starting now. ahem.... No matter the case you're both awake now it's time to head up stairs." The four walk over to the the door as it opens a gust of wind flow's down chilling to the bone yet hot to the skin.The two look at each other "Hey you feel that Orion it feels like a someone set me ablaze with a flamethrower at point-blank range." Orion looks at him in disbelief."Are you insane it feels as if im being stabbed with a million icicles and sprayed with liquid nitrogen in the middle of a blizzard."Ong standing in the Door way lugging the chainsaw over his shoulder."Up this stairway is the training room it adapts as you get stronger and time moves differently depending on the amount of time needed to learn."The four walk stairs once at the top the room they enter has a room with a  so high you could only see darkness like looking into the sky with no moon or no stars just a black abyss."What is up with this place?.. From the outside it looks like it's barely two stories. "Don't get distracted all the little stuff come with me."Ong says as he walks way Orion close behind. "Oh yeah both of you take off your socks." The floor immediately begins to drain their energy with divine retribution causing them both to stagger before regaining their bearings.Orion now on the far side of the room. I take it that Yoru and yourself know what he will be learning,but I was brought here to train you I have seen that you have the aptitude to learn my specialty."Ong then  tossingdown a MMA bag with a spider like the thread attached to a kunai in his hand and throws it up effortlessly causing the back to stand straight up inches off the floor. "Now kick the bag as hard as you'd like."Orion delivery saints with devastating blow to the bag."Tell me how did that feel?"Like kicking a bag of cotten."Now once more."Orion delivered a strike identical to the first then immediately grabs his leg."what the..what is that thing made??of it's like kicking a Street lamp!"quiet you kick when I stay kick you will when I stay kick you will punch when I say punch all strikes will have the same amount of effort and go through bags untill I lose count Yoru on the other side of the room look towards the sound of bass drum sound."Yoru I've been watching and assessing you from the day you walked in and I know your strengths and weaknesses.do you know what it is??" Your looking cluelessly."No..I" Udon interrupts. "It's confidence my boy plain and simple."Udon pull's out two cups an place thems four feet apart with two lines in the middle dripping water.You who will fill the cups with the water without touching the cups or the lines."Yoru nervously ask ".Master Udon is that even possible??" Udon steps in between the cups and with precision and speed punches each water droplet without breaking the shape or drop speed until the cups fulled in no time.Yoru was on looking in awe of his Master with new found respect."You will be able to do this with ten cups minimum in various situations.."Make no mistake up here will be your hell where you train and down below will be your heaven where you rest." Yoru steps up as Udon sits down with his pipe.Yoru begins to strike the water drops causing them to splash. "Again!!"

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