
A Kight's Vow

Kita travel through the forest aimlessly, she simply picked a direction and continued on straight ahead.

The forest almost seemed to be watching her, she felt several little eyes following her every step.

How long must she walk until she breaks through to the other side? She had been walking for days! Her body growing weak and tired from exhaustion and hunger.

Who knew that the forest would be lacking in anything for her to eat? Not so much as a bird has shown itself to her. In fact, the animals almost seemed to be hiding from her, not a one had crossed her path since she entered the forest.

And the plants? She didnt dare!

The plants in this forest were more terrifying then if she stumbled upon a lion! The Forest was like a dense rainforest, filled to the brim with large trees and green vegetation. Large plants could freely move on their own, their vines slithering across the forest floor. They truly terrified her! She felt that any second one of those thick green vines would incase her body and never let her free again!

The deeper she traveled into the dence forest, the livelier the it seemed to become. Trees grew fatter, and towered high into the sky, blocking the suns Ray's with their plentiful tree tops. Each looking as if they had lived there for hundreds of years without any contact from the outsider world.

Rain drops fell from the trees, finding their way to the larger shrubs and vines on their way down, making the ground soft and wet. Mudd incased her small bare feet, making a loud 'squish' sound as she sunk her feet in and pulled them back out.

Kita couldn't help but be amazed by all that she saw. Compared to the ruthlessness and hatred she experienced from the humans, this forest was much more pleasant to her.

She felt that any dangerous beast that would be lurking in these trees would be many times better then those horrid humans. At least a beast would only kill for food or survival, where the humans seemed to kill simply because they found it fun.

Kita felt she could relate to beasts, she too only killed for her own survival. Maybe this forest would provide a good home for her? She was more beast then she was human. Her subconscious proved that to her without a doubt.

Of course she wanted to find out her past, but as she was now, she was too weak to truly search for it on her own. She wanted to find her own strength, and would rather not rely on the darkness inside her if she crossed any danger in the future. She had no control over it. What if she had done something so unspeakable to an innocent?

She didnt trust herself to beable to control her own bloodlust once she changed, so before she searched for her missing memories, she would need to find away to control her subconscious.

This forest seemed to fit her requirements nicely. It was void of any humans, and even the animals left her be. She needed to find water, and some kind of food source, but other than that it was the perfect plan!

Her mind became resolute, she would find power within herself, and never fall prey to the endless darkness hidden within her again! No one was going to control her again, whether it be humans or her own darkness!

She continued threw the forest until she found a man made dirt road, lined with lit torches every few meters to case off the dark. It was very out of place, and seemed to be heavily traveled upon. Several foot prints were spread up and down the path, and what looked like a trail left from a carriage wined down it.

Strange. Who would need to travel through such a forest? And where did it lead?

Kita was a skeptical person, but overwhelmed by her own curiosity she decided she wanted to see where it led. As if in a dream, she began to travel down the dirt road, one foot after the other. She traveled almost 30 minutes when her ears suddenly perked up.

The sound of approaching hoves started her mind and sent her in a frenzy.

-pat- pat- pat-

Did the humans come looking for her?

Before she had a chance to escape the path and hide herself within the forest, three men on horses rode over the hill and down toward were she was standing.

They seemed even more surprised then she was!

As if they hit were about to hit a brick wall, the men grabbed their rains and pulled hard, coming to an awkward stop. The horses huffed in protest, and stomped their hooves on the hard ground.

"Woah, woah, girl! Its okay!" the youngest looking of the group was man with soft looking blonde hair, and a kind face that was very pleasant to look at. He coed and petted the side of his horse's neck, who was distressed from the sudden stop.

The other two men were older, and look extremely stern. One had dark hair with a thick unkempt beard, while the other had white long hair that was tied behind his neck. All three wore matching garments, with metal armor protecting their chests.

They had a certain air about them that made Kita think they were no ordinary men. Their clothes were made of high quality materials, and each had a golden Crest of a sun painted on their chest plates, and the swords that hung from their waists seemed to glow a white glow, signifying the power they held.

The young man eyes curiously fell on the figure in front of him that block their path, and his heart instantly winced.

He saw a beautiful young girl, with hair that cascaded past her waist like a dark elegant waterfall. Her face was breath takingly gorgeous, small oval face, with a faint color of pink that tinged her cheeks. Eyes a enchanting creamy light brown, almost a bright copper color. She was a true beauty, but she was extremely malnourished, and had dried blood still clinging to her body and white robe.

"Are you hurt, fair maiden?" the boy asked as he jumped off the side of his horse, landing on his feet with a lound 'thud'. His face covered with concern.

"We're you attacked by a beast? This forest is no place for a girl as fair as you to travel on her own. The beast here are truly treacherous." A gentle smile formed on his handsome face, showing genuine concern for the battered girl in front of him.

Treacherous beasts? True she could feel the present of wondering eyes on her, but never once was she attacked. In fact, no beast crossed her path at all!

She took a few step back, quickly adding some distance between the handsome man and herself.

Another human? I thought they wouldn't dare to wonder in such a forest! So much for living a life human free!

Kita's breathing began to accelerate and her heart beat almost couldn't be contained within her own chest. She put her delicate hand out as if the jester alone would halt the man where he stood.

"Please, stay back!" panic crept into her eyes, and her alluring pair of red lips quickly turned to a frown.

The face of the high priest flashed into her mind making her body tremble, and her face to lost some of its color, pale from the sudden memory.

She looked like a helpless little rabbit, about to be eaten by a wolf. Her brows knitted together, obviously displeased with his sudden advances toward her.

The handsome man stoped in his tracks. How could he venture any further while she made such a terrified expression? He lowered his voice and tried to sound as gentle as his husky voice would allow.

" I truly wont hurt you, you have my vow as a knight." He put both of his hands out in fornt of him, indicating he meant her no harm. With one arm still out, he used his other to slowly reach down to his sword holster and unbuckled it, allowing the sword to fall from his hip. It stirred the dirt around it as plopped to the ground with a 'clack'.

"See? I won't hurt you." his eyes lit up gently, and his put on his gentlest smile. His heart couldn't help but flutter as he stared into her frightened big almond eyes.

Kita quietly observed his strange actions, still not convinced he wouldn't hurt her. Human are deceitful, and she should never trust one again!

"The last man to promise me that he would not harm me tried to end my life the very same day!" Her voice has a slight tremor in it, but she straightened her back and tried to carry herself with confidence.

The young Knight seemed to suddenly understood a small part of what happened to her. She was betrayed by someone she trusted and was left in such a sorry state! What kind of man could cause harm to a woman? Did he have no principles? The knight held a strong sense of right and wrong, and was easily angered when people chose to do the 'wrong' in life.

"I took an oath when I became a knight to protect any who have came to harm. I pledge to you, I will bring you to safety. I humbly ask you trust me." His face was kind and absolute.

Kita's breaths began to stabilize, and a calmness entered her heart. She believed him. For some unknown reason, she actually believed his words! If she was to go with him, she truly believed he would only help her. The frost that had coated her heart began to melt, and her suspicions held little hold on her.

Her face became softer, and she looked at the man in front of her in a slightly different light.

Maybe all humans were not so bad?

She silently nodded her head in agreement to him, filling the knight with and overwhelming feeling of pleasure. He got through to her! His face beamed ecstatically, and an overly joyful quickly found itself spreading over his lips.

He slowly bent down and recovered his fallen sword, and fasten it back to his waist. With long graceful strides, he walked toward her and took her small hand into his.

"You don't have to worry, the Lord I serve is a very kind lord! Once we return to the estate, he will see to it that you receive all that you desire." he guided her back to the side of his horse and used his free hand to pat its butt.

"My name is Kim Chou, but please call me Chou! And this guy's name is TenTen, hes going to carry us back to the estate." and twinkle of kinship glisten in his eye as he looked at TenTen. Without a doubt this man thought very highly of his horse companion.

He will be carrying us on his back? What a kind beast! She had never seen a horse before, and was instantly impressed buy its clean white coat, and the noble air that surrounded it.

She did a small bow and sincerely thanked it for the favore it was gifting her with.

"Then I will be in your care, Master TenTen."

Her strange words made Made Kim Cou laugh almost uncontrollably. What a cute girl he has stumbled upon! His Lord would like her no doubt!

still chuckling, placed one foot on the stirrup, and with one elegant swing of his leg his body lifted from the ground and placed perfectly on the saddle. He extended his arm out to her, all five finger spread out eagerly awaiting her touch. She gingerly took his stong hand with hers and flew into the air, landing right behind him.

Her legs hung elegantly off the horse's side, like a princess sharing a horse with her knight. Their sudden closeness made her heart flutter nervously, and her nose was suddenly invaded by his sent. He smelt like the earth, a with a faint hint of herbs. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it smelled extremely comforting to her.

Kin Chou glanced over to his companions with a smile , and called out excitedly.

"We've kept our lord waiting long enough, let's return home!"

They nodded their heads in agreement, and moved their horses into motion, ready to leave the vast forest behind them.

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