
Chapter 1

"In retrospect, the depression of the 1930s and world war II occasioned...

"I wanna sleep, this shit is so tiring" Tessy my best friend murmured against me.

"You ain't alone girlfriend, am bored stiff"

This gotta be the worst class ever.

The professor is one hell of a man. He can turn your blast day to ruin if you attend his class.

"Your test is coming up in our next class, y'all has been grouped into 8, you're gonna present what we've been doing...


I haven't learnt a thing!

I ain't one for group shits, yeah I know I need it for my grades but I just love doing things on my own though I wouldn't mind if am in the same group with Tessy.

"We're done here but when you walk through that door, check up your names and good luck" he announced.

Whatever brought me here, I should have stayed home.

I stood and waited for Tessy to do same but she just sat their like she was lost in a desert.

"Come on girlfriend, let's go"

"Shit!" She cursed as she stood.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched. If there's anything I hated it's someone  touching me unexpectedly.

I turned and it was Chris the tech wizard.

He has a big crush on me or so he claims.

"What's up pretty?"

Am gonna act nice at least for today.

"Chris" I called flashing my teeth, more like a smile.

Maybe he can tell it's fake but I don't care.

"Theresa, hi" he says with a slight wave of his hand"

"Hi Chris!" She squeals.

Tessy likes Chris and I've tried a few times to get them together but that hasn't worked out yet.

If only they'd be together, that would be great, more like redemption for me.

Don't get me wrong he's got a cute face, he's smart and a genius in tech so he isn't bad but am just not out for love or a pathetic romantic journey.

"Pretty, we're in the same group, group 3 and since you've been head bent on avoiding me and acting like I don't exist, I just hope you wouldn't abandon the group"

What? How the hell did he know we're in the same group?

The group shit was announced just minutes ago!

"I hope you would be showing up at our meetings?" He continued with a smug smile on his face, a smile I feel like knocking off.

I forgot my resolution to be nice and flared...

"I ain't gonna miss shit and even if I do, it's never gonna be because of you" I said and started out and Tessy followed.

Chris sure knows how to piss me off.

I check out the lists and out of the rotten lucks in the world, am in group 3 and what's more? Tessy isn't here, just perfect!

Stuck in a group with Chris?


I was pissed, Jesus, I was mad!

Tessy is in group 6.

She has no issues with that, she is lucky.

We are walking home cause we live together.

We've been friends since fourth grade.

It would have been easier if we were driving but we don't have a car.

I did have a car but I sold it out, I had debts to pay.

Yeah, my little ass is in debts, debts incurred by my father who's gone, leaving me with Mom and Grandma.

Dad had a business that started off well but became shaken with the times.

He went into gambling and even when The Simpsons empire offered a merging, he gambled and lost it.

Growing up, I saw my parents argue often times about money and most times about dad's gambling, mom always said he'd get us into trouble. She sure as hell was right cause currently, we're neck deep in trouble.

Dad owed allot of people before his death.

Mom and I paid off a few but the debts remained.

We're still owing the bank and The Simpsons but what we owe the bank is nothing compared to what we owe the Simpsons so we're at the verge of loosing everything we have and we don't have much.

Now, am combining college with 2 jobs though they ain't paying much, just enough to keep the apartment running, get basic stuffs and send a token to my family.

I have to raise money and fast too and as much as I hate to say it, am running out of options.

Next chapter