
Chapter 5: Goddess

Looking at the pure white world surrounding him, Grim Looked around the place while Standing up from the ground Grim Saw a figure about 200 m Away from him, Waving his hand at the Silhouette

Seeing the Mortal inside his domain the silhouette floated towards him, Looking at the features of the silhouette, the silhouette had black hair reaching to its back and wearing a wearing a white tunic

but Grim can't seem to see the silhouette's face, To his surprise the silhouette is already in front of him staring at him with an eye's of curiosity, Ignoring her disturbing stare his Cold eye's looked at the face of the Person in front of him

Looking at it again he saw her eye's inside her iris is like the whole universe it self and now the structure of her face, He Thought to him that this Girl in front of him is the most beautiful in the whole world if you put in human standards, Still having a poker face Grim Finally asked a question

at the presume of a Goddess

"Excuse me Miss, May i ask you one single thing?" Grim said to The Goddess while still having his poker face, Hearing his words the Goddess Laughed at Grim

"HaAHaHAHAHA!!!" Holding her tummy for a few seconds the Goddess wiped her joyful tears

Seeing this, Grim's Face Darkened like someone has seen there deepest darkest Secret, Looking at the Goddess again he saw her not in front of him anymore, Finding where she went, He saw something that he should have never seen

*Puking Sounds*

Wasting his lunch, He looking at person in front of him again, Grim Started to puke again

*More Puking Sounds* (A/N: I literally Puked my Lunch out just imagining that Picture)

Looking at his puke right now turned into rainbows every time he recalled that person

seeing the prank that she had caused the Goddess took pity of Grim and removed the Terrifying illusion that is almost traumatizing Grim from the illusion seeing that the person is no longer that person he took a step back from fear while wiping his face of the remaining products of continuous


"So you finally know the answer right?" The Goddess said to Grim thinking that Grim already knows what is going to happen

*Slowly nodding*

Grim Looked at The Goddess in front of him with Cold Eye's, Ignoring Grim's Stare the Goddess continued to say

"Well you see you killed my Host, To The rule's of The God's i cannot kill you or even harm you, So i was Thinking of maybe letting you be my New Host" The Goddess said to Grim while blushing and touching her index fingers together repeatedly

Seeing this Grim still having a Poker face to The Goddess cute act, Brain Storming for a few Minutes

Grim agreed to The Goddess's Terms

Hearing this The Goddess made a smug, Seeing her Smug Grim Felt something was off

*Vision Blackening, Hearing Voices, Painful Head Ache*

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