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[Hello Host]


Marcus woke up to the soothing voice of a woman, which didn't really surprise him since he could already guess that it was his system from the 'Host' part

Marcus- Hello system, would you mind telling what you can do?

[No problem, first of all, I am the deed system you will gain experience points for every deed you do that will go towards, Evil or Good. Since Host has just arrived he will be able to choose a new name for this world, I would advise Host to do that now.

Marcus- Hmm, a name I really liked Sachi from Tog name, yeah Sachi Faker(I really liked the name fufufufuFuFuFuFu).

[Is host sure?]

Marcus- Yes

[Host name Is now 'Sachi Faker'. Now there's a [Status] menu, [Inventory], [Quest], and [Skills]. Will the host be aligned with Good or Evil? If Host decides to align with good you will be born as a human, if Host decides to align with evil he will be born as a monster. The host can change his alignment, but it will reset his level, stats, and skills.] (Wow, that was a lot of information and I'm not even done, but we will save it for a later date.)

Sachi- Wow, that's a lot of information. Can you tell me which is stronger?

[The monster form is far stronger than the human form, but with the system, you can still reach the apex of this world as a human.]

Sachi- I wonder how strong the monster is if even the human form can't beat it. Can you tell me what monster I'll be?

[I can only tell you if you choose to be aligned with Evil]

Sachi let out a small sigh

Sachi - I never liked villains in anime, and the system said I can still be the strongest in thes world as a human, so why not? It's not like I'll be going to another world. (The reason was pretty dumb but I have my plans, and foreshadowing? )

Sachi- I choose to be aligned with good.

[Done. The host is an abandoned child dropped off in front of an orphanage, with only a card with his name written on it attached to him ]

Sachi- Well that's just great. System show me my stats


Name: Sachi Faker

Age: 3 days old

Level: 1

Exp 0/5



Str: 1

Agi: 1



Sachi-I guess my stats are average for a 3-day old baby, my mana seems to be unusually high though, but I won't question it. Do I get a starter pack?

[Yes, the starter pack contains an active or passive skill, would host like to the starter pack?]

Sachi-Oh nice! I didn't think I would get one, yes, I would like to open it!

[Please wait for a moment]

While Sachi was sitting there he noticed he never really looked around at the orphanage. From what he could see, It was a nice place, kids running around, adults cooking and watching over the younger children, such as his self. As he was looking around for a little bit more he heard the system speak to him.

[Host has received Double XP, whenever host kills a monster, does quest, he gets double XP, this passive skill will be the Skills Menu]

Sachi- Damn, that's pretty cliche, but still OP as F*ck, no wonder the system said it will be easy to level up. I really need to start training but I'm still too young.

Sachi- Well then I guess all I can do is wait.

I'm doing a time skip I don't want to explain everything that happens to him as a child...fufufufuFuFuFuFu

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