
The Meeting

It's the time of goblins, dragons, and horrible beasts,but the worst of all of them is the demons. they've been terrorizing a little town on the edge of the capital of leore, called honeywood. It's known for it's honey the cultivate by using the native bee monsters. There is a young man there named, Levi who's studying the sacred arts(magic) and he's learning swordsmanship to fight the demons terrorizing his home, but little does he know he's going to have a long journey ahead of him. Without this knowledge Levi heads out of his town to go and find equipment, because he's wants to start to fight the demons. He ends up going to a guild house instead because the shop is closed.

When he arrives there is a young girl named Madiline, waiting for him. He's never met here so he doesn't understand why she was waiting for him. When she speaks he cuts her off to tell her, " I have business to attend to go away." she begins to tell him about his life. she tells him "you live in a small town named honeywood, you live in an impoverished family without much money, not even enough for food. your in debt to the kingdom and you need money so your becoming an adventurer." He tells her with a surprised look on his face, "how did you know all that, this is my first time leaving my town." She tells him she's a Oracle but he doesn't know what that is so she explains it. She tells him " an oracle is a priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods", He sort of understands, but one thing he doesn't understand is why she's talking to him, a lowly farm boy from a small village not even the kingdom's capital cares about. She tells him "your a demi-god, a demi-god meant to say all the evil in this world and restore order by killing the demon Lord."

sorry it's my first time writing a comic so don't be too harsh, but I would love your feedback.?? if you do enjoy please like or whatever but I don't expect ALOT, so just give it a try if you like it I'll keep writing it's fine I'll try something different just want to help you guys, and gals have a good time on Webnovel, so thanks and bye for now

H20_Anxietycreators' thoughts