


I sighed as I took off my apron, taking my hair out of its bun. "Mr. Calin! I'm going home now!" I yelled, watching the 70-year-old man waddle out of the kitchen.

"Now you miss, you deserve a little present." He smiled happily as he held a box in the air.

I smiled happily, going over to him, gently taking the box. "Thank you Mr. Calin." I hold the box close, looking at him. "Want me to close up?"

"No sweetheart, I've got it. You gon and head home!" He said, shooing me away.

I blinked, nodding quickly. "Just be careful, and make sure Ellie picks you up on time this time."

I smiled as he nodded, turning to walk out before running into someone. I blinked, slowly looking up at the person, my eyes wide.

"Hey... Is the cafe still open-?" The man looked down at me.

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out.

"Oh-! You young man! I ain't afraid of you!" Mr. Calin yelled with a spatula in his hand, waving it at him.

The man chuckled, walking over to the counter. "Two red velvet cupcakes and a coffee, extra sugar."

Calin huffed, getting the things for him.

The man looked at me, a smirk on his lips, his eyes red.

I blinked rapidly, shaking my head, his eyes back to normal.

You're hallucinating now Lynna, you need sleep.

I gulped as I looked at the two. "I-Ill get going, Bye Mr. Calin!" I quickly waved, running out of the cafe.


I sighed looking in the mirror after I stepped out of the shower, humming.

Shall i introduce myself?

I'm Lynna Alaban. Just your typical cafe worker and gamer.

"Oh come on!" I yelled as I heard a knock at the door, running to it. "For the last time, stop trying to sell girl scout cookies this late!" I opened the door, slowly looking up.

"Your boss said to give you this.." The man held up my phone.

I blinked, staring at him, quickly taking my phone, holding my towel close to my body. "T-Thanks.."

I felt his eyes wander down my body, causing my body to become tense.

Kick him out Lynna!

I gulped, looking at him. "Excuse me... Is there something you need?"

He smirked, looking at me. "What's an angel like you doing in this part of town?"


"Oh... So you don't know.." He leaned forward, lowering down to me. "You'd better hope God has plans to save you."



"I'm back!" I yelled as I closed the door to the mansion.

"Took you long enough Hades." Reah, one of my best friends, said. She smiled as she walked down the stairs with Rhiden, my other best friend.

"We have drinks!" He smiled, dragging the two of us to the dining room. "Where were you?"

"Cafe. I met an angel there." I said, popping open a bottle of champagne. "But she doesn't know what she is."

"An angel? I thought they stopped coming here after realizing us demons are clearly superior~" Rhiden cooed, Reah smacking his arm.

"Maybe someone sent her to spy on us. It's been a long time since we've killed an angel..."

"It's going to be difficult though. She has an emotional barrier like the other few did." I said, pouring the bubbly drink into three glasses.

"How about we have a little fun with that then~?" Reah suggested, me and Rhiden smirking to each other.

"Let's see how long it takes for her to fall in love with you." She smiled, looking at me.

"Sounds like a plan..." I hummed, taking her hand, kissing the back of it.

She giggled quietly, slowly standing, the two of us going over to the empty floor, Rhiden turning on some jazz music, the two of us dancing in Unison.

"I can't wait to see bloody feathers all over again..~" She hummed, looking at me with red eyes.

"We can make another rug out of the angel's feathers." I smiled, Rhiden snatching her to dance with her.

"But how exactly will this work?" He asked, looking at us.

"Simple," I said, "I use what I'm best at doing." I smirked as I took a sip from the champagne.

"No one can resist the devil's charms."