
Day 4 of the apocalypse

John's pov

' ' Just one more day until I get to go back home I'm so worried about my parents are they okay I haven't heard from them yesterday and they are supposed to come and pick us up today, she didn't answer yesterday hope she's alright . ' '

"Hey John is your parents coming "

well they should of been here already, maby they are just a bit late guess we'll have to wait for a few minutes.

" No problem maby we can talk about uhm what music do you like "

well I like classical music and pop how about you.

" Really that's cool I like pop and hip hop why, don't you sing the song you sing the most "

Only if you sing yours too


~~~~~~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Liv 's pov

Hey uh John shouldn't your parents be here it's been 3 hours

"Ya now that you mentioned that something is wrong well we could try to walk to my house it's only 10 minutes from here if we walk"

But what about the zombies out there aren't they going to eat or kill us

"Don't worry I have 3 cans of pepper spray and I won't let anything happen to you I promise "

Do you think the pepper spray will work on them

" I really hope so "

Okay, do you promise that nothing will happen to us

" I will try my best to get us to safety "

John's pov

' ' I could see that Liv was very afraid to go outside but we need to get some place save and I will not fail to do so. ' '

You ready to go

" Ya ready as I'll ever be I guess."

Don't worry I won't leave you and I won't let anything happen to you. I made a promise to you that I will protect you and I'm not breaking that promise.

"Wait ! Do you have a key for your house or key to get in "

Yes I have a key for the gate, front door, back door the garage and my room so don't worry we'll be fine

" Lead the way John "

' ' As we were walking I noticed that there were no zombies near but I kept the Peper spray in my hands just in case one just appears.' '

" Are we almost there "

Yes just one more Street to cross than we are going to take a left and there we are.

' ' Liv kept on holding on to my arm shaking in fear I told her that she is doing great and 3 minutes later we arrived at my house save and sound.' '

" John were are your parents I thought they might be here"

I'm not sure but their car is still here wait let me check. MOM,DAD ARE YOU Here, strange

~~~~~~~~~~ 3 HOURS LATER~~~~~~~~

John's pov

' ' I'm really Starting to get worried I called my parents a 16 times and they still did not awnser' '

uh Liv are you hungry I can cook us something to eat

"yes and thank you can I get some tea as well"

"Yes of course one teaspoon of sugar or two and do you want eggs and bacon or French toast and bacon

"(gigging) two sugars and bacon and eggs please"

a proper breakfast slash lunch for a proper lady.

"Thank you John for everything "

It's my pleasure when your done you can go and ly down on the sleeper couch and get some rest

" Today was a crazy day don't you agree

(yawns) "

Yes, yes it was (starts whispering) good night Liv

' ' When Liv fell asleep I started locking all the doors hoping no zombies would break in and eat us alive.' '

(yawns) I'm starting to get tired too (yawns) hmm

Just got to lock this door than I am done (sound of door locking)

(yawn) "good night Liv (yawns)

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