
Day 7 of the apocalypse

Liv's pov

' ' (yawns) What is this oh it's the trap I was supposed to help John finish with. all I can remember was that we were half way done and then total darkness, did I fall asleep while we were working on the trap' '

" mmmhh "( snoring sounds)

' maby I should make him breakfast ooh I can make us pancakes. Now let's see I need two eggs 1 and 1/2 cups flour. '

~~~~~~~~ a few moments later ~~~~~~~

' All done I do hope he likes it, hey John good morning '

" Hey Liv (yawn)and good morning to you too"

' (gigging) did you sleep well '

" Yes actually I did thank you, did you sleep well"

' Oh like a baby uh I made you pancakes for breakfast hope you like it '

"Wait did you say pancakes oh I love pancakes thanks Liv your the best. I finally finished with the trap and the cameras are connected to my computer and are ready to go on the walls so now we can see when zombies come or if our parents are coming"

' When should we get started on attaching the cameras to the walls and where exactly do you want the trap to go '

" The trap should go by the main entrance and the cameras are ready so we can go and put them all around the house "

' Where exactly by the main entrance should the trap go because the house and the entrance or where the entrance starts is about six and a half meters apart '

" Exactly that would give us the time and opportunity to prepare ourselves to fight and protect ourselves "

' That is smart thinking, you took the problem and whent five steps forward thinking of a scenario of what would happen and how to prevent it. Wow that's amazing your very smart '

(jetery sounds, door nob turning and sounds of scratching on the door)

" thannnk you uhh Liv did you hear that "

' Yeah I heard that, wait do you think maby that was a zombie '

" Well I don't hear any grunts or growling so I mean maby there is a possibility that the zombie can't make a sound but it will all depend on if that person was verbally disabled that technically it would be the same for the zombie right.)

' uh sure uh ,maby it's a cat or a tree or maby it is the wind '

" I doubt that the wind would make that kind of noise and cats don't normally scratch the door nob unless they can reach it "

' Than what do you think made that noise '

( fidgeting sounds, soft whispers)

( ( suddenly the door opens) )

John's mom

' Honey what are we going to do, we searched the entire school and John's favourite places where he goes to write but still no sign of him'

John's Dad

' My love we will find him I promise you that '

" Wait Mom, Dad is that you"

' John we are so glad your save where were you mister we have been looking all over for you '

"You guys didn't answer my calls I thought something happened to you so Liv and I waited for you guys for 6 hours and I called you 16 times still no answer so Liv and I decided to walk home and we made it safely it's been 6 days since I have seen you and 4 days of calling but no response "

John's Mom

' Oh sweetie I so sorry I lost my phone one of those people took my phone was trying to bite me '

" Dit the zombie bite you mom"

' why are you calling her a zombie I thought I thought you better than that. You can't just go ahead and call people zombies '

[ " no mom \ miss Lewis those people are zombies the bomb that whent of created living matter into half dead matter or something like that]

(a few hours whent by Liv and John explained everything that happened to everyone and what they have been doing as well as what they created, they told John 's parents about the zombies they fought and why Liv's parents couldn't come and pick her up at school)

John' s parents

' wait so the school or a teacher didn't help you go home safely. They just let you leave school grounds. '

" Yes mom, dad they let us walk home but we made it and we are safe'

' I am going to call your school and have a talk with your teachers, who would let children walk home alone when zombies roam the streets '

"Momm please don't we are fine as you can see we made it out safely no need to call the school "

' no who would let children walk into the streets alone when there's zombies '

" mom look we are fine I promise nothing happend we are save now "

' still I am going to call the school. What-what if you got bitten or scratched or worse killed oh oh noooooo what if my baby got hurt oooh oo '

" (Sigh) mom please don't start crying I already told you I am fine see no scratches no bite markes and I am alive and so is Liv "

' But what if.. '

" no no what if' S mom we are fine "

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