

(A/N: Two chapters of this today, sorry got caught up playing WoW and filling out applications. Also fogot to put up the Morningstar poll, I'll do that in the mornging.


Enjoy <3 )


Alistra sways to a side bringing her sword around as she sidesteps the Gargoyles strike. With a quick slice, she makes a small cut into the gargoyle's stone skin. The gargoyle doesn't pursue her retreat as it stays still letting its small wound slowly heals on its own.


From behind Siouxsie's blade hits Alistra, sending her flying against the wall again. "ON YOUR LEFT!" Siouxsie says with an insane grin.

"AH," Alistra yells as she slams hard against the wall caving in the skull of her beautiful face. She falls to the ground as decay magic gathers around hey dying her skin black.

She slowly stands up wobbly with no more light in her eyes. "That's not fair, she is already dead," Siouxsie says pointing her massive blade at the black-eyed Alistra.

Without missing a beat Alistra rushes at her with feral ferocity. Using her smaller claymore she swings wildly at Siouxsie who is forced to defend as she slowly backs up. The gargoyle rushes at her from behind with a claw slamming down but seemingly with eyes in the back of her head she dodges the attack.

Similar to my miasma, blight leaks off her and flows with her blade as she cuts the arm of the gargoyle. "RAHHH" The gargoyle reels back in pain as the blight infused cut ravages the inside of its body with the power of pestilence.

While it is still reeling in pain she raises her sword high and slashes at the beast's chest. The runed blade infused with pestilence leaves a disgusting black cut along the torso of the gargoyle as it falls on its back wailing.

Alistra's head snaps back to Siouxsie showing the initiates around the half caved in portion of her face. I can feel many of them shiver and take in gasps.

Siouxsie is smiling at the feral Alistra and reveals that she isn't holding her weapon. She points for the already gone Alistra to look behind her. Alistra looks behind her to see a geist swinging Siouxsie's sword at her.

Without even being able to defend herself Alistra's disfigured head flys clean off. Siouxsie grins as she grabs her sword from the geist and kneels in front of me.

I get up and stand above her on the edge of the pit "You will need to face Koltira next, but first would you like to be raised again as a perfect undead? It would reset your energy so your next fight would be fairer."

She looks up to me with a wide grin "I would."

"How would you like to die?" I ask nodding at her decision

She stands up with spread arms "Quick and painful." an insane grin spreads on her face.

'Why are they all weirdos?' I think to myself as I raise an arm towards her. Quickly from the ground, a large greatsword rises cutting her in half. Her blood and guts fall to the ground as the dead and still living gargoyles along with the geist disappear back to the Shadowlands.

Miasma quickly rushes out grabbing Alistra's and Siouxsie's bodies. The miasma covers them as their bodies reform, their bodies stand upright as their eyes open up once again. Alistra's beautiful face is fixed and her skin has turned a healthy tan similar to when she was alive.

They both drop to a knee once they regain full consciousness. Alistra doesn't lower her head instead glares at Siouxsie who is looking up at me with a small satisfied grin. I look over at Darion and gesture for him to continue.

He nods "Lady Siouxsie has won this fight." He looks at Koltira "You are up." Koltira nods as Alistra gets up and gives him a nod as they pass each other.

Siouxsie stands up with a happy swagger as she faces Koltira. "I have always thought you were arrogant, Koltira, looks like I finally get to show you who is stronger." She gives him a wink.

He rolls his eyes "Be quiet you sadistic Night Elf."

Her grin falls "You'll enjoy the pain by the time I'm done." She says with an eerie calmness.

"Enough," Darion speaks up. Koltira pulls out his large green and black runed blade. Siouxsie pulls out her glowing red sword with a small grin.

"BEGIN." They both launch forward as Their blades meet causing the ground to shake.

Siouxsie's grin drops as she looks at the blades to see Koltira's sword is cutting into her own. She quickly drops back kicking off Koltira as she does. She observes her sword to see Koltira is grinning at her.

He holds his blade high in the air as tendrils of death magic pull the dead from the beyond. "My blade is called Byfrost, it is the bridge between life and death. Let me show you." The few tendrils multiply as nearly thirty come out and ghouls, geists, skeletons, and wights all claw their way from the dead.

Siouxsie looks around at them with annoyance; she raises her off hand as four dark portals open behind her. Four gargoyles fly through instantly fighting the heavily outnumbered fight.

She rushes forward cutting down as many undead as she can before making it to Koltira.

He grins as he brings his sword down at her. She dodges rather than blocking and steps to the side. Koltira lets go with one hand, decay magic leaks from his free hand as he holds his hand out towards her.

A skull leaking of decay and death forms on his hand and launches at the women's one a few feet away. Like a trained acrobat she rolls back in a summersault dodging the skull launched at her. As her hands touch the ground, decay rots the stone, and hands of the dead begin reaching up.

The decay on the ground slowly spreads until Koltira is forced to stab his sword into the ground making his own corrupted foothold. He looks up at her with a small grin. He readies his sword and rushes at her once again avoiding the fighting undead surrounding them.

Siouxsie parries his sword over and over again forced onto the defensive. Her back nears closer and closer to the edge of the pit. With grit teeth she dodges forward sliding past Koltira who clicks his tongue.

"You are stronger than I remember." She says with an annoyed tone.

He shrugs "I feel better than ever actually. I should be mourning right now as we lost purpose only a few hours ago. But now? I could care less." She doesn't reply and only glares at him.

Seeing she won't answer he does a simple swing at her letting her parry. "You shouldn't put your back to the enemy by the way." She looks confused as she begins to turn but is grabbed from behind.


A geist that had snuck up behind her tears a chunk out of her shoulder with its sharp teeth. She quickly cuts off its head as she dodges a slash from Koltira who is smiling at her. She holds her wound as she turns to see her gargoyles are being forced into a corner.

She glares at Koltira as she holds up a hand causing tendrils of death magic to reach out, summoning a handful of zombies and wights.

Koltira's brows raise "You think that's enough?"

His words cause her to smirk "You forget, I'm a pact specialist." She sheaths her sword as she steps back and stretches her arms wide. Just like last time an invisible link of death magic connects her to all 10 of her summoned creatures.

The wights and zombies grow in size and as their flesh bubbles and forms into small behemoth type undead. The four gargoyles grow to half the size of the last one she pacted with and begin tearing through the undead Koltira raised.

A wry smile adorns his face "It appears I am in a bind." He holds out a hand as the decay on the ground begins to spread and lift from the ground like a fog. The undead behemoths that arm marching towards him slow down as they howl in pain.

Siouxsie seems unconcerned as the four giant gargoyles gather arcane energy in their claws. Koltira looks at them with a bit of concern as the bolts launch towards him at the same time. He quickly blocks the first two easily but his sword shatters upon the third and the fourth blows up his upper torso like a balloon.

Siouxsie sighs as she falls to a knee with heavy breath. All the undead vanish back into the land of the dead. She holds the wound on her shoulder but is surprised to see it quickly healing. She looks up to see me standing over her healing it with a small smile.

"You are now the Unholylord of the Dead Lords. Be proud." I give her a smile as she lowers her head.

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