

24kthuggin · Fantasy
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The First Time we met

Hi, my name is Niko Aoki and I am a junior in high school. It all started when I was late for school one day when I realized I was running late, I hurried and got ready and took my lunch and said bye to my parents and ran out the front door and for me being in a rush I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into this guy on the way and he said: "look where your going". I was still rubbing my forehead because I hit it on his back so I didn't see his face and then I remembered I was still running late so I hurried and grab my stuff and said "I'm sorry I didn't see you"and without letting him say another word I ran to my school and up the 2 flight of stairs and into my class and apologized for being late, the teacher told me it was fine & told me to go sit down I walked over and sat beside my best friend her name is Sota Abiko. I knew her since elementary, me and her were talking when my teacher had an announcement"boys and girls we have a transfer student today his name is Riku Kimura" then the boy walked into the classroom and I remembered he is the boy I bumped into this morning & with that the teacher said"Riku introduced yourself please" he looked at the teacher & nodded"hi my name is Riku Kimura and I'm 17 years old that's really all ." the teacher nodded & made him sit in front of me. Fast forward 2hours later "Class we are going to doing an activity so the person in front of you will be your partner for the rest of the year" I was nervous at first but then I decide it can't be that bad to talk to him so I introduced myself" Hi Riku I guess we will be partners for the rest of the year," I said with a smile, and then he turned around and said"ya I guess, so don't bump into me next time" and once he finished he turned around again. So I guess that wasn't the best start but it's still a start so I just shrugged it off & continue listening to the teacher, fast forward after class" Sota and I were talking about something & Riku walked up and took me by the hand and we walked to the courtyard he turned around & looked at me & said " can you help me with the math assignment.." I was surprised he asked me & gave him a weird look & with that, he said, "...please??" smiled said, "sure you could have just asked you didn't have to take my hand" he looked like he wasn't paying attention to anything I was saying. he looked at me again & said"yah but I didn't want to seem like a loser in front of people by asking for help in front of everyone" I was shocked he thought He was a loser just for talking to me. it hurt a little bit it did but I was happy he asked me. So I helped him for like a good 30 minutes & we finished I looked over his paper & he got all of the questions right & when I gave him his paperback he looked like he was impressed and then I thought he was cute and started blushing a little and my heart was beating a little fast. He looked at me and started to smile and when I looked at him he looked away then we rapped it up" Do u need anything else Riku" he said, "Your number" I was surprised then I smiled and gave it to him" Thanks Niko see you later" and he waved goodbye my face was getting red I ran to the bathroom to splash some water on my face and it went back to normal but my heart was beating really fast and then I knew I had a little crush on Riku,I but my hands on my face then I hear this voice

say"are you ok Niko" some hands took my hands off my face and it was him Riku I was startled so I jumped back." what are you doing here Riku" "I was watching you when you ran to the bathroom so I followed you hehe" he puts his hand on his head and smiling" So you just followed me into the bathroom" "yah basically" "why was you watching me exactly" he was surprised and started to blush "no reason just to see if you left alright" "thank you see you later Riku" he waved good bye "wait we're my backpack" "are you looking for this Niko" i turned around and he had my backpack in his hand "Riku can I have my bag back" he put his arm up. "Nope" I was shocked" why not" "because I don't want to" I tried to take it back but I fell on him and we both fell to the ground our face was so close together and I started to blush and he was smiling the whole time then I grabbed my bag and got up"I really have to go see you later Riku" "winks" Riku was shocked. When I looked back I saw him smiling with his hand on his eyes. I finally got home"Niko how was the first day back to school" "it was good mom we had a new transfer student I had to help him with his homework" "oh really u are so nice I'm so proud of you" "thanks mom I'm going to my room now" I closed the door behind me and I put my hand on my chest I think I was in love but in one day that's crazy right I had that on my mind the whole day. "fast forward 4 hours" my phone vibrated I checked my phone and I got a text from Riku " hey Niko you awake" and I respond"yah do you need anything" I start to blush just by texting him I think I'm going crazy. "Niko want to be friends" "sure why not" "ok talk to you later Niko I need to have the energy for the basketball team" "wait your in the basketball team I always wanted to be on it. how did you get on and it ur first day" "oh that's easy most girls want to be with me and the team captain says that u don't even have to try out" "oh that's cool I have to get sleep talk to you later" "ok see you at school" "yah see you at school" I went to sleep happy "fast forward the next day". I get up early and get ready, then I make my lunch and I tell my parent's bye and started to walk to school which was like up the road then I hear a voice coming from the back of me "Niko wait up" when I look back its Riku so I start to walk faster because I don't want my heart to beat fast again next thing you know he grabs my hand and turns me around "why are you walking so fast are you trying to avoid me" "n-no why would I do that u should let me go we are going to be late for class" he lets me go" "but the class doesn't start yet we still have 50 minutes" "ok what can I do for you" "walk to school with me please" "fine but we are almost there anyways" "yeah but I want to walk with u even if we are almost there" when I looked at him he had a smile on his face "plus Niko we are almost to school, not the classroom" I looked kinda shocked at first but then I smiled "your right" next thing you know my friend Sota came"hey Niko" then she seen Riku and was shocked"Niko you and Riku are friends?" "yeah Sota is there something wrong" Sota pulled me away from Riku like a little bit and said"I heard that he was gay" my heart was beating really fast at that point "really i didn't know that he was he didn't tell me" then Riku comes over"are you guys done talking, class is about to start in 30minutes. Then I looked at my watch and he was right"guys we have to run our class is on the third floor and that's a lot of stairs for me so let's get going" we all started to run it took a little bit of time but when we got there me and Sota was out of breath and when I looked at Riku he looked like he didn't break a sweat the teacher said"were you guys running Riku were u already here u don't seem out of breath?" "I did run but I'm not out of breath hehe" the class was surprised, me as well, we took our seats. I whispered "hey Riku are you sure you're not out of breath" he turned around and said, "no I'm fine" "so your really going to basketball practice" "yeah do u want to watch me" "really sure" "cool I have to go during club time" "that's perfect I don't have a club" "why not" "because no one in this school wants to be near me" "why is that" "you will find out from the basketball team" "ok" and then he turns around. And the basketball team called him over and he ran over and the basketball team told him"bro what are you doing what that freak" "what are you talking about" "dude that guy is gay people say so don't be around him no one is his friend" "I don't care what people think about him I will be his friend if u don't want me on your team then that's fine" "no we want you on our the team we were just telling you so don't get mad" "I'm not mad I was just saying because ya think that he is gay and that is why you wont be friends with him that is cruel" then Riku walked over to me "oh hey Riku"he took me by the hand and started to walk, we walked pass the basketball team when I looked at them, they had a confused look on their faces me and Riku was almost at the end of the hall. I looked at him I said"why are we walking so fast" then he stopped, he turned around and pushes me against the wall, I said"oww that hurt" what happened next is crazy