

As the nightfall, Lilith was still practicing the undying blood technique you could see air rising from her skin with her white her and delicate features she. look like a goddess, if anyone could inhale the air coming off of her it will make them seem more energetic. At this moment she got up in walk into a cauldron full of medicine, made of the herbs she found in the mountain.

in the past three years, she had built up a solid foundation for both her body and her cultivation, if compared to a normal person she had an almost undying body, has she finished her cultivation and was preparing to go to sleep, that was when she heard a noise.

"Hey Lilith," said a handsome young man about the age of 16-17 he has lean and well build body he had golden hair that shine even in the night, he was wearing the same thing as most of the boys in the village. but he look completely different from them. Lilith's always thought it was a wasted for him to have such an handsome face and bad personality.

"Hey john," she replied while frowning a little

this guy is the village chief's son he has been lusting after her since she was 13 but now his lust was even more noticeable, he even ask for her hand in marriage, and of course, she turned him down. but that doesn't stop him from trying. she thought about teaching him a lesson but wherever he is he always has three little errand boys with him she wasn't sure if she could beat them all

john smile " Me and my boys found an entrance to an old cave under the mountain"

"What does that have to do with me" Lilith respond with a cold tone before he continues, she knew he was up to something, but if she just shoo him away he'll just keep talking without any shame like he'd done many times in the past, so she thought why not just entertain him for now.

He smiles and continues "Well we found a few good stuff in.." he started to trail off

"Get to the point," said Lilith getting impatient, john smile and "we saw many herbs at the entrance of the cave, there's even one that has five petals and is crimson red and smell of blood," John finished

when John mentions that last part a light flashes through Lilith's eyes, it was so fast that no one notice, then they went back to coldly staring at John, she knew the herb he was talking about it is recorded in one of the books she found inside of her space ring. The blood fiend herb, a herb that will allow her to condense more than 100 hundred {Undying blood}.

"Wait here I'll go change my clothes" Lilith's get up and went inside her house to change about of her sweaty clothes. What she didn't see was when she turned her back a lustful and terrifying smile appeared in john's face has he watch her perfect curves.

"go get everything ready in the cave make sure you don't screw up okay boys" John stated firmly. thinking like a hunter that's about to catch his prey.

could they be lying to her?

those were the thoughts that was going through Lilith's head has she, John and his three companions work through the woods making their way to the old cave. she was familiar with all the routes, how had she not found this cave before she must have walked pass here at least a dozen times on her trips to pick up herbs on the mountain.

"how did you find this cave" wanting information Lilith decided to start a conversation. one of the young man that looked around 20 years old answered "We were chasing a game and it went into the cave but we didn't see even after we went in" a smile appeared on his face has he continued "And we.."

"Shut up Gerald" john intervene before he could continued. Gerald take a look at John's eyes and he knew not to push further. Gerald has known John since they were little. They are good friends you would not see john anywhere without Gerald following not far behind. He was closer to John than the other two.

And just like that they arrive in front of the cave, the cave was only big enough for two people to pass through at the same time. And it was so dark that Lilith could only see darkness even with her eyesight that was superior to the normal person.

"rooosh" John lit a torch on fire and leading the way

"Let's go"...