
A Shattered Normalcy

Life Is a lonesome place, filled with numerous random paths and all these different stories. Life is decorated with joy, happiness, and love punctuated with misery, failure, and chaos. From infancy to adulthood.

Life has a sound. A sound you can only hear when alone. A dim sound of life just moving on, until the big storm arrives.

A disaster that will shatter the normalcy and disturb the peace. It all began on a morning, identified by the media as the red morning. A mysterious, awkwardly beautiful, and dazzling red and yellowish light projected from the sun. It was brighter than ever. Visible to every human on the surface of the Earth. Doom is coming. For an entire year since, the sun was never the same, and humans weren't too. Some of them were scared, some not minding it. Nonetheless, the glaring sun was always there.

The year passes and scientists still haven't dug up the mystery. For a full year, they were buckling down with no results, no explanations to what the world is witnessing. People got used to it. We were little by little getting back to normalcy, but a year was enough for the sun to give us signs of what's coming. Wildfires, children incapacities, cryptic deaths, and redefined year seasons.

All early results of an end on the horizon. The sun, however, isn't the only thing causing harm. Humans were too. The anarchists seizing the opportunity of a chaotic world to cause even more chaos, and cast terror in the hearts of the living. Suicidal rates have skyrocketed. It's a global mess. For the next half of the year, bizarre cases of people inexplicably getting sick were on an all-time high. So authorities were forced to place countries under total lockdown.

People were only allowed to go out at night, and get what they need since it's less harmful then. So it stayed like that for a while, the night woke up and the day slept.

No more buses or any kind of transportations, schools were closed, and the market has fallen. The next half of the year wasn't the same, people couldn't handle going out at night. And as a result, people didn't abide by the rules, and authorities failed to contain the situation. Schools were reopened, and life was going on. Unfortunate news, reports claimed space stations lost contact with astronauts, which led to speculation that they died. Some satellites were left uncontrolled, and communication was partially lost.

Edwin Franz was the first scientist to dig up the mystery and reveal what is wrong with the sun. Unevenly the announcement wasn't made public and only major scientists around the world knew about it. In the words of Edwin Franz, " I'll keep it plain and simple. In three months, there will be no one left. "

Edwin dropped a bombshell. And his words left everyone's ear ringing. It's a certain death sentence. Edwin Franz cognized that a solar wind, highly energetic, will undoubtedly decimate every single thing exposed and everyone will be burnt to death.