
Chapter 1

I looked around. I was no longer in the Black Bulls Hideout. It seemed I was in a palace. I was in an enormous room with pillars made of gold and encrusted with gems and large windows with velvet curtains. The floor was a mix of tile and marble. The room was dimly lit the sun leaking through the windows. In front of me was a giant staircase and at the top stood a tall, slim figure dressed in black, wearing a Golden Dawn robe.

"Yuno?" I asked, stepping forward. "Where are we?"

Yuno came down the colossal staircase and stood in front of me with a smile on his face. "Hello, Asta."

I blushed when he said my name. His voice was so soothing and gentle and calm. When he mentioned my name, it felt like I was being recognized by a god.

I pushed the thought away, hoping I would stop blushing, but I didn't. I looked into his bright yellow eyes. They were like magic crystals, the way they had me entranced. My already red cheeks became a deeper red as we continued to gaze into each other's eyes.

"Asta," Yuno began, breaking the silence, "have I ever told you how much you mean to me?" I shook my head, not taking my gaze away from his eyes. He closed his eyes and smiled, making me blush even more. He opened his eyes again and put his hands on my waist. "You mean more to me than you could ever know, Asta."

"Yuno, I--" Yuno put a finger to my lips, hushing me.

"Shh," he said, gently holding my face in his hands.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself understand what was happening. I tried closing my eyes and opening them again, but it never went away. I didn't know why, but I didn't want this to be happening. At least not like this. We were rivals and best friends. We weren't a couple. Right?

"Yuno, I don't want this." I took his hands away from me and stepped back. "This doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" Yuno stepped forward. "Asta, I love you."

For a reason I am unaware of, those words horrified me. I should have been overjoyed. I felt the same way and for so long, but I didn't want him to love me back.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "No, you can't. We can't be together." Saying this hurt me beyond words. I put my hand over my chest and gripped my shirt.

Yuno seemed confused. "But I know you love me too, Asta. We can be together!"

I could tell he was in denial. "Yuno," I said, coming closer to him and putting my hands on his shoulders. "Yuno, I know how you feel towards me, and it pains me greatly to say this, but..." I gritted my teeth. "Yuno, we can't." I stepped away from him and brought my arms to my sides. I felt a burning in my chest.

"Yes we can!" Yuno grabbed my shoulders and I looked up at him. He took my face in his hands once again. "We can be together, Asta. We're meant to be together. This is why we're here! This is why we're alive!" Yuno wrapped me in a tight embrace. "Asta, you make me happy. You make me feel a way which no one else has made me feel." He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away from him. He held my head in his hands and pulled me in. "Asta, I love you." He pulled me even closer and pressed his lips against mine, forcing a kiss.

I hesitated before kissing back. I wasn't sure about how I felt anymore. I was...scared. No, I was terrified. I didn't want this, yet my body was urging me to give in. To give in to this feeling that I had for Yuno. To give in to the feeling that Yuno and I shared for each other. My mind and heart fought over control of my actions. I was frozen with only two things being said to me.

"Let him in.

"Don't let him get in the way."

In a panic, I pushed Yuno away and hollered out, as if in pain.