
Chapter 2 - The Flame Wisp

A Pale moon hung over the still water as a man walked across a dark and lonely stone bridge. The man looked like he was in his late 20's or early 30's. He was dressed in a comfortable hoodie with jeans, and had short but messy hair. There was nothing overtly strange or noticeable about him except for his deep and somber eyes.

The man stopped as he got to the center of the bridge, his eyes staring at the gentle water with nostalgia and hints of sadness.

He used to come to this bridge often, late at night when nobody was around he would stand there and listen to the sounds of the river flowing into the ocean. It helped him calm down, repress the fears and nagging voices in his head.

Turning his eyes he looked at the moon with even greater sadness, this would most likely be the last time he'd get to be here. This scene which had comforted him all his life, would soon just be a fading memory.

He had lived in the same town since he was born, worked all his life to help his feeble mother. He never met his father, he didn't know if they had been abandoned or if he had died. His mother didn't talk about it and he decided he would rather not know.

Life was hard but things always worked out in the end, as a child he ate regularly and had a roof over his head. Once he was old enough he started working doing manual labor. after he was earning enough to support himself and his mother, he moved out but stayed in the neighborhood.

He was never had many friends and due to his long work hours holding down a meaningful relationship was near impossible. Most of his time he spent alone.

Everyday would start and end the same, in the morning he would wake up and go to work until night time. Then he would walk across the stone bridge on his way to his mother's house to cook dinner, after that he would get ready for tomorrow. Rinse and repeat, day in day out.

Today was different however, Today he had come to say goodbye. His mother had passed away recently, he no longer had any reason to stay here anymore. All his old friends had long left such a small town.

He was committed to starting a new life, away from all the painful memories and lingering regrets.

Saying goodbye to the old bridge was like saying goodbye to his old life, to everything he ever knew. He was scared and anxious but he knew he couldn't continue living like this.

His mother had urged him many times to go see the world and that she would be just fine by the time he got back. But, as time went on and his mother's condition worsened, it was easier to just stay and go through the motions.

As he gently petted the smooth stone railing in front of him, the growing lump in his throat signaled it was time to go. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve he turned away.

As he began walking a sudden cold breeze slammed into his back, chilling him to the bone despite the hoodies protection. Instinctively he turned around, only to stop dead in his tracks. Right in front of the stone railing, in the middle of the air, was a crack. The crack seemed to make the nearby air warp and vibrate rhythmically, almost like the crack itself were breathing. From the crack came a black wisp-like flame, it danced around tauntingly,matching the surrounding rhythm.

The man stared at the flame, captivated by both the beauty and impossibility of the situation. The more he stared at the flames the more clouded his thoughts became, all he could think about was grabbing the flame.

In a trance like state the man walked towards the railing, eyes fixed on the flame.

Once he got closer the crack seemed to move slightly further from the railing, causing the man to have to climb precariously onto the railing.

Despite his dangerous position the man didn't hesitate and continued reaching out his hand towards the flame. Inching closer and standing on his toes his hand was finally close enough to grasp the flame.

The black wisp perfectly reflected in the man's eyes as he ignored everything else and firmly grabbed the flame, breaking himself out of the trance.

In that same instance the crack, which had been completely calm, burst to life and began violently sucking the man into it.

Before the man could even scream he had been completely devoured, disappearing along with the crack. The stone bridge remained unchanged except for the two shoe marks on the railing which would be washed away by the rain come morning.