
The death game

It was a summer day when this living nightmare started

To be specific, the last day of my third year in high school.

Killing is all about neatness and efficiency. Seek every opportunity to catch your target off guard and remember to always strike first. Always try to kill your prey with one move. You can forget about having a moral code and rules, living as long as you can is the only criteria you need to to survive.

That's the only lesson I've learnt from this hellhole.

All I had ever known was happiness, love and joy. All I know now is death, despair and murder.

And it's all because of some twisted slave owner's idea of fun. Where 104 people enter and 4 people come out alive

Chapter 1 -The beginning of the end

The day began as any normal day would, I didn't think much of it. But as I was approaching the school I began to feel an uneasy feeling. Something wasn't quite right but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I was in Mr Dickinson's english class, he was my absolute favourite. Mr Dickinson was a forty year old teacher, obsessed with horseracing and Shakespeare. He was an odd fellow although a cool teacher overall.

Btw my name is Alex and this is the story of how my summer went.

I looked across the room at my friend Martin, and we both grinned widely. We were both really excited for the upcoming summer holidays.

It was the last day of school so everyone's minds were preoccupied. Most people's heads were up in the clouds day dreaming of whatever they had plans for so nobody was really paying attention to Mr Dickinson's lecture.

Finally the bell rang. Shouts of joy flooded the classroom and the hallways echoed with the sound of the doors being thrown open. Amid all the joyful chatting and chaos, Martin and I stood away and checked the bus timetable on a phone app.

As we were walking to the nearest bus stop I felt someone come up behind me. I panicked ,a bag was placed on my head. My field of vision was blocked and a million thoughts rushed into my head"What the hell is happening!?" Where are they taking me? Are they planning to kill me? Did they take Martin as well?

I could feel myself being jolted into the back of a van, minutes later a sickly smelling gas filled the air .The air seemed to be limiting my movements. I could feel myself losing consciousness and eventually I passed out. An unknown amount of time later I regained consciousness and found myself in what seemed to be an underground dungeon. It had about 100 or something people if I had to take a guess. The funny thing is they all seem to be around my age.

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