
Training and Revelations

"Good morning Naruto-kun," Mei said sweetly, as Naruto walked into the training ground.

"Morning Mei-Chan," Naruto called happily, "so what are we going to learn today?"

Mei laughed, glad that her fiancé was happy, "First I am going to test your nature affinity," she said as she pulled out a piece of paper. "Just channel your chakra into this paper, and we'll see what nature affinity's you have, be it lightning, fire, water, earth, or wind."

Naruto took the paper and looked at it curiously, "what will it do?"

Mei wanted to slap herself, "Well if its fire, the paper will ignite and turn into ash. It if is wind, the paper will split in two. If it is lightning the paper will wrinkle. If it is earth the paper will turn into dirt and crumble away. If it is water, it will become damp."

Naruto nodded, and channeled some of his chakra into the paper.

Ao whistled, "Wind, Fire, and Water? Damn brat, I knew I liked you."

"Th-that is very…good…Naruto-san." Chojuro said in his quiet voice, while Mei just nodded.

Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment. "You're welcome Kit," Kurama said.

'Wait, Kurama you did this?'

Kurama snorted, "Obviously, I'm the reason you have Fire, and I enhanced your Wind element as well."

'I guess you are good for something than,' Naruto laughed as Kurama growled. 'Relax, I was only joking…thanks.'

"Kurama says that it's because of him that I have Fire, and that he strengthened my Wind affinity." He informed his three new Sensei's, who nodded.

"Makes sense," Ao shrugged.

"Alright Naruto," Mei said. "Chojuro is going to give you a katana today, and you will spend the better part of today learning how to wield it."

Naruto shrugged before putting his hands together in a familiar sign, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He yelled, and 300 clones appeared before the baffled Kiri ninja.

"Alright listen up!" Naruto yelled to his clones, "I want 100 of you to work with Chojuro-Sensei, another 100 to work with Ao-Sensei, and the last 100 to work with Mei-Chan."

"Naruto," Mei asked getting his attention, "isn't this just a waste of chakra?"

Naruto looked at her like she was crazy, before he realized that the Shadow Clone Jutsu was a Konoha secret jutsu, and as such she wouldn't know anything about it.

"Well, once my clones disperse I get all of their memories, so I can learn from all three of you at once!" He finished with a grin.

"Damn…that is one useful jutsu," Ao muttered.

"Okay, this will be very useful in your training Naruto-kun." Mei said with a rather wicked grin. "Now, go with Chojuro, while I teach your clones some new taijutsu and the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique."

Naruto nodded happily and followed Chojuro to a small rock where a sheathed Katana lay.

"Go ahead," Chojuro said to Naruto's unasked question. Naruto picked up the katana and marveled at it, it had a standard black handle, as was the sheath, and it was around three feet long. (Think Sasuke's sword in Shipuden.)

"Alright, I want you to unsheathe it and stand with your feet shoulder with the part-"Chojuro then went on to teach Naruto the correct way to hold a katana, and after over three hours, Mei called for them to stop. "Alright, Naruto I want you to disperse your clones, because I am hungry and I bet you are to."

Naruto's grin slowly turned into a pained grimace as 300 different sets of memory's appeared in his head. "Damn that hurt!" He exclaimed, as Kurama healed his headache.

"What?" Ao asked bemused.

"Nothing I just didn't expect to have that many memories is all." He explained, before looking at Mei and grinning. "I know just where we can find something to eat Mei-Chan!" He exclaimed, and practically dragged Mei to Ichiraku's, with Ao and Chojuro following close behind.

Mei growled at the villagers, who were stupid enough to glare at Naruto.

"It's the demon."

"Look, the demon's kidnapping that woman."

"Filthy monster, thinks it can fool us with that disguise…I'm not fooled."

Naruto sighed as his three Sensei's began to glare with cold fury at the villagers. "Guys, it's not worth it," he said. Only for Mei to growl slightly, before allowing Naruto to continue dragging her down the streets to his favorite restaurant.

"Here we are," he called happily, to his still fuming Sensei's. Seeing that they weren't about to come in, he grabbed Mei's hand and led her into Ichiraku's, "Ayame Nee-Chan I'm here!" He called happily, still holding Mei's hand as he sat down at a stool. "Naruto, how have you been?" Asked Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku's and Ayame's father. "I've been great, what about you?" He asked happily.

Teuchi chuckled, "Same old same old. So what can I get you?"

"I'll have five miso ramen!" He exclaimed.

"I'll have one miso please." Mei said. While Ao ordered a chicken, as well as Chojuro.

"Coming right up!" Teuchi said before disappearing in the back.

"Naruto!" Ayame called happily, as she came out from the back.

"Ayame Nee-Chan!" Naruto said happily as he hugged her.

"Who are your new friends?" She asked, indicating his new Sensei's.

"Oh! That's Ao, and that's Chojuro, and this is Mei Terumi, my fiancée." At this, there was the sound of pans falling and a man cursing, before Teuchi came back and gaped at Naruto and Mei. "Did I hear right?" He asked, "Fiancé? When did this happen?"

"Allow me," Mei said, bowing slightly to the man. "My name is Mei Terumi, and I am the Fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure, and our parents signed an arranged marriage contract before Naruto was born." Ayame and Teuchi both just gaped at the woman, not only was she beautiful, but she was a kage.

Teuchi whistled, "Naruto this one is on the house!"

"That is not necessary-"Mei began, only to be interrupted by Teuchi.

"I insist Mizukage-Sama."

"Very well, but please call me Mei; Mizukage-Sama makes me feel old."

Ao chuckled at this, and received a death glare from Mei. "Did you have something to add Ao?" She asked in her deathly sweet voice that promised pain. Ao gulped, "N-no Mizukage-Sama!"

"Good." Mei then turned to Ayame, who was watching in awe. Mei giggled, before Teuchi came back with their orders. "Eat up," He called happily.

Naruto and Chojuro wasted no time in wolfing down their meal, while Ao and Mei ate slower. "No manners," Ao muttered disgusted. "In my day if a kid ate like that in front of his elders we would-"

"Ao, shut up before I kill you." Mei said, before eating again.

Teuchi and Ayame just sweat dropped as they watched the four.

"-I'm telling you Forehead, my dad said they saw him with a grown woman with red hair!" The voice of Ino cut through the quiet atmosphere like a knife. "Please Ino-pig, what would Naruto be doing with another woman?" The unmistakable voice of Naruto's teammate Sakura voiced her opinion. "I don't know, maybe they-"Ino stopped mid-sentence as her and Sakura walked into Ichiraku's, "See?" Ino exclaimed victoriously. "I told you!"

Mei, who had stopped eating, looked at Naruto, who looked at the pink-haired banshee and the other blonde girl in confusion. "Naruto!" Sakura yelled, bonking the blonde on the head roughly, making Mei's blood boil. "Where the hell were you? Why didn't you go check up on Sasuke-Kun?!"

Naruto rubbed his sore head, "Sakura, I did go see Sasuke-Teme, but I was needed somewhere else, Hokage's orders."

Sakura snorted, "Yeah right! You probably left because you felt guilty because it's your fault that Sasuke-kun is in the hospital Naruto-baka!" She went to strike him again, only for Mei to grab her wrist, and Ao and Chojuro to stand up. "Don' .dare. Strike Naruto-kun in front of me!" Mei growled.

"Let me go!" Sakura screeched, as she struggled to free herself from the enraged Kage.

"Mei-Chan let her go." Naruto said. Mei grumbled but complied.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked Mei.

"I am the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi, as well as Naruto-kun's new Sensei, and fiancé."

Ino and Sakura both gasped, and while Sakura looked angry, Ino looked like Christmas came early. "What?!" Sakura screeched.

"How did this happen? That is so romantic!" Ino said hearts in her eyes.

"What do you mean you're Naruto-baka's fiancé?" Sakura shouted angrily.

"I said what I meant, now leave." Mei growled, already disliking everything about the pink haired girl. Wisely Sakura left, with Ino trailing behind, but not before promising Naruto that she will milk every detail out of him.

"Well that was interesting," Ao muttered, before going back to his noodles.

"Who was that?" Mei asked Naruto, who shrugged.

"That was my teammate Sakura Haruno."

"Who is Sasuke?" Chojuro asked.

Naruto laughed slightly at that, "Sasuke Uchiha, my other teammate, as well as my rival and best friend; though neither one of us will admit it."

"What happened to him?" Mei asked, only caring because Naruto said it was his best-friend.

"Orochimaru," Naruto said simply, before telling them the tale of what happened in the Forest of Death.

"And your other teammate thinks it's your fault because you couldn't protect Sasuke from one of the Sannin?" Mei asked, and when Naruto nodded, she asked "just how stupid is she?"

Naruto shrugged, finishing his final bowl of ramen, "all done! Thanks Ayame Nee-Chan, Old Man!" both people in question just chuckled.

"Now what do we do?" Naruto asked excitedly.

Mei sighed, "come on Naruto-kun, we are going to perfect your current jutsus for today."

Naruto just grinned, he was already excited for more training.

"What are we waiting for?" He called, as he tugged Mei's hands, "let's go!"

Ao just sighed, "this is going to be a long month." Chojuro nodded.

-Author's Note-

I've decided not to bash Sasuke to hard, because while he is a douche in the second series, he does warm up to Naruto before he leaves. which he still will do. Also, I am going to skip right to the matches next, because you have no idea how boring it is to write Naruto training. By the way THIS WILL BE A HAREM MAYBE NARUTO/MEI/HINATA/TSUNADE.

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